Red-Carnage: Theoretical Capitalism($)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-culture fairy-tale inspired by Jerry Maguire.



The Headless Horseman and the Xenomorph were both in crossed-paths in modern-day D.C. The Horseman wanted to create angst about 9/11, while the Xenomorph was busy planning a terrifying attack on the White House (in D.C.!). The Xenomorph didn't know that a terrorist plane on 9/11 was apparently originally intended to crash into the White House! The Horseman defied the Xenomorph by simply stating, "You'll never teach at Yale, even though you've managed to create pure timeless fear." The Xenomorph simply never watched CNN. It was as simple and humbling as that!


Meanwhile, the UNLV men's lacrosse team was suddenly doing incredibly-well. They were contenders for the national title in one darling-season and challenged the domination of front-running Johns Hopkins, Maryland, North Carolina, and Rutgers. The UNLV Runnin' Rebels men's lacrosse team featured one terrific striker (offense) and two terrific back-fieldsmen (defense). They created much school spirit for TV spotlights (and hence endorsements) and therefore reminded audiences of the metaphysical allure of competitive physical activities which were nevertheless nonviolent.


Ajay Satan was a student at Yale University studying the Linguistics of Ethnic Enclaves (and business districts). His thesis was titled "Selling Sociology" and it was very-much liked by his mentor-professor (Dr. Thomas Barnes) who recommended Ajay try marketing consumerism-label goods on the Internet as 'commerce-patriotism' totems for Christians to embrace. Ajay really liked the idea and found a really nice Las Vegas Raiders hat and re-presented it as a 'triumph' of casino-culture teamwork (on Facebook).


Ajay became an instant celebrity and was invited to Penguin's very chic annual autumn mock-fashion-show in Manhattan (NY) where he wore a bright red shirt with white-collar polo and white long-slacks (with bright-white shoes!). He told his friends and acquaintances that he believed he embodied the 'Christian Yuppie.' One of the hosts of the party (one of the co-hosts) suggested Ajay Satan run for political office, and he offered to connect him with some influential people he knew through Harvard University. Ajay accepted the offer, and in three years, he was Senator Satan (of Connecticut).


Amazingly enough, a deranged and virulent space-oddity (an alien-intelligence) named Red-Carnage was interested in the complete insanity of attempted flesh-and-bone peace-negotiations. Red-Carnage believed U.S. President Donald Trump was completely incapable of dealing with the deathstroke problem of nuclear missile-test controversies in North Korea and what America was obligated to do/with South Korea! Red-Carnage was a real menace, so the Hindu god Shiva (master of destruction) descended on Earth to put an end to Red-Carnage's reign of unsettling anarchy.


RED-CARNAGE: Facebook is for chumps...
SHIVA: There's no need for alien terrorism.
RED-CARNAGE: Are you going to 'build' Metropolis?
SHIVA: I will endorse SeaWorld (San Diego, California).
RED-CARNAGE: You're into aquariums?
SHIVA: I like wildlife managed well...
RED-CARNAGE: Interesting. Do you like bank robbers?
SHIVA: Bank robbers are glorified in the media (e.g., Bonnie and Clyde).
RED-CARNAGE: They're even fictionalized as 'avatars' in movies (e.g., Killing Zoe).
SHIVA: Consumerism is boring since it's so darn uniform (e.g., Wal-Mart).
RED-CARNAGE: True, but kids like MTV...
SHIVA: We have to take Machiavellian Rationalism and apply it to poverty.
RED-CARNAGE: Do you believe in capitalism's approach to meritocracy?
SHIVA: I like the $100,000 Pyramid (game-show).
RED-CARNAGE: So you endorse public displays of fortune-hunting...
SHIVA: What's so ambition-less (yet also fun) about LEGO City sets?
RED-CARNAGE: I suppose toys of models of cities represent psychiatry!
SHIVA: I think I'll watch Red Dragon on Netflix tonight (with my girlfriend).
RED-CARNAGE: Go sell out and lounge in the 'cottage of consumers.'



Treasure Chest: Red Diary

Will capitalism be remembered as a toy?



AJAY: I like consumerism toys...
TRUMP: Yes, the iPad, iPod, iPhone, and iWatch are all nifty.
AJAY: How will archaeologists in the future catalogue these market-relics?
TRUMP: I suppose they'll be considered 'civilization trophies.'
AJAY: Who gets the Medals of Honor?
TRUMP: Maybe Steve Jobs (of Apple Computers)!
AJAY: Good idea...didn't he teach at Yale?
TRUMP: Don't be flippant; Americans make the best toys.
AJAY: True. Mattel, Hasbro, Fisher-Price, Toys 'R Us(!).
TRUMP: Americans also make the best consumer electronics batteries!
AJAY: True. Energizer, Duracell, Rayovac.
TRUMP: I like comparing Kodak with Ford.
AJAY: Americans make poor cars, but they love Kids' Meals (McDonald's)!
TRUMP: Are you a fan of the Alien sci-fi horror films?
AJAY: I like how the newest one (Alien: Covenant) presents dystopian terror.
TRUMP: Ghost-stories are common for every age of super-development.
AJAY: I used to play McDonald's Monopoly when I was a kid.
TRUMP: Did you win?
AJAY: No! But I did learn a great deal about capitalism-centric toys.
TRUMP: I bet you're a comic book fan of Red Skull (Marvel Comics).
AJAY: Red Skull is the consummate terrorist (frightening).



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