Remember the left claiming the Egyptian revolt was a good thing?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
While the right warned of possible terrible outcomes?

Now the Egyptian army is killing Christians in mass. Even running them down in the streets with military vehicles. Killing the very people that supported them during the revolt.

Bandwagon mentality really makes you guys look foolish in the end. Occupy anyone?

Anyhow, I've gotta get in the store to meet a client so ill check in later.
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What, is everyone ignoring this? It's not like it isn't recent. I can see the parallel to todays protesters in the fact that the left instantly latched onto what could be another explosive situation.
What, is everyone ignoring this? It's not like it isn't recent. I can see the parallel to todays protesters in the fact that the left instantly latched onto what could be another explosive situation.

people ignore it, because blanket statements about some nebulous "left" are silly.

i'd say you probably think i'm "left" on most issues. and i can promise you, i never thought it was good. mubarak was a creep, but he was our creep.
The left supports killing Christians! Why do you think the left idolizes and romanicizes the French Revolution so much.
Egypt to Obama is what Iran was to Carter. The muslim brother hood is likely to get into power there now. Mubarak kept the peace for 30 plus years in the area and was our friend...We fucked him over...Watch for a much more unstable middle east; because of this, as you don't remove friends that make a area stable as Obama did...It is not wise.
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What, is everyone ignoring this? It's not like it isn't recent. I can see the parallel to todays protesters in the fact that the left instantly latched onto what could be another explosive situation.

people ignore it, because blanket statements about some nebulous "left" are silly.

i'd say you probably think i'm "left" on most issues. and i can promise you, i never thought it was good. mubarak was a creep, but he was our creep.

Of couse, you are correct in your analysis of Egypt...but Gramps is correct...there were folks on the Left jumping on the Tahir Square bandwagon....

Ms. Truthie was so happy about 'democracy coming to Egypt.' And there were others who suggested that she put the breaks on.

Overall, though, it was the Left who cheered, believing, I guess, that it was support for President Obama, who threw Mubarak 'under the bus.'

"It appears everyone, from both sides of the aisle, is praising our president for the way he handled the events of the first geo-political crisis he has faced since occupying the White House.

Egypt is now "free" and Mr. Obama will not cease in taking credit for being a large part of the "history unfolding before us." I only hope he doesn't live to regret what he took a bow for.

The perceived victory Mr. Obama has achieved is no surprise. It came by employing a political strategy he has used over and over again. It's the same one he used to secure his presidency. He has just tweaked it a bit to work in a diplomatic way in Egypt.

He threw someone under the bus."

Read more: Obama throws another one under the bus Obama throws another one under the bus
While the right warned of possible terrible outcomes?

Now the Egyptian army is killing Christians in mass. Even running them down in the streets with military vehicles. Killing the very people that supported them during the revolt.

Bandwagon mentality really makes you guys look foolish in the end. Occupy anyone?

Anyhow, I've gotta get in the store to meet a client so ill check in later.
Within less than a century of gaining their independence, Americans were engaged in a Civil War!

According to "Grampa Murked U's" logic, support of the American Revolution should be condemned as a "Bandwagon mentality" in which the Founding Fathers were made to "look foolish in the end."
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While the right warned of possible terrible outcomes?

Now the Egyptian army is killing Christians in mass. Even running them down in the streets with military vehicles. Killing the very people that supported them during the revolt.

Bandwagon mentality really makes you guys look foolish in the end. Occupy anyone?

Anyhow, I've gotta get in the store to meet a client so ill check in later.
Within less than a century of gaining their independence, Americans were engaged in a Civil War!

According to "Grampa Murked U's" logic, support of the American Revolution should be condemned as a "Bandwagon mentality" in which the Founding Fathers were made to "look foolish in the end."

Nice projection. I was unaware our founding fathers were fighting against people who like to blow themselves and innocent people up. Slight difference in desired outcomes.

Grampa's logic says you should fully understand the people and the actions they intend to persue before looking like a fool and siding with terrorists just to gain political points in the short term.

The left latched on to Obama and got failure, Healthcare and got trounced in the midterms, Arab uprising and now innocents are being slaughtered, protesters in Wisconsin and lost the recall effort, a "jobs bill" that is doa, disgusting low life protesters with a sketchy outcome, etc...

I give you facts of mass sheep mentality and you give me projection.
Egypt finds Mubaraks' money stash...
Mubarak sons 'have $340m in Swiss bank accounts'
Monday 17 October 2011 - Swiss authorities said to be investigating whether ousted dictator's eldest son, Alaa, was involved in money laundering
The two sons of the ousted Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, have an estimated $340m (£215m) in Swiss bank accounts, a senior Egyptian justice ministry official has said. Assem al-Gohary said Swiss authorities were investigating whether one of the sons, Alaa, was involved in money laundering along with other former regime figures. At home, Mubarak and his sons have been charged with corruption and all three are under arrest. Mubarak is also charged with complicity in the killing of about 850 protesters during the Egyptian uprising between 25 January and 11 February.

Switzerland has already frozen the assets of the Mubarak family and other former regime figures, which Gohary estimated at nearly $450m. He added that most of those assets belonged to the sons. Egypt's attorney general froze the assets of the former presidential family on 20 February after the 18-day uprising that ousted Mubarak. Mubarak's youngest son and one-time heir apparent, Gamal, 47, rose rapidly through the ranks of his father's ruling National Democratic party over the past decade to become the country's most powerful politician.

The wealth of 49-year-old Alaa has been the subject of much speculation since well before the political rise of his younger brother. There are allegations that he used his status to muscle in on profitable enterprises, taking a cut of profits without contributing to the funds invested or work done. Gohary also said that the wealth of Mubarak's top associate, the tycoon Hussein Salem, and his family exceeded $4bn. He added that Salem and his family had transferred funds overseas in the past six months. "They transferred assets into cash and deposited it in secret accounts in banks in islands overseas, Hong Kong and United Arab Emirates," Gohary said in a statement.

The 77-year-old Salem is co-defendant in the Mubarak corruption trial and faces charges in relation to lucrative land and other deals, including exporting gas to Israel. He is also under arrest. He and his son were arrested in a wealthy Madrid suburb in June and Spain said it had frozen €33m (£29m) in accounts held by Salem and his relatives. Upon his arrest, Salem, one of the most secretive businessmen in Egypt, appeared before two judges: one handling the Spanish money-laundering probe and another dealing with the international warrant under which Salem was arrested at the request of Egypt.

And what makes you think those who actually supported turning Egypt over to these people are upset that Christians are being murdered?
Anyone remember how Bush and the right touted beinging democracy to the middle east?
The democratic elections that brought Hamas to power?
And Bush's sudden about face.

The right wingers even used beinging democracy to Iraq as one of their final reasons for invading and occupying that country.
So to say the left was pushing democracy in the ME is deceptive at the very best.
The left supports killing Christians! Why do you think the left idolizes and romanicizes the French Revolution so much.

The left supports killing Christians?

The French Revolution was about killing Chritians?

Just for you:
[ame=]Sam Cooke - Wonderful World - YouTube[/ame]

And what makes you think those who actually supported turning Egypt over to these people are upset that Christians are being murdered?

I assume they're like me and were both hoping for Mubarak's fall and greatly upset at their fellow Christians being killed.

Still, Egypt's violence has gone far beyond Muslim-Christian right now.
Democracy in Egypt had implicit that the majority of muslims would be allowed to do what Mubarak would not let them do. That is slaughter the copts. This is what democracy meant to them. As it meant in Tunisia as it meant in the past in Lebanon.

The American left and fundamentalist muslims have much in common.
Egypt to Obama is what Iran was to Carter. The muslim brother hood is likely to get into power there now. Mubarak kept the peace for 30 plus years in the area and was our friend...We fucked him over...Watch for a much more unstable middle east; because of this, as you don't remove friends that make a area stable as Obama did...It is not wise.

There's no evidence thus far that the military will even relinquish power. Also, the Muslim Brotherhood is (1) not as bad as Khomeini and (2) not one of the leaders of the movement that took down Mubarak. In those two ways, the situation is not comparable. If Egypt's military ever allows elections, the Muslim Brotherhood's candidates are not the frontrunners yet.
We had ample reasons to invade Iraq. The least of which were the 19 separate cease fire resolutions that were violated. Democracy could be a byproduct of the invasion not a reason for it.

Egypt did not pose a threat nor violate any agreements with us.
Why does the Right keeping bitching about Egypt but won't tell us what WE should have done?

We shouldn't do anything. And that includes lending blind support to a group with unknown motives. It's that simple. And any similarities to historical events should have been enough to teach us a lesson.

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