"Real" Scientists admit......


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
.....their methodology in "mass extinction" predictions...........could happen in 1,000 years:lol::lol::lol:




Hmmmm............a peer reviewed guy too:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::wtf:

Check this bogus shit out...............I Wouldn't Worry About The Latest Mass Extinction Scare

Globoal warming is and has always been.................A HOAX!!!
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I love it when right wingers post "science facts".

Index of Extinct Animals in the Last 100 Years
Arabian Ostrich
Atitlan Grebe
Bali Tiger
Barbary Lion
Bubal Hartebeest
Canarian Black Oystercatcher
Cape Verde Giant Skink
Caribbean Monk Seal
Carolina Parakeet
Caspian Tiger
Caucasian Wisent
Colombian Grebe
Crescent Nail-tail Wallaby
Golden Toad
Grand Cayman Thrush
Guam Flying Fox
Hawai'i 'O'o
Heath Hen
Japanese Sea Lion
Javan Tiger
Kaua'i 'O'o
Laughing Owl
Laysan Rail
Little Swan Island Hutia
Palestinian Painted Frog
Paradise Parrot
Passenger Pigeon
Pyrenean Ibex
Roque Chico de Salmor Giant Lizard
Round Island Burrowing Boa
Ryukyu Wood-pigeon
Santo Stefano Lizard
Schomburgk's Deer
South Island Piopio
Tasmanian Wolf
Thicktail Chub
Toolache Wallaby
Western Black Rhinoceros
Wake Island Rail

You might want to listen to what Hank Campbell says about "science".

Hank Campbell's Profile | Science 2.0

Back to the Article.

This is what Hank is saying:

Wait, what?? That's a lot of helping verbs confusing what should be a fairly clear issue, if it were clear.

If it were clear.

And here he says:

Well, greater extinctions occurred when Europeans visited the Americas and in a much shorter time. And since we don't know how many species there are now, or have ever been, if someone makes a model and claims tens of thousands of species are going extinct today, that sets off cultural alarms. It's not science, though.

And he's right, it's not science. And it won't be until the extinctions are truly studied as "science".

On the other hand, if you pollute the world the way China has polluted their country, then for sure, you will have "mass extinctions".

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Yeah! And dinosaurs only became extinct when humans showed up! Yeah!

Wait, wut? :confused:

If you were trying to convince me that's what right wingers believe, I kind of already knew.



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