Rent is skyrocketing in Vegas

Biff_Poindexter hhhahahahahahhah
....more people = higher prices and lower wages--this is BASIC economics ...But I know you people graduate at lower rates
here--Cali is the immigrant capital of the US--high prices and high poverty
...and these immigrants are mostly LESS educated = make less --I just met one on vacation working as a beach waiter


My crappy apartment ( with the bad carpet job ) was $1200-1300 a month back when I moved here in 2017 .
Now you won’t believe it !! It’s 2,400 or so

This is Vegas for gods sakes and 3/4 of the population here is dead broke

I am getting the carpet guys back in 2 weeks to fix the bedroom

Anyways , rent is skyrocketing all over Vegas as the entity city is flooded by LA
Nevada: East California.

The state has become California's dumping ground, and the desperate poor are Joading it there by the thousands weekly.

If the Democrats can't figure out a way to prevent the eviction riots they caused with their terrorist lockdowns, that entire city will be burned to the ground.
..illegals and immigration are partly to blame

The DemocraTaliban just greatly accelerated the eventual breakdown with their CovidScam terrorist lockdowns.

Vegas is in BIG trouble, and the Democrat leadership is struggling to keep a lid on it.
Are there lots of illegals in Vegas?
There are lots of illegals - and homeless - everywhere, including Vegas.

The city is likely to be the epicenter of the mass eviction riots, whenever they happen.
It's called gentrification or company towns...
That's only part of the problem.

The Democrats have wrecked the country with their terrorism and CovidScam, but Vegas will be the leading edge of the national collapse.

Grapes of Wrath stuff, as Nevada has become California's dumping ground.
That's only part of the problem.

The Democrats have wrecked the country with their terrorism and CovidScam, but Vegas will be the leading edge of the national collapse.

Grapes of Wrath stuff, as Nevada has become California's dumping ground.

Do you really believe Covid was a scam?

Vegas is a horrible place to begin with.
would you quit exaggerating about this city...geezus you are so full of shit....
He's full of prophecy; Vegas is the perfect storm of Democrat destruction.

Few new housing units being built, mass unemployment, half the city behind on rent, people pouring in from California, homelessness exploding, the biggest rent increases in the entire country, no affordable housing anywhere.

Raisin in the sun.

The DemocraTaliban just greatly accelerated the eventual breakdown with their CovidScam terrorist lockdowns.

Vegas is in BIG trouble, and the Democrat leadership is struggling to keep a lid on it.

The Taliban are uneducated, ultra-religious war orphans.. They have NOTHING to do with Democrats or liberals in any way, shape or form. Poor analogy.
Largely to blame....Vegas was bad when I lived there in the nineties but was far far worse when I last visited it a decade ago. I couldn't imagine it now.
Yeah - it's a dumping ground for radioactive waste & California's poor.

It's going to hit the fan.
How are illegals able to pay for this high rent??

Are they just more financially successful than "real Americans" living there?

That would be odd however since I am always hearing that illegals are poor, lazy, filthy, blah blah -- but now these same folks are increasing the property value?
High rent is paid by illegals in the same way it's paid by the poor - pack more people into ever fewer housing units.
and that drives up property value how??
Two different but intertwined markets.

House prices are skyrocketing which puts more pressure on rental housing as few new units built (none affordable) & poor people stream in from California.

The perfect firestorm.
and that drives up property value how??

I thought the claim was "don't let those brown filthy animals move into our neighborhoods because it would drive down our property value"
No one's saying that but you.

Your honesty is appreciated. :)
High rent is paid by illegals in the same way it's paid by the poor - pack more people into ever fewer housing units.

Rents went up because of the influx of people from California. Its simple supply and demand.
I have a friend in Vegas who owns a few apartment buildings in good locations, and his rentals are no where near that high. If your rent has doubled in 4 years, why not buy something and build some equity?
Housing has been snapped up so fast & at such high prices in Vegas that most regular folks are priced out, putting more pressure on rental housing just as half of tenants haven't been able to pay rent due to the Democrat CovidScam Lockdowns.

Fewer units, people pouring in, landlords desperate to make up their losses.

An utter Democrat-created shitstorm.
Same every ain't special, hun.
It's worse in Vegas than anywhere else between the Democrat CovidScam Lockdowns & the poor streaming in from everywhere.

Highest rent increases in the entire country.

So yeah, his situation IS especially bad.


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