Remember the liberal spin just a week ago?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I do. If the gop wins the Senate, which many here said was not gonna happen, it wouldn't matter cause the left was gonna win the governorships & many House seats.

I take a lot of satisfaction in the fact that they were drastically wrong.

Now they're saying we have to compromise with Obama. Well fuck that. The house ran on opposing him last election and were rewarded with the house. This election comes & were they punished for that? Hell no, they were rewarded with more seats.

Congress needs to pass legislation good for the country, Obama be damned. Fuck him & his agenda.

Common sense immigration
Repatriation for profits held offshore
Dramatically lower corporate taxes
Defund ObamaCare
Reject ALL of his appointments
Repeal all harmful epa acts
Investigate the AG office
Taxpayer reforms
Create a national work for welfare program
Pass a balanced budget
Ignore the diversionary social issues
Create a new program at the SBA for first time LEGIT business start ups. No bullshit liberal nonsense but REAL businesses.

Lets get this economy rolling
Oh don't forget some of the democrats serious issues, like the GOP Will bring back the Klan.....Democrats are so stupid.....but I hope they do everything you listed....which is far more than Harry Reid has done while he was in the senate.

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