Regarding AOC and climate change

MSNBC on Twitter

Now I must admit I don’t know much when it comes to the topic of climate change. But one thing I pretty sure of AOC is an idiot. Why should I believe she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to science? She’s telling me we’re all doomed in 12 years, and I’m sorry but I happen to think that’s bullshit. A couple reasons why I’m highly skeptical is I’ve been on this planet for forty years now, and I honestly haven’t felt like I’ve experienced a dramatic difference in weather pattens. It’s cold as a bitch here on the east coast during the winter and during the summer it’s hot as balls. It’s always been that way. If the climate is changing, I haven’t noticed one bit. Now if I was going to die in twelve years because of climate change, I think I would have noticed the climate changing at some point during my lifetime by now. I admit that I have to educate myself on this topic more, and I will try, but why should I trust someone like AOC, who doesn’t have a background in science and is proven to be unprecedented idiot on other matters? And liberals, don’t say she insignificant, she’s leading the charge when it comes to climate change legislation. Virtually everyone running for President on the Democratic side has voiced their support for her bill. I don’t trust she knows what she’s talking about and I am skeptical when it comes to the true motives of democrats, therefore I’m against all climate change legislation.
Forget science, she supposedly has an undergrad degree in economics and knows next to nothing about that subject....She's the poster girl for grade inflation and participation trophies.
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
It is true.

You have been striking out on the truth all over this thread.
No, it's not. Just because brieghtbart or whoever told you it was a fact doesn't make it so. They are lying to you.
MSNBC on Twitter

Now I must admit I don’t know much when it comes to the topic of climate change. But one thing I pretty sure of AOC is an idiot. Why should I believe she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to science? She’s telling me we’re all doomed in 12 years, and I’m sorry but I happen to think that’s bullshit. A couple reasons why I’m highly skeptical is I’ve been on this planet for forty years now, and I honestly haven’t felt like I’ve experienced a dramatic difference in weather pattens. It’s cold as a bitch here on the east coast during the winter and during the summer it’s hot as balls. It’s always been that way. If the climate is changing, I haven’t noticed one bit. Now if I was going to die in twelve years because of climate change, I think I would have noticed the climate changing at some point during my lifetime by now. I admit that I have to educate myself on this topic more, and I will try, but why should I trust someone like AOC, who doesn’t have a background in science and is proven to be unprecedented idiot on other matters? And liberals, don’t say she insignificant, she’s leading the charge when it comes to climate change legislation. Virtually everyone running for President on the Democratic side has voiced their support for her bill. I don’t trust she knows what she’s talking about and I am skeptical when it comes to the true motives of democrats, therefore I’m against all climate change legislation.

No one is saying we are doomed in 12 years.

Will you please learn the read, become better informed & for Christ's sake, get an education.

Ok Einstein, ever considered research before saying something stupid?
aoc world ending in 12 years - Bing video
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
It is true.

You have been striking out on the truth all over this thread.
No, it's not. Just because brieghtbart or whoever told you it was a fact doesn't make it so. They are lying to you.
I don't need anyone to tell me the warmers are lying....They have no actual science to back them up.

But thanks for projecting your need to be told what to think onto me...Fortunately, that crap no longer sticks to me.
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
Spoken like a True Believer in the cult.
From the notably right leaning Forbes:

The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfectly
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
Spoken like a True Believer in the cult.
From the notably right leaning Forbes:

The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfectly
"Predicted it" after the models had been fudged umpteen times in the process. :rolleyes:
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
It is true.

You have been striking out on the truth all over this thread.
No, it's not. Just because brieghtbart or whoever told you it was a fact doesn't make it so. They are lying to you.
No one told me

I just looked at the facts and it is true

Just like it was true and you were wrong when you claimed AOC never said the world will end in 12 years.

She did and no such prediction from anyone, including the UN has come true.

No soup for you.
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
Spoken like a True Believer in the cult.
From the notably right leaning Forbes:

The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfectly
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
Spoken like a True Believer in the cult.
From the notably right leaning Forbes:

The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfectly
"Predicted it" after the models had been fudged umpteen times in the process. :rolleyes:
So you admit they got it right.
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
Spoken like a True Believer in the cult.
From the notably right leaning Forbes:

The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfectly
MSNBC on Twitter

Now I must admit I don’t know much when it comes to the topic of climate change. But one thing I pretty sure of AOC is an idiot. Why should I believe she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to science? She’s telling me we’re all doomed in 12 years, and I’m sorry but I happen to think that’s bullshit. A couple reasons why I’m highly skeptical is I’ve been on this planet for forty years now, and I honestly haven’t felt like I’ve experienced a dramatic difference in weather pattens. It’s cold as a bitch here on the east coast during the winter and during the summer it’s hot as balls. It’s always been that way. If the climate is changing, I haven’t noticed one bit. Now if I was going to die in twelve years because of climate change, I think I would have noticed the climate changing at some point during my lifetime by now. I admit that I have to educate myself on this topic more, and I will try, but why should I trust someone like AOC, who doesn’t have a background in science and is proven to be unprecedented idiot on other matters? And liberals, don’t say she insignificant, she’s leading the charge when it comes to climate change legislation. Virtually everyone running for President on the Democratic side has voiced their support for her bill. I don’t trust she knows what she’s talking about and I am skeptical when it comes to the true motives of democrats, therefore I’m against all climate change legislation.
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
Yes, she said that.

.@AOC on millennials and social media: "We’re, like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change"

I dunno about you, but an incompetent corndog artiste is not my go-to source for anything.
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
It is true.

You have been striking out on the truth all over this thread.
No, it's not. Just because brieghtbart or whoever told you it was a fact doesn't make it so. They are lying to you.
No one told me

I just looked at the facts and it is true

Just like it was true and you were wrong when you claimed AOC never said the world will end in 12 years.

She did and no such prediction from anyone, including the UN has come true.

No soup for you.
Your refusal to see reality is noted.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
Spoken like a True Believer in the cult.
From the notably right leaning Forbes:

The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfectly
"Predicted it" after the models had been fudged umpteen times in the process. :rolleyes:
So you admit they got it right.
Blind squirrels can occasionally find an acorn.....Most of us refer to that phenomenon as "the law of averages"....Still not science.
She didn't say that, the UN climate change report did.

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC —

It says 12 years is the point of no return.
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
Spoken like a True Believer in the cult.
From the notably right leaning Forbes:

The First Climate Model Turns 50, And Predicted Global Warming Almost Perfectly
That's nice honey, you run along now, 'kay?
And you believe them, after none of their predictions has ever come to pass.

That's not true.
It is true.

You have been striking out on the truth all over this thread.
No, it's not. Just because brieghtbart or whoever told you it was a fact doesn't make it so. They are lying to you.
No one told me

I just looked at the facts and it is true

Just like it was true and you were wrong when you claimed AOC never said the world will end in 12 years.

She did and no such prediction from anyone, including the UN has come true.

No soup for you.
Your refusal to see reality is noted.
Except reality proves you wrong repeatedly.

You see it but are too much of an immature brat to admit it

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