Recommended course of action

It seems MM agrees with John Kerry - the troops are terrorists

Ohhhh.... you know that MM never said anything like that. You silly boy. Still, I do love it when you call us names. Tell me how the libs love to change the subject when they're wrong. Tell me more, Real Sexy Republican, tell me more!

Call me a bad dirty un-American boy!!! Call me a dirty lib! You know you want it as much as I do!
Ohhhh.... you know that MM never said anything like that. You silly boy. Still, I do love it when you call us names. Tell me how the libs love to change the subject when they're wrong. Tell me more, Real Sexy Republican, tell me more!

Call me a bad dirty un-American boy!!! Call me a dirty lib! You know you want it as much as I do!

He is ranting about civilians deaths during the openeing stages of the war and Kerry did call the troops terrorists
He is ranting about civilians deaths during the openeing stages of the war and Kerry did call the troops terrorists

He may be talking about civilian deaths during the opening stages of the war, but he is not saying it was terrorism. He has been pretty clear on that point, you cute little republican.
Here is another example of how the kook left sees the troops

Caution - this will really make you sick

Ted Rall Cartoon Depicts American Soldier as a Suicide Bomber
Posted by Noel Sheppard on July 14, 2007 - 09:47.
Ted Rall has created some truly offensive cartoons and articles during his career. However, this might be one of the most disgraceful statements made by a media representative since this war began (h/t Dan Gainor):

In one fell swoop, Rall has offended our military, their families, religion, patriotism, our educational system, our president, and our very way of life.

Any newspaper that carries this piece of detritus should be ashamed of itself.

Forgive me, but I need to wash my hands and keyboard of this filth.


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More of MM's ducking and dodging. He compared the US troops to terrorists and now he is like a worm on a hook


Look, just because you can't understand his post is no reason to take it out on him.

Let's play that fun game again where I try to explain ludicrously simple concepts to you in a manner that you can understand.

Let's start small in disecting post #70:

1. Acts of Terrorism and collateral damage in war are different because... one is an accident and one is intended.

Digest this for minute. It is a pretty big difference. All sorts of moral implications and such.

Now, this next part is really tricky, so take a deep breath before we go on.

[Breathing deeply]

2. If you children were blown to smithereens by either a) terrorism, or b) as collateral damage, you might be pretty upset either way.

Okay... that is about it. But I think you are ready for extra credit, and I am going to take MM's post to their logical conclusion... because I believe in you.

Are you ready????

3. Even though we realize that a) terrorism, and b) collateral damage are very different (because they really are); the parent of an incinerated child may not necessarily see it that way. I don't know, maybe something to do with not being able to consider the whole situation objectively, you know... BECAUSE YOUR CHILD WAS FUCKING INCINERATED.
so you agree with MM, Kerry, and Ted Rall?

So did you get my last post? Did it sink in? Please tell me.

I go through all of this trouble because you are important to me, and when you ignore my post like that, it's like being stabbed in the heart.

Oh RSR, why must you hurt me, when all I have ever craved is your love and acceptance?
So did you get my last post? Did it sink in? Please tell me.

I go through all of this trouble because you are important to me, and when you ignore my post like that, it's like being stabbed in the heart.

Oh RSR, why must you hurt me, when all I have ever craved is your love and acceptance?

You are becoming a waste of time

Are you agreeing with the rest of the kook left that considers the US military a bunch of terrorists?
You are becoming a waste of time

Are you agreeing with the rest of the kook left that considers the US military a bunch of terrorists?

Okay RSR, once again you have worn me down.

All the US troops... terrorists. You know that is what we always thought. You are too quick to let the wool get pulled over your eyes. You know, my brother is in Iraq, and I was gonna give him a pass, but my damn liberal sensibilities won't let me. He is the worst terrorist of all.

You know what else the US soldier responsible for... JFK. That's right, the American military killed our beloved president. That hurt.

Also, I think that the soldiers had something to do with the cancellation of the television show Arrested Development. That was my favorite television show, and because of the US Army, I will never see it again.

Also now that I think about it, Ugh boots didn't really become popular until after we invaded Iraq. Maybe the Navy had something to do about that.

RSR, sometimes you surprise me. I guess I have as much to learn from you, as you have to learn from me. But together, we can both become better people. Love, ReillyT
Haditha Butchers Swiftboat Jack Murtha
On the morning of August 15, 2005, members of a violent hate group known officially as "The United States Marine Corps", stormed into the peaceful Iraqi village of Haditha and opened fired, murdering 15 innocent men, women, children, and fluffy kittens as they lay sleeping in their beds. Congressman Jack Murtha, a former USMC Colonel who has since redeemed himself by repeatedly kicking his country its collective nards, wasted no time looking at evidence or listening to the Marines' version of events before calling a press conference and demanding they all be court martialed for their heinous crimes.

Murtha was careful, however, to not blame the troops for what happened. No, this was all George Bush's fault for placing them in such a stressful situation. Marines simply aren't trained to deal with the pressures of war. Whole platoons have been known to snap at the sound of gunfire and wipe out the first village they can get their hands on. That's what happened at Haditha. Jack Murtha knew it beyond any shadow of a doubt.

These so-called "patriots" continue to maintain their innocence anyway, perhaps for no other reason than to make Iron Jack Murtha look like a weasel and a liar. Yesterday, an investigating officer on the case recommend charges be dropped on one Marine for lack of evidence. Apparently he didn't bother to talk to the same Iraqi insurgents that Jack Murtha did. Now, the families of the Marines are demanding Murtha be censured for calling them "cold blooded killers".

Haditha Butchers Swiftboat Jack Murtha
On the morning of August 15, 2005, members of a violent hate group known officially as "The United States Marine Corps", stormed into the peaceful Iraqi village of Haditha and opened fired, murdering 15 innocent men, women, children, and fluffy kittens as they lay sleeping in their beds. Congressman Jack Murtha, a former USMC Colonel who has since redeemed himself by repeatedly kicking his country its collective nards, wasted no time looking at evidence or listening to the Marines' version of events before calling a press conference and demanding they all be court martialed for their heinous crimes.

Murtha was careful, however, to not blame the troops for what happened. No, this was all George Bush's fault for placing them in such a stressful situation. Marines simply aren't trained to deal with the pressures of war. Whole platoons have been known to snap at the sound of gunfire and wipe out the first village they can get their hands on. That's what happened at Haditha. Jack Murtha knew it beyond any shadow of a doubt.

These so-called "patriots" continue to maintain their innocence anyway, perhaps for no other reason than to make Iron Jack Murtha look like a weasel and a liar. Yesterday, an investigating officer on the case recommend charges be dropped on one Marine for lack of evidence. Apparently he didn't bother to talk to the same Iraqi insurgents that Jack Murtha did. Now, the families of the Marines are demanding Murtha be censured for calling them "cold blooded killers".


At this point, the thread is so off topic that no one looking at the title would expect this at the end of the thread. Why don't you start a new thread with this if you like?
At this point, the thread is so off topic that no one looking at the title would expect this at the end of the thread. Why don't you start a new thread with this if you like?

Pointing out there are alot of those on the kook left who consider the US the real terrorist nation
Pointing out there are alot of those on the kook left who consider the US the real terrorist nation

I don't understand what this means. I just thought that if you wanted to engage in discussion of the article, it might be better to start a new thread, so that when posters come on the board, they will know what the thread discussion is about. You don't have to. Just some friendly advice.
I don't understand what this means. I just thought that if you wanted to engage in discussion of the article, it might be better to start a new thread, so that when posters come on the board, they will know what the thread discussion is about. You don't have to. Just some friendly advice.

Given how the left feels about the troops - it makes sense they want the US to surrender to the terrorists

We are the bad guys and they are the good guys
Who the fuck is going to strike at our "defensive capabilities"? If its going to be someone, its not going to be Osama Bin Laden. What, do you think they are going to be sending in missiles next?

I'm not sticking my head into the sand, I'm just not willing to run around like a chicken with its head cut off and change my entire life, and move, because of something that kills a tiny miniscule of Americans per year.

You mean like on Sept 10, 2001 the question was "Who the fuck would fly a plane into the WTC?"

I'm not suggesting running around like a chicken with your head cut off. I'm suggesting not being dismissive of something that is a REAL threat. Pretending it isn't, won't make it go away.
Terrorism is the tactical use of fear and violence targeted deliberately against non-combatants. The use of terror is not limited to violent cults and rabid dogs. Witness the firebombings of WWII. Terror tactics by uniformed people are normally referred to as war crimes.

A "Terrorist" is someone not entitled to the protections of the Geneva conventions who specifically uses the tactic of terrorism to accomplish his goal.

While the US and others have used terror as one of many weapons, they are not terrorists.

Did y'all get that or was I typing too fast?

Not a bad definition. Certainly much better than rsr's. However you are incorrect about protections of the GC. The "reason" that is being given to deny some of the insurgents and terrorists their GC rights is that they don't wear uniforms and are not "legal" combatants. This has nothing to do with which atrocities they commit or do not commit.

Originally posted by gunny
You mean like on Sept 10, 2001 the question was "Who the fuck would fly a plane into the WTC?"

I'm not suggesting running around like a chicken with your head cut off. I'm suggesting not being dismissive of something that is a REAL threat. Pretending it isn't, won't make it go away.

And it happened, like shit is gonna happen. I'm not being dismissive of it, I'm saying that RSG's "recommendations" are wayyyyy over the top.

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