Refugees: From the Islamic State to the Islamic State


Nov 14, 2012
Refugees in Germany face three groups that are very interested. Pro-refugee activists, contra-refugee activists and Sunni Salafists. Those flag waving Salafists try to get into contact with the refugees, providing bread, sweets and more and inviting them to their respective mosques. Its also known that they are recruiting for the Jihad in Syria and Iraq. The authorities and organizations involved in providing room and board for the refugees aren´t happy and often issue house bans for the Salafists.

"Salafist preacher, who is well-known across the country, recently called on Facebook for his followers to reach refugees and win them to their movement, Süddeutsche Zeitung reported. He even reportedly gave a list of concrete ways for approaching asylum seekers. German intelligence services have reportedly drawn a link between Germany’s Salafist movement and jihadists who are radicalized before traveling to Syria to fight for Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS)."
Radical Islamists recruit male youths in refugee camps in Germany
What's even worse is the rich Gulf countries have mostly shut their borders to refugees and some that have traditionally taken them in are overwhelmed and closing their borders also. The mass exodus to Europe need not happen but with the rich Gulf nations blocking access to their countries......
What's even worse is the rich Gulf countries have mostly shut their borders to refugees and some that have traditionally taken them in are overwhelmed and closing their borders also. The mass exodus to Europe need not happen but with the rich Gulf nations blocking access to their countries......
The real problem is that those refugees mostly come from Turkey, not Syria. If you leave Syria, your aren´t in Germany. They leave the Turkish camps for a better life in Germany. Avoiding police action by using their children as shields, they make their way through Europe. Some threw their children over fences and the ambulance had to rescue them. They throw rocks and other items at policemen, injuring them. And many of them aren´t even Syrians. The refugees are currently not even checked for their identity in Germany. This isn´t a crisis. This is a controlled migration operated by Turkey and Germany.
Hungary's Orban says migrants seeking 'German life', are not refugees

Message of the Hungarian embassy in Berlin:
MITTEILUNG DER BOTSCHAFT VON UNGARN... - Botschaft von Ungarn in Berlin | Facebook
What's even worse is the rich Gulf countries have mostly shut their borders to refugees and some that have traditionally taken them in are overwhelmed and closing their borders also. The mass exodus to Europe need not happen but with the rich Gulf nations blocking access to their countries......
The real problem is that those refugees mostly come from Turkey, not Syria. If you leave Syria, your aren´t in Germany. They leave the Turkish camps for a better life in Germany. Avoiding police action by using their children as shields, they make their way through Europe. Some threw their children over fences and the ambulance had to rescue them. They throw rocks and other items at policemen, injuring them. And many of them aren´t even Syrians. The refugees are currently not even checked for their identity in Germany. This isn´t a crisis. This is a controlled migration operated by Turkey and Germany.
Hungary's Orban says migrants seeking 'German life', are not refugees

Message of the Hungarian embassy in Berlin:
MITTEILUNG DER BOTSCHAFT VON UNGARN... - Botschaft von Ungarn in Berlin | Facebook
It doesn't surprise me one bit, having a police/security background makes me wonder how many are terrorists hiding among the crowd.

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