Recommended course of action

That is NOT caution and taking precautions. That is paranoia. Advising someone to move because they live near a tourist attraction (say Mount Rushmore) is stupid. Sorry, but SD ain't going to get hit by terrorists.

If we were to take that level of "caution" and apply it to health, it would be upon the line of advising someone to exercise 3 hours a day, grow their own food (so no can never be sure), and have a raw foods diet. Err, sure, but you can eat decently without going crazy over it, just as I can be decently safe without going crazy about it. Those recommending that I change my entire life so I become just the teensiest bit safety, are pussies.

Not at all. Death is death.

Why does this always only seem to apply with military deaths, but when its health, or cars, or whatever its "omg the government is interfering with us"?

Henny Penny the sky is falling! No, sorry, it won't be as bad as you think. It won't be great, and its certainly not ideal, but thats because of the deaths that will happen IN Iraq, not the ones that will happen out of it. But those are ok, right?

Besides all of are forgetting something. With a proven track record of failure, in and out of Iraq, what makes you think that the US forces remaining in there will be able to stabilize the country? Considering the US has already fucked up Iraq so badly, what makes you think we can now fix it? Because if its going to end in destablization anyway, its better to leave now and let the process get on with, and over.

Got news for you, junior, SD contains a LOT of our ICBM silos that are supposedly dismantled but really aren't. It woudl be a prime target for any knowledgeable person wanting to strike at our defensive capablilities.

You can say what you want. When you stick your head in the sand like an ostrich, your ASS is STILL on the skyline.
Ever notice that the paranoid curs calling for concrete houses and killing "them" "over there" are preachers of religion? :rofl:

Ah, but you will find I don't 'preach' religion. I'm quite skeptical of preachers of most anything. Religion, political extremism of any stripe, etc.

Got news for you, junior, SD contains a LOT of our ICBM silos that are supposedly dismantled but really aren't. It woudl be a prime target for any knowledgeable person wanting to strike at our defensive capablilities.

You can say what you want. When you stick your head in the sand like an ostrich, your ASS is STILL on the skyline.

Who the fuck is going to strike at our "defensive capabilities"? If its going to be someone, its not going to be Osama Bin Laden. What, do you think they are going to be sending in missiles next?

I'm not sticking my head into the sand, I'm just not willing to run around like a chicken with its head cut off and change my entire life, and move, because of something that kills a tiny miniscule of Americans per year.
Who the fuck is going to strike at our "defensive capabilities"? If its going to be someone, its not going to be Osama Bin Laden. What, do you think they are going to be sending in missiles next?

I'm not sticking my head into the sand, I'm just not willing to run around like a chicken with its head cut off and change my entire life, and move, because of something that kills a tiny miniscule of Americans per year.

So our actions create terrorists, but their actions shouldn't raise an eyebrow? Their dead justify genocide to come, ours are miniscule?
Who the fuck is going to strike at our "defensive capabilities"? If its going to be someone, its not going to be Osama Bin Laden. What, do you think they are going to be sending in missiles next?

I'm not sticking my head into the sand, I'm just not willing to run around like a chicken with its head cut off and change my entire life, and move, because of something that kills a tiny miniscule of Americans per year.

If Pres Bush would turn loose the US military, we would end this fight soon enough


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So our actions create terrorists, but their actions shouldn't raise an eyebrow? Their dead justify genocide to come, ours are miniscule?

Nice nuanced viewpoint you have there.

Lets see...yes our actions create terrorists.

Their actions should raise an eyebrow. However, you should be able to tell the difference between raising an eyebrow and altering my entire life course. Just a tiny teensy difference between those two extremes.

Nothing justifies genocide.

And ours are miniscule, not unimportant. Big difference between the two things.
Nice nuanced viewpoint you have there.

Lets see...yes our actions create terrorists.

Their actions should raise an eyebrow. However, you should be able to tell the difference between raising an eyebrow and altering my entire life course. Just a tiny teensy difference between those two extremes.

Nothing justifies genocide.

And ours are miniscule, not unimportant. Big difference between the two things.

The only action we should be taking against the terrorists is either capture them or kill them
Define Terrorism rsr.

blowing up cars in packed markets

beheading people

paying familing of homocide bombers

giving money and shelter to terrorists

how is that for starters?

Now you will try and compare the US and our military to terrorists...........
blowing up cars in packed markets

beheading people

paying familing of homocide bombers

giving money and shelter to terrorists

how is that for starters?

Now you will try and compare the US and our military to terrorists...........

A homicide bomber?

Well Congratulations. Under your asinine version of terrorism, The US government is terrorist, as is the British and pretty much any government with an air force. After all they drop bombs which kill people (homicide).

Now who is slurring the troops, dipshit?
A homicide bomber?

Well Congratulations. Under your asinine version of terrorism, The US government is terrorist, as is the British and pretty much any government with an air force. After all they drop bombs which kill people (homicide).

Now who is slurring the troops, dipshit?

I rest my case. Libs never miss a chance to slander their coutbry and the military
You must be watching MM - you are picking up his "debate" skills

I would explain it to you, but frankly I know you aren't intelligent enough to get it. Ah well...I guess at least you make the rest of us look smarter than we really are.
Its clear to me, the "players" haven't been able to figure it out in 1200 years, I seriously doubt well be able to do it in ten, twenty, a hundred..........:eusa_doh:

Lets have our military do what it does best, what its trained to do, what our young men and women volunteered to do, FIGHT TERROR.

Allowing our warriors to be picked off one at a time by suicide bombers, for a culture, and a people, that just don't "get it", seems misguided.

Where am I going wrong?

You're forgetting that we're suppost to be there to "liberate" the Iraqi people and make their lives "better."

Killing them all indiscriminately doesn't exactly fulfill the mission.
bottom line:

If we would leave Iraq and concentrate our military forces on the fight against islamic extremism instead of wasting lives and treasure trying to mediate a family feud between rival sects of Islam in one country, we would be MORE safe, not less.

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