Remember the 1980's?

Do you miss me now?

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    Votes: 13 68.4%
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    Votes: 6 31.6%

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Reagan is the right's answer to FDR. Both were terrible presidents in my estimation.
Best thing about the 80's
This is why they have to distort them so often.

The ten facts I offered up have not been disproven. Still waiting on that.

Many taxes were lowered in his administration.
He armed enemies of our enemies
He eliminated many regulations
He supported constructive engagement in S.Africa, which would probably have led to a more stable post apartheid regime than now
Iran Contra helped defeat the Sandinistas
He rightly opposed making a special day for the greatest advocate of black self help a holiday where no one works or goes to school.

Your list is typically selective and uneximaned. I suppose you'd rather have Carter with his 18% interest rates and 15% inflation and Desert One.
The only person they hate more that Reagan is Sarah Palin.

I don't think its hate. Its more curiousity.

Reagan is held up as some kind of Conservative God. If you don't buy that, listen to Hannity's show and you'll hear Reagan clips played there all the time like a Gospel reading at church on Sunday. Anyone remember Heritage's "What Would Reagan Do?" ads?

There's a lot of revisionist history about Reagan that seems meant to purge out all but the most Conservative things Reagan did. Forget record deficits, forget Iran Contra, forget Amnesty, forget the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, etc. Lets focus on the tax cuts!

Reagan was a good President. However, the Modern Conservative Movement's saintification of Reagan exposes their hypocrisy and love of revisionist history. If a moderate governor from a liberal state ran today on the same platforms that Reagan ran on in the 1980's, he'd be lucky of the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck didn't tear him up and spit him out.
Don't know where you get your facts from but I worked through the 1980's. Taxes by Reagan's second term were at 11% where as before it was 33%.

One of Reagan's famous quotes; Governments view of the economy could be summed up to a few short phrases : if it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving regulate it. and if it stops moving subsidize it.

Your taxes might of been, not the same for everyone else though.

Social Security and Medicare taxes increased. The U.S. Debt increased from $700 billion to $3 trillion.

Never mind the various tax acts that passed under Reagan that affected businesses and others.

If that's true, and you've provided no facts to back it up, it's because he rebuilt our military, which had been dismantled by Carter.
The only person they hate more that Reagan is Sarah Palin.

I don't think its hate. Its more curiousity.

Reagan is held up as some kind of Conservative God. If you don't buy that, listen to Hannity's show and you'll hear Reagan clips played there all the time like a Gospel reading at church on Sunday. Anyone remember Heritage's "What Would Reagan Do?" ads?

There's a lot of revisionist history about Reagan that seems meant to purge out all but the most Conservative things Reagan did. Forget record deficits, forget Iran Contra, forget Amnesty, forget the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, etc. Lets focus on the tax cuts!

Reagan was a good President. However, the Modern Conservative Movement's saintification of Reagan exposes their hypocrisy and love of revisionist history. If a moderate governor from a liberal state ran today on the same platforms that Reagan ran on in the 1980's, he'd be lucky of the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck didn't tear him up and spit him out.

Horseshit. He'd be a damn sight better than what we got right now.
I voted for Reagan twice and he is one of my favorite prseidents. But we need to keep things in perspective.

- Unemployment under Reagan reached 10.8%
- Reagan tripled the existing deficit
- Reagan worked with Gorbachev to bring about a peaceful disolution of the Soviet Union. The collapse itself had been building for 20 years.
- As an administrator, Reagan was at times disinterested. He set broad goals but was notoriously lacking in the details
- While he talked the evils of big Government, the Government got bigger

To his favor, Reagan brought back respect of the US. He stabilized an economy that was out of control and managed to work well with Congress. Reagan still has a very impressie resume
1.) Numerous tax raises under his Administration.
Obama is already doing that.

2.) Expansion of Government.
ObamaCare anyone?

3.) Iran-Contra.
Obama has Acorn.

4.) Giving CIA training, funding, and weapons to Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
Nowadays only the names are changed. Same shit, different day.

5.) Giving Saddam Hussein weapons to go and kill Iran.
It was convenient for the time.

6.) Ignoring AIDS
Untrue. It was not known what a serious threat AIDS was at the time.

7.) He said Jefferson David was a "hero of his" in 1980.
Do you mean Jefferson Davis?

8.) Did not support the creation of Martin Luther King holiday.
So? MLK did not deserve a holiday. Yeah, that sounds intolerant to brainwashed libtards and blacks, but it is true.

9.) Supported South Africa despite of the apartheid.
Whites in SA built a great country, cities, infrastructure, an economy, and more. Now that SA has been turned over to the blacks SA is fast becoming a 3rd world country.

10.) Ramped up the oppressive "War on Drugs" to new levels.
That dumb "war" is still gong on. Obama can end it and save us billions of dollars with a signature, but he doesn't.

And the beat goes on. So no, I don't miss a Reagan Administration.
What you talkin' about Wills?
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Reagan spent record highs for the time. The reason the cold war ended was due to the collapse of the Soviet economy due to a mixture of the war in Afghanistan (in which we funded Osama Bin Laden) and trying to keep up with our defense spending.

So let's get that checklist out:

1.) Numerous tax raises under his Administration.

2.) Expansion of Government.

3.) Iran-Contra.

4.) Giving CIA training, funding, and weapons to Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

5.) Giving Saddam Hussein weapons to go and kill Iran.

6.) Ignoring AIDS

7.) He said Jefferson David was a "hero of his" in 1980.

8.) Did not support the creation of Martin Luther King holiday.

9.) Supported South Africa despite of the apartheid.

10.) Ramped up the oppressive "War on Drugs" to new levels.

And the beat goes on. So no, I don't miss a Reagan Administration.

Don't know where you get your facts from but I worked through the 1980's. Taxes by Reagan's second term were at 11% where as before it was 33%.

One of Reagan's famous quotes; Governments view of the economy could be summed up to a few short phrases : if it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving regulate it. and if it stops moving subsidize it.

Here's everything you ever wanted to know. The effect of tax cuts cannot be measured by one person's experience, however. I was actually better off financially under Carter but that's only because I had a high paying job that couldn't be touched by unemployment possibilities and I wasn't affected by high interest rates because I purchased no big ticket items.

Effect of the Reagan, Kennedy, and Bush Tax Cuts
Ended COld War, check.
Reined in air traffic controllers, check.
Deregulated industry, check
Vetoed milk price support from his hospital bed, check
Ushered in longest GDP expansion in post WW2 history, check
Made America a force in the world again, check.

Yup, I'd say Reagan managed to turn back the shitstorm that was Carter and then some. I hope we can find someone that capable after Obama.

He would never have been able to end the cold war without a partner in the effort, Mikel Gorbechev.

Air traffic controllers are now the most UNDERPAID professionals in America, with a salary range of $59,410 to $145,600 for the most stressful jobs going. Thanks, Ron.

The milk industry, in order to survive, now must form cooperatives. Apparently Republicans don't drink milk, preferring Old Grandad instead which continues to be UNDERtaxed compared to other liquid products for consumption.

GDP expanded by manipulation spending cuts, many of which eventually had to be reinstituted but in different 'columns' to save face for Ronnie.

Reagan was a very nice man, period.
sorry to break it to ya...b ut Air Traffic Controllers are not as stressful as you think it least not anymore.

2 of my friends are ATC's one at Miami International and one at Fort Lauderdale...they take constant dominoes and madden in the break room wand watch the NFL...when they are on duty eerything is so computerized that it's nearly impossible to make a mistake.

My friend tries to convince me everyday to take the classes and become one with him cause he says its the easiest job ever...I still consider it.

I know people say it's stressful...but I'll go on the word of my 2 freinds that actually do it
Libruls are hopeless douchebags when it comes to discussing Reagan.

The only person they hate more that Reagan is Sarah Palin.

I highly and I mean HIGHLY recommend wearing a Hazmat suit in this thread because you will see Hateful Libruls spewing froth, spittle and venom every other post.

Reagan deficits = Evil!!!! Obama Deficits = Good. See the difference?

I don't "hate" Reagan. I voted for him twice for Governor of California. He was a very nice man. Then I got smart instead of emotional. Believe it or not, I campaigned for George H.W. Bush in 1979.
Ended COld War, check.
Reined in air traffic controllers, check.
Deregulated industry, check
Vetoed milk price support from his hospital bed, check
Ushered in longest GDP expansion in post WW2 history, check
Made America a force in the world again, check.

Yup, I'd say Reagan managed to turn back the shitstorm that was Carter and then some. I hope we can find someone that capable after Obama.

In exchange for trying to end the Cold War. He armed many of our future enemies. What's that old saying? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Like who? Name three.
You are blaming him because he couldn't predict the future? That's some claim.

Oh my, you're going to regret that comment. How often does Obama get slammed for not abiding by his claim that unemployment won't rise above 8%? Or that he will close Gitmo? Or the myriad other things that in less than a year he hasn't miraculously accomplished yet because he doesn't have a fucking crystal ball either and can't predict even tomorrow, let alone, another year from now?
Reasons why the USSR Collapsed

Economic Stagnation: by the 1980s, there was zero economic growth, development of the black market for consumer goods, could not produce enough grain, rationing of food, consumer goods were inferior, poor use of resources (Pipeline)

Military Spending: 15-25% of GNP, Americans spent only 5-7%, too much on guns, not enough on butter.

Political Stagnation and Corruption: Party officials lived a privileged life, they did not want reform when it was most needed.

Ideology: Command economy, complete centralized planning, individual initiative is replaced by quotas and threats.

Nationalism: 50% of the population was not Russian, the non-Russian ethnic groups would fuel the break-up in combination with economic problems and the unwillingness of the new Russian gov’t to turn guns on its own people, like they had before.

At the end of the day people didn't care about politics, they wanted food and they rebelled against their political leaders.
Gorbachev could not secure large foreign loans.

The USSR, lost control though because of its out of control spending in trying to keep up with the United States military build up and practically bankrupted themselves and the people rebelled.

Facts on Reagan


Between 1980-1990

1- Total federal revenues doubled from just over $517 billion in 1980 to more than $1 trillion in 1990. In constant inflation-adjusted dollars, this was a 28 percent increase in revenue.

2- As a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP), federal revenues declined only slightly from 18.9 percent in 1980 to 18 percent in 1990.

3- Revenues from individual income taxes climbed from just over $244 billion in 1980 to nearly $467 billion in 1990.5 In inflation-adjusted dollars, this amounts to a 25 percent increase.

4- This economic boom lasted 92 months without a recession, from November 1982 to July 1990, the longest period of sustained growth during peacetime and the second-longest period of sustained growth in U.S. history. The growth in the economy lasted more than twice as long as the average period of expansions since World War II

5- The American economy grew by about one-third in real inflation-adjusted terms. This was the equivalent of adding the entire economy of East and West Germany or two-thirds of Japan's economy to the U.S. economy.

6- From 1950 to 1973, real economic growth in the U.S. economy averaged 3.6 percent per year. From 1973 to 1982, it averaged only 1.6 percent. The Reagan economic boom restored the more usual growth rate as the economy averaged 3.5 percent in real growth from the beginning of 1983 to the end of 1990

7- In 1991, after the Reagan rate cuts were well in place, the top 1 percent of taxpayers in income paid 25 percent of all income taxes; the top 5 percent paid 43 percent; and the bottom 50 percent paid only 5 percent. To suggest that this distribution is unfair because it is too easy on upper-income groups is nothing less than absurd.

No matter how advocates of big government try to rewrite history, Ronald Reagan's record of fiscal responsibility continues to stand as the most successful economic policy of the 20th century. His tax reforms triggered an economic expansion that continues to this day. His investments in national security ended the Cold War and made possible the subsequent defense spending reductions that are largely responsible for the current federal surpluses. His efforts to restrain the expansion of federal government helped to limit the growth of domestic spending. Reagan took over an economy with double-digit inflation and almost no growth, yet left office with much lower inflation than he inherited and a strongly growing economy.

Facts are very mean to Libruls

So they say...

Where are people like Reagan today? Reagan kept our spirits up in the 80's, Ended the cold war, lowered taxes to an all time low. And said stuff like Government isn't the solution to our problem, Government is the problem. Granted he spent money while he was president but, nothing like Bush did and Obama is today. Perhaps Reagan was the reason times were good in the 90's. Times weren't as bad in the late 80's as they are now.

Why can't we get another president that will listen to the "people" like Reagan did?

We don't take our politics or our politicians seriously in modern-day America. We think of them as just another bunch of celebrities who exist to entertain us, like high-priced circus clowns. We treat them like tabloid fodder, and then wonder why no one intelligent, serious, and capable wants to subject themselves to becoming the next government Paris Hilton.

When we start both treating our poltiicians like statesmen and expecting them to act like statesmen, we will start having statesmen in office again.

For once, I agree with you.
This is why they have to distort them so often.

The ten facts I offered up have not been disproven. Still waiting on that.

Many taxes were lowered in his administration.
He armed enemies of our enemies
He eliminated many regulations
He supported constructive engagement in S.Africa, which would probably have led to a more stable post apartheid regime than now
Iran Contra helped defeat the Sandinistas
He rightly opposed making a special day for the greatest advocate of black self help a holiday where no one works or goes to school.

Your list is typically selective and uneximaned. I suppose you'd rather have Carter with his 18% interest rates and 15% inflation and Desert One.

Each probably did what they thought was necessary for the times.
This is why they have to distort them so often.

The ten facts I offered up have not been disproven. Still waiting on that.
Neither have they been proven...just offered up as facts.

Reagan respected the office he held...would not enter the Oval Office without a jacket and tie. Reagan respected the constitution. Reagan respected the American people. Reagan held his standards high. He was a far greater President than most coming before him and all that have followed.
sorry to break it to ya...b ut Air Traffic Controllers are not as stressful as you think it least not anymore.

2 of my friends are ATC's one at Miami International and one at Fort Lauderdale...they take constant dominoes and madden in the break room wand watch the NFL...when they are on duty eerything is so computerized that it's nearly impossible to make a mistake.

My friend tries to convince me everyday to take the classes and become one with him cause he says its the easiest job ever...I still consider it.

I know people say it's stressful...but I'll go on the word of my 2 freinds that actually do it

Bull shit. You should know by now that "computers" are only as good as the operators. While I'm glad your two friends appear to take the job with a grain of salt, they would be lucky compared to the normal stresses of the job.

Air traffic controller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Because controllers have a very large responsibility while on duty, the ATC profession is often regarded as one of the most difficult jobs today and can be notoriously stressful, depending on many variables (equipment, configurations, weather, traffic volume, human factors, etc.).

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