Reign of Evil: A Look Back at the Vicious Rule of Hugo Chavez


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Reign of Evil: A Look Back at the Vicious Rule of Hugo Chavez

March 7, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert

It is no accident that the death of Hugo Chavez, while mourned by the usual suspects on the left, was celebrated by thousands of his fellow countrymen. In the Doral section of Miami, FL, home to the largest enclave of Venezuelans living in America, the strongman’s demise was met with unrestrained joy. Daniela Calzadilla, who moved from Caracas five years ago, due to the skyrocketing crime rate and dwindling career opportunities, expressed a common refrain. “We hope this is the path to return our democracy and that hopefully we can have the same country we once had,” she said. Mary LaBarca put it even simpler. “We are not celebrating someone’s death,” she said. “We are celebrating freedom.”

Hugo Chavez was born July 28, 1954. Raised largely by his grandmother in the western state of Barinas, Chavez began nurturing his fascination with Marxism at an early age, boosted by Castro’s revolution in Cuba in 1959. His education led him to despise “imperialist” America, even as he idolized Castro and 19th century South American liberator Simon Bolivar. He eventually joined the army, after failing to fulfill his dream of becoming a major league baseball player.


Reign of Evil: A Look Back at the Vicious Rule of Hugo Chavez
Grat man for the masses . Despised America with good reason .

Great man for the masses? Venezuela remains one of the poorest countries on the Western Hemisphere despite their wealth in oil. Inflation is out of control there and unemployment and violence is out of control. His speeches are good for the people, yet his actions shit on the heads of the people!

Under glass like a fvcking turkey on a platter...

If You Liked Lenin’s Tomb, You’ll Love Chavez’s Tomb

March 7, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

If you wake up each morning wondering which Che t-shirt to put on today and your only non-Che t-shirt says, “I went to see the embalmed corpse of Communism’s Third-Greatest Mass Murderer and All I Got Was This T-Shirt”… boy does Venezuela have a great tourist destination for you.

Venezuela’s acting president says Hugo Chavez’s embalmed body will be permanently displayed in a glass casket so that “his people will always have him.”

And they will always be able to smell him too. Sadly when Venezuela goes bankrupt and they try to sell him, they will discover that a Chavez mummy doesn’t fetch much on the international market.

Maybe Ahmadinejad will buy him to cuddle with in those cold Iranian winters.


The good news is that at least Latin America has some pyramids, even if they had a different purpose, so when the next shlock filmmaker wants to reenact Night of the Chavez, they can just bundle up the dead dictator inside one of them and film the story of a bunch of explorers looking for Chavez’s buried 2 billion dollar fortune only to experience the Curse of the Dead Socialist Economic System.

If You Liked Lenin?s Tomb, You?ll Love Chavez?s Tomb
Chavez was loved by the poor, who he maintained in a state of bare subsistence dependency. In order to keep all that love, he had to keep them poor. He socked billions away for himself. This is what dictators do.

It is never the middle or upper classes that support dictatorships. It is always the poor. He gives them bread and makes sure they will never be able to improve that themselves.
Truly nice guys get culled out of the running for power early on in their careers.

So I seriously doubt that any leader of any nation in the world is a nice guy.

Some of them just are a whole lot less nice than others.

In most cases how nicely you are treated by those in power has to do with how much they need your support.

Like any of this is news to anyone here?

Jesus! I hope not!
That would be USA.

And what third world shit hole are you typing this drivel from?

Since you are asking me this question for the fifth time, I conclude that you are a victim of hippocampal sclerosis. It makes it pointless answering you.

He along with the rest of us would like to know what rock you live under...:confused:

[ame=]Ode To Joy - YouTube[/ame]

Grat man for the masses . Despised America with good reason .

Great man for the masses? Venezuela remains one of the poorest countries on the Western Hemisphere despite their wealth in oil. Inflation is out of control there and unemployment and violence is out of control. His speeches are good for the people, yet his actions shit on the heads of the people!

And it was that way before Chavez.

Except after Chavez..the poor weren't ignored.

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