Register as Independent Voter..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
What if the bulk of Republican and Democratic Party registered voters came together and switched to be independent voters?

Ya think all hell would break loose in Washington and the media?


An independent voter, those who register as an unaffiliated voter in the United States, is a voter of a democratic country who does not align him- or herself with a political party. Independents are variously defined as a voter who votes for candidates and issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or partisanship;[1] a voter who does not have long-standing loyalty to, or identification with, a political party;[2][3] a voter who does not usually vote for the same political party from election to election;[4][5] or a voter who self-describes as an independent.

Independent (voter) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...Independents are variously defined as a voter who votes for candidates and issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology...

I find this portion to be somewhat ironic, given that the hallmark of both the Democrats and the Republicans is their lack of adherence to any consistent ideology.
What if the bulk of Republican and Democratic Party registered voters came together and switched to be independent voters?

Ya think all hell would break loose in Washington and the media?


An independent voter, those who register as an unaffiliated voter in the United States, is a voter of a democratic country who does not align him- or herself with a political party. Independents are variously defined as a voter who votes for candidates and issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or partisanship;[1] a voter who does not have long-standing loyalty to, or identification with, a political party;[2][3] a voter who does not usually vote for the same political party from election to election;[4][5] or a voter who self-describes as an independent.

Independent (voter) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The states would have a hell of a time gerrymandering, too late this time but in 8 years when it is due again?
In KY if you register as unafilliated you cannot vote in any primary.
and independent is a party in KY. Not really independent is it?
I only vote in local politics and support third parties in national politics, besides Ron Paul. If a liberal stepped up to the plate an ran on a national ticket, I would them.

However, why should I vote a national candidate when I believe that they are nothing but rent seeking politicians and empty suits? Plus, it goes against my ideals that millions of people should be voting for a father figure.

That shit is gay.
Honestly, I think the people would have less say on what goes on because even smaller groups of people would control the parties.
Our system is built around political parties. Registering "Unaffiliated" (not "Independent" - that can mean a member of the "Independent" or "Independence" Party) just eliminates your ability to vote in Primaries.
In KY if you register as unafilliated you cannot vote in any primary.
and independent is a party in KY. Not really independent is it?

I'm registered as "Unaffiliated".
In my state, that means I can choose which primary to vote in.
I wouldn't be happy in Kentucky.
If you come from the position that both Political Parties are essentially taking turns screwing the American people over, splitting us up, blaming the other Party, accomplishing little for the private citizen, only concerned with their re-election and power etc.

I'm thinkin this would really shake their asses up..a lot of these rules they've made for themselves would no longer be relevant..
If you come from the position that both Political Parties are essentially taking turns screwing the American people over, splitting us up, blaming the other Party, accomplishing little for the private citizen, only concerned with their re-election and power etc.

I'm thinkin this would really shake their asses up..a lot of these rules they've made for themselves would no longer be relevant..

I'm no fan of the two-party system, but it would take tens of millions of people doing what you're suggesting to have any effect.
If you come from the position that both Political Parties are essentially taking turns screwing the American people over, splitting us up, blaming the other Party, accomplishing little for the private citizen, only concerned with their re-election and power etc.

I'm thinkin this would really shake their asses up..a lot of these rules they've made for themselves would no longer be relevant..

I'm no fan of the two-party system, but it would take tens of millions of people doing what you're suggesting to have any effect.

I'm sure you're right and the odds are slim but heck a Guy can dream..

Voters on both sides should be pretty fed up with what's going on in Washington, sure we can continue blaming the other side but that game just isn't working out.. just sayin.
Im registered as REPUBLICAN,but started the fabric for the FNRP in 2003,now i am registering a party charter for the party,considering i am a serious push for 2016,there sooo much i nreakaway party line with on GOP,like no corporate welfare,and appeasement and compromising of true conservative ideals. Im like a lone wolf. Im sooooo faraway from the GOP genre they even seem liberal to me.
i will support the nominee who runs against obama.
I also believe in the elimination of the electorate and the citizens majority vote to be the vote. No lost,missing,whatever..people are the checks and balances...a government and leadership people driven,not by global communist interests,msm,or anything.
Im an architect for the us citizen. And evolution of a free limited regulative capitalist market for us citizens,for all in this countrybto have the power and control to earn their own futures.
Its power back to the people. Ill bring this country back to a point where a woman or mans merit,skills,and abilities of total merit count. Not the superficial socialistic divisioning of grouped exploitives like the biological stoneage differentiation of skin color.
Unions will only have the limited ability of workplace safety oversight,and nothing more.little workplace gestapos,poof.....gone....

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