Red states get shot in the butt again

Please ignore these sections.

We wanted NOTHING to do with Obamacare and will be pleased as punch when it's gone.

Missouri voters yesterday overwhelmingly passed Proposition C, a state law keeping the government from mandating that people have health insurance and from fining them for not purchasing it.

The requirement that people have health insurance is one of the key provisions of the health care bill signed into law in March, and Proposition C puts state law in direct conflict with the federal requirement, which goes into effect in 2014.

The requirement to carry insurance is the key to avoiding a pre-existing condition provision in insurance. Trump has suggested that government should subsidize insurance companies to avoid the pre-existing condition requirement.

Does this make sense? The government pays insurance companies so younger healthy people won't have to buy insurance till they have a serious health problem and thus needing insurance with pre-existing conditions that tax payers will pay for.

Actually, it's a little more complicated. The only way an insurance company can determine a person has a pre-existing condition is through a healthcare questionnaire and a physical exam by a doctor. In that way the insurance company will be able determine the rate and thus how much to bill the government.
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Get off it. You wanted catastrophic insurance so that you could socialize your risk on the rest of us and privatize your profit.

:lol: That may be the damn dumbest thing you've ever said Fake Jake. And with all the stupid shit you spew, that's really saying something.

The private insurance company assessed the risk, and charged me accordingly.

Isn't that what insurance is? A hedge against the odds?

Why am I asking you? don't know anything.

Give me your ridiculous stupidity laden retort and be gone.
No. Insurance is not a bet. It's spreading the risk out. So a sickness doesn't bankrupt any of us. I say go single payer and take the profit motive out.
That comes after the Republicans fuck up the healthcare system.
Get off it. You wanted catastrophic insurance so that you could socialize your risk on the rest of us and privatize your profit.

:lol: That may be the damn dumbest thing you've ever said Fake Jake. And with all the stupid shit you spew, that's really saying something.

The private insurance company assessed the risk, and charged me accordingly.

Isn't that what insurance is? A hedge against the odds?

Why am I asking you? don't know anything.

Give me your ridiculous stupidity laden retort and be gone.
No. Insurance is not a bet. It's spreading the risk out. So a sickness doesn't bankrupt any of us. I say go single payer and take the profit motive out.

It may spread the risk, but my rate is based on odds. I have life choice, not government mandate. The odds of me dying unexpectedly in the next 10 years are low...but not non-existent. I don't smoke, or drink, or use drugs...I have an exceptional driving record, and I don't engage in high risk activities. Same for health insurance.
They should give money back every year to people who don't use their insurance
Get off it. You wanted catastrophic insurance so that you could socialize your risk on the rest of us and privatize your profit.

:lol: That may be the damn dumbest thing you've ever said Fake Jake. And with all the stupid shit you spew, that's really saying something.

The private insurance company assessed the risk, and charged me accordingly.

Isn't that what insurance is? A hedge against the odds?

Why am I asking you? don't know anything.

Give me your ridiculous stupidity laden retort and be gone.
No. Insurance is not a bet. It's spreading the risk out. So a sickness doesn't bankrupt any of us. I say go single payer and take the profit motive out.

It may spread the risk, but my rate is based on odds. I have life choice, not government mandate. The odds of me dying unexpectedly in the next 10 years are low...but not non-existent. I don't smoke, or drink, or use drugs...I have an exceptional driving record, and I don't engage in high risk activities. Same for health insurance.
My ma was just like you then she got Alzheimer's.

At what age should you be required to have insurance?

How's the air in your city?
Missouri Income by County for Average

Yeah, I see what you mean, can't be an issue with accessing healthcare in america on that kind of wealth.

Never had a problem before Obamacare.

It was $50-70 for doctor visit. And I had catastrophic care insurance in case something terrible happened,

That's all gone provider cancelled all catastrophic care plans after Obamacare...and doctor visits increased to $180 per our family doctor and my wife's doctors separately closed their individual practices.

Luckily, I am self employed, and there is no mechanism for the government to recoup the penalty.

We found a nice concierge service...sure, it's 40 miles away where my old doctor was a mile away...but that's the price I pay for wonderful Obamacare.
So you're only concerned with yourself and the rest of your fellow Missourians can go fuck themselves.

Let's have another look at the incomes of citizens in your state, shall we? thanks for providing this;

Missouri Income by County for Average

Yeah, I see what you mean, can't be an issue with accessing healthcare in america on that kind of wealth.
Get off it. You wanted catastrophic insurance so that you could socialize your risk on the rest of us and privatize your profit.

:lol: That may be the damn dumbest thing you've ever said Fake Jake. And with all the stupid shit you spew, that's really saying something.

The private insurance company assessed the risk, and charged me accordingly.

Isn't that what insurance is? A hedge against the odds?

Why am I asking you? don't know anything.

Give me your ridiculous stupidity laden retort and be gone.
No. Insurance is not a bet. It's spreading the risk out. So a sickness doesn't bankrupt any of us. I say go single payer and take the profit motive out.

It may spread the risk, but my rate is based on odds. I have life choice, not government mandate. The odds of me dying unexpectedly in the next 10 years are low...but not non-existent. I don't smoke, or drink, or use drugs...I have an exceptional driving record, and I don't engage in high risk activities. Same for health insurance.
They should give money back every year to people who don't use their insurance

That is neither the game nor the business model of any health insurance corporation. The ultimate goal is to sell you via a legislated competition free environment a service that they hopefully never have to honor; premiums in, nothing back out.
All of the above is why single payer is inevitable.
All of the above is why single payer is inevitable.

I don't know, america is very proud of trailing the advanced world in healthcare outcomes despite being far and away THE most expensive system on the planet.

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