Released video shows how aoc lied to Americans.

I imagine they did tell women to drink from the toilet,
You mean, from THIS toilet?


It is designed to be a toilet, sink, and water fountain.

AOC is a dishonest pile of commie shit. You MUST acknowledge her deliberate, willful attempts to deceive.


How unsanitary.
The maj of people do not realized that, as they like me have never been in a prison or holding tank.
And AOC sure the hell took advantage of that ignorance with the willful intent to deceive, didn't she?

I don't give a shit if guards said "drink from the toilet" when that did not mean for them to drink the fucking bowl water where they piss and shit.

There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for AOC's deceitful claim. That is a huge lie, told for political purposes, intended to SHIT on the Border Patrol.



I would imagine if I was told to drink form the toilet , which I sure was said, I'd think drink from the toilet.
There is that imagination again
I imagine they did tell women to drink from the toilet,
You mean, from THIS toilet?


It is designed to be a toilet, sink, and water fountain.

AOC is a dishonest pile of commie shit. You MUST acknowledge her deliberate, willful attempts to deceive.


How unsanitary.
Obviously you have never seen the water Mexicans drink.
The water that comes out of there is at least 100 times safer than any water they have had in their life.
I imagine they did tell women to drink from the toilet, if you have an aversion to lying then you can't listen to tramp anymore, can you??
The urinals and toilets have a sink and potable water on top...they do not drink toilet water...the same facilities are in barracks all over this military bases all over the globe...stop showing us how stupid you are....

The maj of people do not realized that, as they like me have never been in a prison or holding tank.

I can see the guards saying,
drink from the toilet
. They were not that way when I was in the Guards.

And she did not lie. But tramp lies consistently, so when are you going to talk about his lies?

This thread is about a real person, AOC, therefore it would be a diversion to talk about a fictional character named tramp.
The maj of people do not realized that, as they like me have never been in a prison or holding tank.
And AOC sure the hell took advantage of that ignorance with the willful intent to deceive, didn't she?

I don't give a shit if guards said "drink from the toilet" when that did not mean for them to drink the fucking bowl water where they piss and shit.

There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for AOC's deceitful claim. That is a huge lie, told for political purposes, intended to SHIT on the Border Patrol.



I would imagine if I was told to drink form the toilet , which I sure was said, I'd think drink from the toilet.

So you would be so stupid as to actually drink from the toilet when the sink is visible right on top of said toilet? Or not be smart enough to ask if you don't know? Glad to see you think these Hispanics are truly among the most stupid.
Everything that buck-toothed, bug-eyed drooling retard-vegetable has ever said has been a lie. Am I supposed to be surprised by more of her bullshit?
Everything that buck-toothed, bug-eyed drooling retard-vegetable has ever said has been a lie. Am I supposed to be surprised by more of her bullshit?
Unlike a liar like Pelosi, that pathetic display....actually believes her own bullshit.
Everything that buck-toothed, bug-eyed drooling retard-vegetable has ever said has been a lie. Am I supposed to be surprised by more of her bullshit?
Unlike a liar like Pelosi, that pathetic display....actually believes her own bullshit.

Which makes Occasional-Cortex the stupidest, lowest-I.Q. utterly special-needs-child in Congress now. And that Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking is up against a lot of stupid liberal competition for record-setting idiocy.
Everything that buck-toothed, bug-eyed drooling retard-vegetable has ever said has been a lie. Am I supposed to be surprised by more of her bullshit?
Unlike a liar like Pelosi, that pathetic display....actually believes her own bullshit.

Which makes Occasional-Cortex the stupidest, lowest-I.Q. utterly special-needs-child in Congress now. And that Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking is up against a lot of stupid liberal competition for record-setting idiocy.
Didn't actually think it was even possible to be dumber than maxipad waters, or anything more annoying than that rhinoceros joy behar, but this one has actually accomplished the impossible.
Everything that buck-toothed, bug-eyed drooling retard-vegetable has ever said has been a lie. Am I supposed to be surprised by more of her bullshit?
Unlike a liar like Pelosi, that pathetic display....actually believes her own bullshit.

Which makes Occasional-Cortex the stupidest, lowest-I.Q. utterly special-needs-child in Congress now. And that Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking is up against a lot of stupid liberal competition for record-setting idiocy.
Didn't actually think it was even possible to be dumber than maxipad waters, or anything more annoying than that rhinoceros joy behar, but this one has actually accomplished the impossible.

Einstein once said, "There are only two infinites: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former." I find it amazing we have a Democratic party who now makes the hard-core '90s Jerry Springer human cockfighting show look like a Mensa meeting by comparison.
The maj of people do not realized that, as they like me have never been in a prison or holding tank.
Have you ever traveled to Europe or the Orient?....they have that same sink/toilet set up in some of the best hotels...its a space can you believe that American men and women would be so cruel?...where in the hell did you get that idea?....come on man...think!!!...Stop with the TDS crap....

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