Refuted : Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus !

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Enjoy :night:
[ame=]Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Muslim Version || Spoken Word || Response - YouTube[/ame]
The video was excellent and clearly showed why the false doctrine of the so called Trinity is bogus nonsense.

I believe that YAHWEH is God,I believe Jesus is God,I believe the spirit is God,I believe the Angel of the Lord is God.

I don't believe in the doctrine of the trinity. I believe that is how God has revealed himself to man.
The video was excellent and clearly showed why the false doctrine of the so called Trinity is bogus nonsense.

I believe that YAHWEH is God,I believe Jesus is God,I believe the spirit is God,I believe the Angel of the Lord is God.

I don't believe in the doctrine of the trinity. I believe that is how God has revealed himself to man.
Thanks for explaining :)
Thing is the Trinity existed long long before man. Jesus is the love of God manifested in one entity. The power of God is manifested in the Holy Spirit.
Just as Sybil was able to fracture her personality into separate entities, in her own mind, for self preservation, God fractured parts of his perfection into different personalities, (each with specific tasks), outside of his own existence, for our preservation.
The video was excellent and clearly showed why the false doctrine of the so called Trinity is bogus nonsense.

I believe that YAHWEH is God,I believe Jesus is God,I believe the spirit is God,I believe the Angel of the Lord is God.

I don't believe in the doctrine of the trinity. I believe that is how God has revealed himself to man.
Thanks for explaining :)

Youwerecreated, I am curious about something. Is it that you believe in God, believe in Jesus, but you don't believe what they say?
The video was excellent and clearly showed why the false doctrine of the so called Trinity is bogus nonsense.
The video was of a satan worshiper lying. Very unbelievable. The only false god in the story is allah put forth by a lying pedophile.
The video was excellent and clearly showed why the false doctrine of the so called Trinity is bogus nonsense.

I believe that YAHWEH is God,I believe Jesus is God,I believe the spirit is God,I believe the Angel of the Lord is God.

I don't believe in the doctrine of the trinity. I believe that is how God has revealed himself to man.
If you are a Christian, you believe in the Trinity. If you do not you need to read the Bible again.
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for haters who doesn't know God of Jesus was Allah -with evidence:

Jesus didn't know about trinity.

The True Message of Jesus Christ
The True Message of Jesus Christ

Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not a Son, of God - Harun Yahya

Jesus test -Who Really Follows Jesus?
Jesus Test - Road To Paradise
Lying gets you nowhere. No proof whatsoever. The God of Jesus was Jehova, Jesus is the Son of God, not just a prophet. You satan worshipers can lie as much and long as you want to, doesn't mean anything but you are liars. Allah=satan, mohamed was a lying pedophile.
for haters who doesn't know God of Jesus was Allah -with evidence:

Jesus didn't know about trinity.

The True Message of Jesus Christ
The True Message of Jesus Christ

Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not a Son, of God - Harun Yahya

Jesus test -Who Really Follows Jesus?
Jesus Test - Road To Paradise

In no way shape or form is the God of Jesus Allah. Allah has no son. The God of Abraham has a son. That God is Allah, is a falsehood that Satan would LOVE for mankind to get behind.
The word "Allah" is arabic for "The God"

Not a different God; just God

Funny thing is that if you go to a Christian Church in the Middle East; Lebanon, Egypt. Syria, Iraq. etc

Their Bibles are written in Arabic because that's what the people speak..

And all thru their Bible's the name Allah is used to denote God.
The word "Allah" is arabic for "The God"

Not a different God; just God

Funny thing is that if you go to a Christian Church in the Middle East; Lebanon, Egypt. Syria, Iraq. etc

Their Bibles are written in Arabic because that's what the people speak..

And all thru their Bible's the name Allah is used to denote God.

A completely different God. As different as night and day. Allah has no son. To bring home that point, in big bold letters on the dome of the rock, it says GOD HAS NO SON. On the other hand, the God of Abraham has a son. If one has a son, and one does not, you can't be talking about the SAME entity.
I tend to agree with Ghandi. I don't have it verbatim but it goes something like, "I love Christianity and Christ, but the Christians aren't very Christ like." I'd call that a very huge understatement in almost all cases. I tend to never trust superstitions i.e. religions.
for haters who doesn't know God of Jesus was Allah -with evidence:

Jesus didn't know about trinity.

The True Message of Jesus Christ
The True Message of Jesus Christ

Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not a Son, of God - Harun Yahya

Jesus test -Who Really Follows Jesus?
Jesus Test - Road To Paradise

In no way shape or form is the God of Jesus Allah. Allah has no son. The God of Abraham has a son. That God is Allah, is a falsehood that Satan would LOVE for mankind to get behind.
Our Lord has no son:

His capacity as the Lord of the Worlds, He is far removed from such comparisons ignorantly made by human beings. He is unsullied by any flaw or deficiency. The Qur'an reveals:

It is not fitting for God to have a son. Glory be to Him! When He decides on something, He just says to it: "Be!" and it is." (Surah Maryam: 35)

They say: "God has a son." Glory be to Him! He is the Rich beyond Need. Everything in the heavens and everything on Earth belongs to Him. Have you authority to say this, or are you saying about God that which you do not know? (Surah Yunus: 68)

…Everything in the heavens and Earth, willingly or unwillingly, submits to Him… (Surah Al 'Imran: 83)

The Qur'an reveals that:

… and to warn those who say: "God has a son." They have no knowledge of this, neither they nor their fathers. It is a monstrous utterance that has issued from their mouths. What they say is nothing but a lie. (Surat al-Kahf: 4-5)

In another verse, our Lord reveals that "If God had desired to have a son, He would have chosen whatever He wished from what He has created. Glory be to Him! He is God, the One, the All-Conquering" (Surat az-Zumar: 4)

They say: "God has a son." Glory be to Him! No, everything in the heavens and Earth belongs to Him. Everything is obedient to Him, the Originator of the heavens and Earth. When He decides on something, He just says to it, "Be!" and it is. (Surat al-Baqara: 116-117)

They say: "The All-Merciful has a son." They have devised a monstrous thing. The heavens are all but rent apart, Earth split open, and the mountains brought crashing down at their ascription of a son to the All-Merciful! It is not fitting for the All-Merciful to have a son. There is no one in the heavens and Earth who will not come to the All-Merciful as a servant. He has counted them and numbered them precisely. Each of them will come to Him on the Day of Resurrection all alone." (Surah Maryam: 88-95)

It is not right for any human being that God should give him the Book and Judgment and Prophethood, and then that he should say to people: "Worship me rather than God." Rather he will say: "Be people of the Lord, because of your knowledge of the Book and because you study." (Surah Al 'Imran: 79)
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The word "Allah" is arabic for "The God"

Not a different God; just God

Funny thing is that if you go to a Christian Church in the Middle East; Lebanon, Egypt. Syria, Iraq. etc

Their Bibles are written in Arabic because that's what the people speak..

And all thru their Bible's the name Allah is used to denote God.

A completely different God. As different as night and day. Allah has no son. To bring home that point, in big bold letters on the dome of the rock, it says GOD HAS NO SON. On the other hand, the God of Abraham has a son. If one has a son, and one does not, you can't be talking about the SAME entity.
Abraham was the first monotheist and the Father of both the Muslims and the Jews as recorded in the Torah (Old Testament).

Abraham had two sons; Isaac and Ishmael.

He taught both of his son's to worship the "One" God; called Yahweh in Hebrew and Allah in Arabic.

Isaac had 12 sons which became the patriarchs of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Ishmael also had 12 sons, who became the patriarchs of the 12 Tribes of Arabia.

Both genealogies of the two brothers and their descendants are recorded in the Torah.

Nowhere in the Torah (Old Testament) does it say that Abraham taught his sons that God had a son or was going to have a son.

Nor is it recorded in the Torah that any of Isaac or Ishmael's descendants taught that God would have a son.

This false doctrine of God having a physical son walking the earth.

Was an invention foisted on the Jewish followers of Jesus long after his death.

Later taken up by the gentile believers who further twisted the words of Jesus and invented the religion called Christianity.
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I believe that YAHWEH is God,I believe Jesus is God,I believe the spirit is God,I believe the Angel of the Lord is God.

I don't believe in the doctrine of the trinity. I believe that is how God has revealed himself to man.
Thanks for explaining :)

Youwerecreated, I am curious about something. Is it that you believe in God, believe in Jesus, but you don't believe what they say?

I do believe what they say that is why I believe as I do.

It is said God spoke to moses from the burning bush,when you go and read that account it is the Angel of the Lord that was speaking to moses.

It is said that the that the Lord lead Israel out of Egypt but we read it was the Angel of the Lord that was leading Israel.

I don't believe God could visit man in his full glory so he had to reveal himself in different ways. The bible say's, "God said that God is not a man that he should lie" ,but he became a man.
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The video was excellent and clearly showed why the false doctrine of the so called Trinity is bogus nonsense.

I believe that YAHWEH is God,I believe Jesus is God,I believe the spirit is God,I believe the Angel of the Lord is God.

I don't believe in the doctrine of the trinity. I believe that is how God has revealed himself to man.
If you are a Christian, you believe in the Trinity. If you do not you need to read the Bible again.

I have spent a lot of time debating the bible , creation,and evolution. These are some very hard subjects to debate rationally.

If you like start a thread and I will show you from scripture why I believe as I do. I assure you I am not illiterate.

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