Reason to hate progressives #742:

The rigging is behind the curtain............that is understood...........the people of this country simply vote against the biggest threat at the time...............

The biggest threat being Obama by the historical evidence.
Tell us, what are the huge threats? Oh right, you don't have any...
Here we go again with one liners............The american people have understood that the pen and phone POS sitting in the WH is a threat to our Constitution and the principles of this nation are a threat..........and so they put the POTUS BITCH in the corner on Time out.
So, you got nothin'? As expected.
aka We should restore integrity that was lost by the corruption of the left.................and reverse the perversion of the Dems changing the rules in the Senate for temporary gain..........and in doing so give the rights of the minority party that were lost by changing the rules in the Senate............

Part of me wants revenge for the actions of Reid and the Dems...........and to give them a taste of their own medicine................

The other part of me wants a restoration of the rules that guarantees the rights of minority parties within the Senate and restore the principles that were bedrocks before the libs SOLD THEIR SOULS for temporary gain.

The restoration of the principles of the Republic outweigh the needs of revenge.............Two Wrongs don't make a Right...............and refusal to be the scumbags like Reid and the Dems by changing a rule that had been in place for a very very long time...............

Your side has no HONOR..............NO INTEGRITY...........which is why you have lost....................and we should not make the same mistake for temporary revenge.
Your party tried to make Obama a one-termer. Don't talk to me about integrity, this is politics.
And it looks like a majority of Americans agree, since you got your ass handed to you on Tuesday.
The loss was entirely expected. It's a cycle and this is normal for the cycle, but you wouldn't know that now would you?
No, actually liberals said the republican party was dead, and now? With the liberal media spewing lies for your party. You should never lose an election.
It takes two to tango. Don't listen to morons. And anyone who says either party is dead is a moron. They keep each other in business, it's a rigged game.
Like Obama said, this election is about my policies, the dumbass is so full of himself. He put the final nail in your coffin. Also the fact that you are still supporting him, shows your ignorance.
The election was about stopping obama and the democrat party. Now our house and senate should do nothing but hammer obama and the left over and over and over again until obama is out. The republicans should never comprimise with the left.

So don't, even though that's exactly what you were just elected to do, get shit done.

BS if the voters wanted more demcrat policies they would have voted democrat. The election was referendum on Obama and the left, period.

You should learn to read exit polls instead of propaganda.
Your party tried to make Obama a one-termer. Don't talk to me about integrity, this is politics.
And it looks like a majority of Americans agree, since you got your ass handed to you on Tuesday.
The loss was entirely expected. It's a cycle and this is normal for the cycle, but you wouldn't know that now would you?
No, actually liberals said the republican party was dead, and now? With the liberal media spewing lies for your party. You should never lose an election.
It takes two to tango. Don't listen to morons. And anyone who says either party is dead is a moron. They keep each other in business, it's a rigged game.
Like Obama said, this election is about my policies, the dumbass is so full of himself. He put the final nail in your coffin. Also the fact that you are still supporting him, shows your ignorance.
I'm supporting him? I didn't notice...
And it looks like a majority of Americans agree, since you got your ass handed to you on Tuesday.
The loss was entirely expected. It's a cycle and this is normal for the cycle, but you wouldn't know that now would you?
No, actually liberals said the republican party was dead, and now? With the liberal media spewing lies for your party. You should never lose an election.
It takes two to tango. Don't listen to morons. And anyone who says either party is dead is a moron. They keep each other in business, it's a rigged game.
Like Obama said, this election is about my policies, the dumbass is so full of himself. He put the final nail in your coffin. Also the fact that you are still supporting him, shows your ignorance.
I'm supporting him? I didn't notice...
So you don't? I couldn't tell.
The loss was entirely expected. It's a cycle and this is normal for the cycle, but you wouldn't know that now would you?
1929............any more questions.
Think so huh? Well, okay.
Well yes it is Ok........because it is a historical fact................While power shifts in periods of 8 traditionally, the swing radius has greatly increased.............

There is absolutely no denying that.
White Power isn't an issue for my side, that's your voters.
Race Card played...........I thought you were above the standard of the RETARDED left..................Under your self proclamations of course.............

The power shift is in the record amount of pandering is going to change that.
White Power is a loaded phrase, don't use it, and don't deny that white racists also vote for your side. That's in the books as you say.
Are you sure you hate progressives? Hate is such a strong word.

Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
The loss was entirely expected. It's a cycle and this is normal for the cycle, but you wouldn't know that now would you?
No, actually liberals said the republican party was dead, and now? With the liberal media spewing lies for your party. You should never lose an election.
It takes two to tango. Don't listen to morons. And anyone who says either party is dead is a moron. They keep each other in business, it's a rigged game.
Like Obama said, this election is about my policies, the dumbass is so full of himself. He put the final nail in your coffin. Also the fact that you are still supporting him, shows your ignorance.
I'm supporting him? I didn't notice...
So you don't? I couldn't tell.
How could you, you don't ask anything you just run with your assumptions like any other child.
Are you sure you hate progressives? Hate is such a strong word.

Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?
The rigging is behind the curtain............that is understood...........the people of this country simply vote against the biggest threat at the time...............

The biggest threat being Obama by the historical evidence.
Tell us, what are the huge threats? Oh right, you don't have any...
Here we go again with one liners............The american people have understood that the pen and phone POS sitting in the WH is a threat to our Constitution and the principles of this nation are a threat..........and so they put the POTUS BITCH in the corner on Time out.
So, you got nothin'? As expected.
Do yo respect the Constitution or piss on it like Obama....................

Do you approve of a Presidential order to grant amnesty to illegals......................because if you do you sponsor a Dictatorship and not a Republic.................

Do you approve of the President re-interpreting the immigration laws as he pleases and allows ICE to release illegals on American soil that the law requires to be deported............................If you do you don't support a Republic by a Dictatorship...................

Do you support a Gov't agency that purposely targets groups based on their political position rather than the in the case of the IRS...........Where the administration and the courts have stated that this did happen...........................Whose asses are in jail now for violating the rights of other Americans who were attacked based on their beliefs through orgs who violated laws in doing so..................if you do you support tyranny................and not a Republic.............

Do you support the position of a POTUS who openly delayed permits for oil drilling in the Gulf Of much so that a Federal Judge found him in CONTEMPT OF COURT..............

AND ETC...............................................................

And the Bell tolls by the American people to put this BITCH INTO SUBMISSION.
No, actually liberals said the republican party was dead, and now? With the liberal media spewing lies for your party. You should never lose an election.
It takes two to tango. Don't listen to morons. And anyone who says either party is dead is a moron. They keep each other in business, it's a rigged game.
Like Obama said, this election is about my policies, the dumbass is so full of himself. He put the final nail in your coffin. Also the fact that you are still supporting him, shows your ignorance.
I'm supporting him? I didn't notice...
So you don't? I couldn't tell.
How could you, you don't ask anything you just run with your assumptions like any other child.
So, you don't support Obama?
It takes two to tango. Don't listen to morons. And anyone who says either party is dead is a moron. They keep each other in business, it's a rigged game.
Like Obama said, this election is about my policies, the dumbass is so full of himself. He put the final nail in your coffin. Also the fact that you are still supporting him, shows your ignorance.
I'm supporting him? I didn't notice...
So you don't? I couldn't tell.
How could you, you don't ask anything you just run with your assumptions like any other child.
So, you don't support Obama?
Depends on the issue, and the action. Unlike you I'm not loyal to someone just because they wave a flag and praise Jesus.
The election was about stopping obama and the democrat party. Now our house and senate should do nothing but hammer obama and the left over and over and over again until obama is out. The republicans should never comprimise with the left.

So don't, even though that's exactly what you were just elected to do, get shit done.

BS if the voters wanted more demcrat policies they would have voted democrat. The election was referendum on Obama and the left, period.

You should learn to read exit polls instead of propaganda.

I did and depends on the source and their bias.
Like Obama said, this election is about my policies, the dumbass is so full of himself. He put the final nail in your coffin. Also the fact that you are still supporting him, shows your ignorance.
I'm supporting him? I didn't notice...
So you don't? I couldn't tell.
How could you, you don't ask anything you just run with your assumptions like any other child.
So, you don't support Obama?
Depends on the issue, and the action. Unlike you I'm not loyal to someone just because they wave a flag and praise Jesus.
Oh bullshit, your one of Obama's best swallowers. As to my support to a candidate. I openly criticized Bush, also ole Lindsay Graham didn't get my vote, even though if he lost our win wouldn't of been as great.
I'm supporting him? I didn't notice...
So you don't? I couldn't tell.
How could you, you don't ask anything you just run with your assumptions like any other child.
So, you don't support Obama?
Depends on the issue, and the action. Unlike you I'm not loyal to someone just because they wave a flag and praise Jesus.
Oh bullshit, your one of Obama's best swallowers. As to my support to a candidate. I openly criticized Bush, also ole Lindsay Graham didn't get my vote, even though if he lost our win wouldn't of been as great.
As long as you reject reality I can't help you. Obama is just a pol. One of these days you guys will figure that out,
So you don't? I couldn't tell.
How could you, you don't ask anything you just run with your assumptions like any other child.
So, you don't support Obama?
Depends on the issue, and the action. Unlike you I'm not loyal to someone just because they wave a flag and praise Jesus.
Oh bullshit, your one of Obama's best swallowers. As to my support to a candidate. I openly criticized Bush, also ole Lindsay Graham didn't get my vote, even though if he lost our win wouldn't of been as great.
As long as you reject reality I can't help you. Obama is just a pol. One of these days you guys will figure that out,
Keep dancing around the question.
How could you, you don't ask anything you just run with your assumptions like any other child.
So, you don't support Obama?
Depends on the issue, and the action. Unlike you I'm not loyal to someone just because they wave a flag and praise Jesus.
Oh bullshit, your one of Obama's best swallowers. As to my support to a candidate. I openly criticized Bush, also ole Lindsay Graham didn't get my vote, even though if he lost our win wouldn't of been as great.
As long as you reject reality I can't help you. Obama is just a pol. One of these days you guys will figure that out,
Keep dancing around the question.
You had a question? No, you had an accusation. Carry on...
Are you sure you hate progressives? Hate is such a strong word.

Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
Are you sure you hate progressives? Hate is such a strong word.

Yeah I'm pretty sure.

You should not HATE progressives. They are merely uninformed brainwashed people. Hating them is nonsensical.

Anyone who believes in big unlimited government, as progressives do, is likely just dumb. We must help them out of their mental handicap...hating them does you and them no good.
Progressives don't believe that. Now who's the moron?


You don't know what you believe in.
His whole posting scheme is to stir shit up and nothing more............and post the same dribble over and over again......when you ask for facts to back it up he just spins in circles in order to make those who post against him lose patience and simply disregard his posts in the future.......I had enough of it in the past that I simply didn't engage with him anymore...........Just seems this morning I'd spar a little with his posts are endless BS and eventually I leave the fool to play with himself.
So, you don't support Obama?
Depends on the issue, and the action. Unlike you I'm not loyal to someone just because they wave a flag and praise Jesus.
Oh bullshit, your one of Obama's best swallowers. As to my support to a candidate. I openly criticized Bush, also ole Lindsay Graham didn't get my vote, even though if he lost our win wouldn't of been as great.
As long as you reject reality I can't help you. Obama is just a pol. One of these days you guys will figure that out,
Keep dancing around the question.
You had a question? No, you had an accusation. Carry on...
Wow a yes or no question, are you mentally ill?

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