Real news vs. Fake news... with all this talk, let's take a real look.

the idea that the liberal/zionist media is out get white christians is the reason why they retreat into these insane news sources from god knows where. For example, if you beleive in creationism (as about 40% of americans do) think about how many people would be involved in covering that up....faking the fossils and scientific evidence it would include all the media, universities, scientists, every government on earth.

Why the tin foil hat crowd is growing and voting republican at the moment is another story
Dear PurpleOwl you just
Posted a litany of attacks blaming Christians for everything wrong and denying any credit for things right.

You yourself prove this very notion of liberals demonizing Christianity.

How are you not proof of this going on
not a liberal sweetie, try getting up on that cross another way
Real news.....Trump is President Elect
Fake news....Hillary Clinton should fight it because [insert bullshit story here]
The first is fact, the second is opinion. We would all be better off if the right knew the difference in their preferred media.
It's only opinion to you because it's YOUR preferred media sources mantra.
Were the results flipped this election you would be calling it fake.
OK that does not make sense. It is a fact that Trump is president elect, it is opinion that Clinton should contest the election. I know the difference, why don't you?
I'm talking about the reports of Hillary should contest because of...x
The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
^ Someone bookmark that post for when Sassy uses those same numbers to defend Trump in the not too distant future
Ya mean when the press starts attacking him for the same numbers
The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
^ Someone bookmark that post for when Sassy uses those same numbers to defend Trump in the not too distant future
Ya mean when the press starts attacking him for the same numbers
lol wut?
Real news.....Trump is President Elect
Fake news....Hillary Clinton should fight it because [insert bullshit story here]
The first is fact, the second is opinion. We would all be better off if the right knew the difference in their preferred media.
It's only opinion to you because it's YOUR preferred media sources mantra.
Were the results flipped this election you would be calling it fake.
OK that does not make sense. It is a fact that Trump is president elect, it is opinion that Clinton should contest the election. I know the difference, why don't you?
I'm talking about the reports of Hillary should contest because of...x
Again, that is an opinion that is not even a majority opinion among liberals.
The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
^ Someone bookmark that post for when Sassy uses those same numbers to defend Trump in the not too distant future
Ya mean when the press starts attacking him for the same numbers
lol wut?
Pretty simple....those numbers will suddenly be proof of how bad the economy is when Trump gets in.....just like 5% unemployment was a disaster under bush
Real news.....Trump is President Elect
Fake news....Hillary Clinton should fight it because [insert bullshit story here]
The first is fact, the second is opinion. We would all be better off if the right knew the difference in their preferred media.
It's only opinion to you because it's YOUR preferred media sources mantra.
Were the results flipped this election you would be calling it fake.
It's FACT that in three states with electronic ballots there was a pattern the computer guys said should be looked into. It is a fact. That YOU do not want it looked into is your OPINION.
What's with the "wall of text" OP?

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The "wall of text" as you say consist of all working links and is just a short list of the deceptions perpetuated by those who proclaim themselves as real news sources.

Notice how many of these lies/deceptions perpetuated on those too cowardly to research for themselves have our kids coming home from foreign lands in body bags?
Real news.....Trump is President Elect
Fake news....Hillary Clinton should fight it because [insert bullshit story here]
The first is fact, the second is opinion. We would all be better off if the right knew the difference in their preferred media.
It's only opinion to you because it's YOUR preferred media sources mantra.
Were the results flipped this election you would be calling it fake.
It's FACT that in three states with electronic ballots there was a pattern the computer guys said should be looked into. It is a fact. That YOU do not want it looked into is your OPINION.

Trump won

Get over it
Real news.....Trump is President Elect
Fake news....Hillary Clinton should fight it because [insert bullshit story here]
The first is fact, the second is opinion. We would all be better off if the right knew the difference in their preferred media.
It's only opinion to you because it's YOUR preferred media sources mantra.
Were the results flipped this election you would be calling it fake.
OK that does not make sense. It is a fact that Trump is president elect, it is opinion that Clinton should contest the election. I know the difference, why don't you?
I'm talking about the reports of Hillary should contest because of...x
Again, that is an opinion that is not even a majority opinion among liberals.
It's not an opinion. Take the so called hacking story. There is ZERO EVIDENCE. As in NONE. Just butthurt leftists spreading complete fabricated bullshit. And as seen on this very site there are Dumbfucks falling for it lol
What's a zionist?
According to our Rabbis, they are atheist degenerates. While claiming Jewishness, they actually act in no such way and are in fact the greatest enemy of the Jews.

Zionism | True Torah Jews




The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
yeah and where his birth certificate? did trump ever hear from those investigators he sent to Hawaii or did hillary have them taken out with her secret ninja army?

If you want to talk of that start a thread on it.....or resume your bashing of Christians. It seems you're obsessed with that topic

No one bashes Christians. But we will call out those who preach hate, misogyny, and anti-semitism while claiming to follow the Jesus. How you can justify racism, bigotry and intolerance and claim to love Jesus who said "Love one another, as I have loved you". Notice there are no qualifications or restrictions on who is to be loved, or in "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".

Anything less isn't Christianity
Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

You're right. There can't be any evidence until there's a recount. Not saying I advocate one; I just think these guys know what they're talking about and there were a LOT of polls that seem to have gotten it wrong, as well as the popular vote. So do we leave it alone? Maybe. But it should be looked into for next time, I think, and maybe go back to paper ballots. Then all we have to worry about is voter ID and dead people.
the idea that the liberal/zionist media is out get white christians is the reason why they retreat into these insane news sources from god knows where. For example, if you beleive in creationism (as about 40% of americans do) think about how many people would be involved in covering that up....faking the fossils and scientific evidence it would include all the media, universities, scientists, every government on earth.

Why the tin foil hat crowd is growing and voting republican at the moment is another story
Dear PurpleOwl you just
Posted a litany of attacks blaming Christians for everything wrong and denying any credit for things right.

You yourself prove this very notion of liberals demonizing Christianity.

How are you not proof of this going on
not a liberal sweetie, try getting up on that cross another way

Thanks for the correction PurpleOwl

So what is your background and reason for targeting Christians
and Christianity with blame for wars and not counting the
contributions and sacrifice Christians have made toward peace?
The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
yeah and where his birth certificate? did trump ever hear from those investigators he sent to Hawaii or did hillary have them taken out with her secret ninja army?

If you want to talk of that start a thread on it.....or resume your bashing of Christians. It seems you're obsessed with that topic

No one bashes Christians. But we will call out those who preach hate, misogyny, and anti-semitism while claiming to follow the Jesus. How you can justify racism, bigotry and intolerance and claim to love Jesus who said "Love one another, as I have loved you". Notice there are no qualifications or restrictions on who is to be loved, or in "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".

Anything less isn't Christianity

Dear Dragonlady and PurpleOwl
Do you also credit Christians for healing the root causes of disease, abuse,
addiction, and even mental and criminal illness?

See resources I recommend for further medical research on Spiritual Healing:

Also, when seeking to correct and rebuke Christians,
I find it more effective to uphold and enforce standards
as equal peers, correcting each other mutually: to RESTORE
good faith relations not to condemn and reject the other person!

It's harder to correct others if you don't practice what
you preach either.

For those of us who live by natural secular laws,
I use the Bill of Rights, Code of Ethics and other secular language:

For example, the secular equivalent of not judging and condemning others is
respecting DUE PROCESS of law, and not assuming someone is guilty
until proven innocent which is backwards.

PurpleOwl if you come in guns ablazing already assuming the person
you address is the enemy, you are violating natural laws that people
are innocent until proven guilty. So you will meet with the same reaction,
and wonder why people "judge you back" as you just did to an entire group
condemned by "guilt by association."
The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
yeah and where his birth certificate? did trump ever hear from those investigators he sent to Hawaii or did hillary have them taken out with her secret ninja army?

If you want to talk of that start a thread on it.....or resume your bashing of Christians. It seems you're obsessed with that topic

No one bashes Christians...

I stopped right lie
The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
yeah and where his birth certificate? did trump ever hear from those investigators he sent to Hawaii or did hillary have them taken out with her secret ninja army?

If you want to talk of that start a thread on it.....or resume your bashing of Christians. It seems you're obsessed with that topic

No one bashes Christians. But we will call out those who preach hate, misogyny, and anti-semitism while claiming to follow the Jesus. How you can justify racism, bigotry and intolerance and claim to love Jesus who said "Love one another, as I have loved you". Notice there are no qualifications or restrictions on who is to be loved, or in "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".

Anything less isn't Christianity
Many people bash Christians, it's the only group not given special protections in speech. However, you don't get to be God and declare who is or who isn't a Christian. You need to read up on it if you are going to discuss it.
The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
yeah and where his birth certificate? did trump ever hear from those investigators he sent to Hawaii or did hillary have them taken out with her secret ninja army?

If you want to talk of that start a thread on it.....or resume your bashing of Christians. It seems you're obsessed with that topic

No one bashes Christians. But we will call out those who preach hate, misogyny, and anti-semitism while claiming to follow the Jesus. How you can justify racism, bigotry and intolerance and claim to love Jesus who said "Love one another, as I have loved you". Notice there are no qualifications or restrictions on who is to be loved, or in "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".

Anything less isn't Christianity
Many people bash Christians, it's the only group not given special protections in speech. However, you don't get to be God and declare who is or who isn't a Christian. You need to read up on it if you are going to discuss it.

The problem with these anti Christian loons is they expect Christians to meek and humble (they cherry pick Bible verses to "prove" their point".)...and are stunned when a Christian tells them to pound sand. What's hilarious is they demand Christians turn the other cheek....while them themselves refuse to do so.
The truth is the first victim of fascism. The alt-right demonstrates this clearly by thinking that only the sources that confirm their beliefs are accurate. If one actually pays attention to every source the real story eventually comes out. The problem is that erroneous headlines scream from the front page while retractions whisper from the back page, compound that with the fact that retractions hardly ever occur in the RW media.

You mean like Obama's phony baloney jobs numbers and shit?
yeah and where his birth certificate? did trump ever hear from those investigators he sent to Hawaii or did hillary have them taken out with her secret ninja army?

If you want to talk of that start a thread on it.....or resume your bashing of Christians. It seems you're obsessed with that topic

No one bashes Christians. But we will call out those who preach hate, misogyny, and anti-semitism while claiming to follow the Jesus. How you can justify racism, bigotry and intolerance and claim to love Jesus who said "Love one another, as I have loved you". Notice there are no qualifications or restrictions on who is to be loved, or in "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".

Anything less isn't Christianity
Many people bash Christians, it's the only group not given special protections in speech. However, you don't get to be God and declare who is or who isn't a Christian. You need to read up on it if you are going to discuss it.
Christians don't get bashed for being Christians, they get bashed when they drag their religious agenda into the political arena and try to impose it on the rest of us.