Real Average Hourly Earnings in America are Dropping

And wages are going to keep dropping as long as America keeps running on the broken capitalist system and the failed two party system.

It’s about time we had another revolution. The 99% needs to rise up.
Oh, your are one of those eat the rich morons. So AFTER you eat the rich then who idiot?
Your idiot idea is FAILING in Washingto, Oregon and California.

I’m not saying eat the rich. But the rich shouldn’t be getting richer while the middle and working class are getting poorer. There’s something wrong. The balance is off if that’s happening.

Simple solution: become one of the rich
(In the last paragraph of the link)
'From May 2017 to May 2018, real average hourly earnings decreased 0.1 percent, seasonally adjusted.' Real Earnings Summary And this is from the government - the BLS. Not say the least.
The government is trying to inflate their way out of debt. That's been their strategy as far back as the year 2000. When the cost of money is low the price of tangible items will inflate. So since the year 2000 everything except wages has been increasing. Sure, the wages of certain skilled jobs have been increasing but that is more of a market driven phenomenon.

Unfortunately, there's really no solution that we are willing to take to solve this problem, so we will continue on this unsustainable path until the party crashes. The government literally does not want low prices.
And yet another high level USMB discussion on macroeconomics decays into grade school personal insults and name-calling. Ya gotta love this place! Ya just gotta!.
There are very few, if any, high-level discussion on USMB. Still, a thread based on such a low-level of veracity invariably results personal insults and name-calling.
Well, it's all relative. This is just another shallow, partisan bash thread. But relatively speaking, at least it didn't START OFF with grade school personal insults or name calling.

For this place, that's high-level stuff! Yay!
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And wages are going to keep dropping as long America as keeps running on the broken capitalist system and the failed two party system.

It’s about time we had another revolution. It’s about time the 99% rise up.

And a big part of that is you left wingers and your green cards and promotion of criminal illegal aliens driving down wages and reducing jobs. your ilk are big promoters of capitalism and the two party system, and you're just as establishmentarian as Jeb Bush. It's hilarious how the so-called 'left' runs around pretending to be 'pro-labor n stuff', while cutting everybody's throats and dancing in the streets over doing it. lol you dorks aren't 'revolutionaries', not even close; you're just a bunch of violent racist scum, and you all work for the Democratic Party like good little hired thugs.

I find it funny how you conservatives can’t express yourselves without using middle school insults and profanities. Must be that Trump university education at work.

I find it funny you think you posted something an educated person would post. you get responses at the level you post at from me. Whether you know it or not is not my problem.

In my post I didn’t mention right or left. In my opinion both sides of government are pieces of shit. They’ve failed the American people. Republican and Democratic Party have both made a fortune off of the backs of the 99%.

So you don't know enough to name names. No surprise there, since many of the 'names' are your heroes.

They both need to be ousted from power.

Except you support Democrats, as all racists do.

Of course a revolution wouldn’t work if it’s just liberals or just conservative. Both sides would have to put their differences to the side and make America better.

lol vapid rubbish. There aren't any 'revolutionaries' running around threatening the status quo. you're just repeating Burb Brat 'progressive' fantasy rubbish.

Republicans and Democrats have done an excellent job pinning conservatives and liberals together. As long as the people are divided they can continue to fuck us over.

Meaningless generalities again. We know what the problems are, who is doing what, so if you're too timid and bound to what's fashionable with your peer group, burn your voter card.
(In the last paragraph of the link)

'From May 2017 to May 2018, real average hourly earnings decreased 0.1 percent, seasonally adjusted.'

Real Earnings Summary

And this is from the government - the BLS.

Not say the least.

OMG the sky is falling

And who said it was?

Now maybe explain to us now consumers are supposed to keep up with rising prices/inflation and expenses while real wages are dropping?

God you Trumpbots are idiots.

That means that people are losing purchasing knucklehead.

Or I suppose you think that is a good thing.

What this country needs is more poorly skilled and poorly educated illegals that can't speak the language or understands how indoor plumbing works AND give amnesty to the 20 to 30 million illegals that are already here! That will fix the problem!

Why is there inflation? What causes it? I bet you haven't a clue.....prove me wrong.

'What is 'Inflation'
Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling.'


You stupid idiot...inflation is caused by numerous sources. There is no one cause. Your question is moronic.

Rising prices, rising wages, shortage of goods, a disaster/fear of impending disaster, falling currency value, too much money 'printing', rising interest rates, fear of rising interest rates, lack of faith in the economy and on and on can cause inflation.
There is no one, single cause....DUH.

Now answer your own moronic question...

No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities will cause certain items to rise in cost but people have the option of not using them or cutting back on the purchases of said items. Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank that isn't federal nor has any reserves thus the fiat currency has to expand exponentially in order to service the debt. The more there is of something, the less it is worth. Let's say there are 1,000 Pete Rose baseball cards in circulation and I possess 100 of them but then all of the sudden another 10,000 cards become available..are my cards worth more now or are they worth less? The federal reserve note of debt has lost 97 percent of it's purchasing power since our monetary system was given over by Woodrow Wilson and a quorum full of bought and paid for politicians that stayed behind during the Christmas break on December 23rd, 1913 and the cowards passed it with a "nay" or "yay" vote for plausible deniability.

The federal reserve note of debt has lost 97 percent of it's purchasing power since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 AND that was the same year the 16th amendment was put in place in order to steal the wages of their debt slaves in order to pay interest on fiat currency created by an empty checkbook of the Fed. Questions????

I was bored and read this post again.

Before I get to the rest - I will say once again that I agree that the Fed is full of shit.

Now...the rest...

'No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities will cause certain items to rise in cost but people have the option of not using them or cutting back on the purchases of said items. Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank that isn't federal nor has any reserves thus the fiat currency has to expand exponentially in order to service the debt. The more there is of something, the less it is worth.'

I gotta tell you...I have a BS in business and this is one of the lamest, most pathetic definitions of 'inflation' I have ever read. And I had some lame prof's.

'No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities...'. What a load of mumbo jumbo bullshit. Try that one on a Wall Street veteran and he/she will laugh you right out of the room, probably.

You must be staggeringly ignorant and/or mentally unbalanced and/or over 80 to actually believe that is THE ONLY cause of inflation.

Then you typed 'Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank'.
Again...wrong if that is THE only way to get inflation, in your head.

You dingbat...inflation does not need currency printing to exist. It IS one way. It is BY FAR not the only way.

Example - war in the Middle East sends oil prices skyrocketing to over $120 a barrel. Virtually overnight, that will cause all petroleum-based products to rise drastically in price. Result? Inflation (the CPI) rises somewhat as petroleum-based products and services make up a large portion of the economy.
There - an inflation increase without the Fed 'printing' one dollar of currency.

Your theory was just destroyed (and there are hundreds of other examples of this I could give).

Have a nice day.
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OMG the sky is falling

And who said it was?

Now maybe explain to us now consumers are supposed to keep up with rising prices/inflation and expenses while real wages are dropping?

God you Trumpbots are idiots.

That means that people are losing purchasing knucklehead.

Or I suppose you think that is a good thing.

What this country needs is more poorly skilled and poorly educated illegals that can't speak the language or understands how indoor plumbing works AND give amnesty to the 20 to 30 million illegals that are already here! That will fix the problem!

Why is there inflation? What causes it? I bet you haven't a clue.....prove me wrong.

'What is 'Inflation'
Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling.'


You stupid idiot...inflation is caused by numerous sources. There is no one cause. Your question is moronic.

Rising prices, rising wages, shortage of goods, a disaster/fear of impending disaster, falling currency value, too much money 'printing', rising interest rates, fear of rising interest rates, lack of faith in the economy and on and on can cause inflation.
There is no one, single cause....DUH.

Now answer your own moronic question...

No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities will cause certain items to rise in cost but people have the option of not using them or cutting back on the purchases of said items. Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank that isn't federal nor has any reserves thus the fiat currency has to expand exponentially in order to service the debt. The more there is of something, the less it is worth. Let's say there are 1,000 Pete Rose baseball cards in circulation and I possess 100 of them but then all of the sudden another 10,000 cards become available..are my cards worth more now or are they worth less? The federal reserve note of debt has lost 97 percent of it's purchasing power since our monetary system was given over by Woodrow Wilson and a quorum full of bought and paid for politicians that stayed behind during the Christmas break on December 23rd, 1913 and the cowards passed it with a "nay" or "yay" vote for plausible deniability.

The federal reserve note of debt has lost 97 percent of it's purchasing power since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 AND that was the same year the 16th amendment was put in place in order to steal the wages of their debt slaves in order to pay interest on fiat currency created by an empty checkbook of the Fed. Questions????

I was bored and read this post again.

Before I get to the rest - I will say once again that I agree that the Fed is full of shit.

Now...the rest...

'No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities will cause certain items to rise in cost but people have the option of not using them or cutting back on the purchases of said items. Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank that isn't federal nor has any reserves thus the fiat currency has to expand exponentially in order to service the debt. The more there is of something, the less it is worth.'

I gotta tell you...I have a BS in business and this is one of the lamest, most pathetic definitions of 'inflation' I have ever read. And I had some lame prof's.

'No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities...'. What a load of mumbo jumbo bullshit. Try that one on a Wall Street veteran and he/she will laugh you right out of the room, probably.

You must be staggeringly ignorant and/or mentally unbalanced and/or over 80 to actually believe that is THE ONLY cause of inflation.

Then you typed 'Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank'.
Again...wrong if that is THE only way to get inflation, in your head.

You dingbat...inflation does not need currency printing to exist. It IS one way. It is BY FAR not the only way.

Example - war in the Middle East sends oil prices skyrocketing to over $120 a barrel. Virtually overnight, that will cause all petroleum-based products to rise drastically in price. Result? Inflation (the CPI) rises somewhat as petroleum-based products and services make up a large portion of the economy.
There - an inflation increase without the Fed 'printing' one dollar of currency.

Your theory was just destroyed (and there are hundreds of other examples of this I could give).

Have a nice day.

You don't know what "inflation". Costs going up is not inflation, but an indicator of it.
OMG the sky is falling

And who said it was?

Now maybe explain to us now consumers are supposed to keep up with rising prices/inflation and expenses while real wages are dropping?

God you Trumpbots are idiots.

That means that people are losing purchasing knucklehead.

Or I suppose you think that is a good thing.

What this country needs is more poorly skilled and poorly educated illegals that can't speak the language or understands how indoor plumbing works AND give amnesty to the 20 to 30 million illegals that are already here! That will fix the problem!

Why is there inflation? What causes it? I bet you haven't a clue.....prove me wrong.

'What is 'Inflation'
Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling.'


You stupid idiot...inflation is caused by numerous sources. There is no one cause. Your question is moronic.

Rising prices, rising wages, shortage of goods, a disaster/fear of impending disaster, falling currency value, too much money 'printing', rising interest rates, fear of rising interest rates, lack of faith in the economy and on and on can cause inflation.
There is no one, single cause....DUH.

Now answer your own moronic question...

No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities will cause certain items to rise in cost but people have the option of not using them or cutting back on the purchases of said items. Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank that isn't federal nor has any reserves thus the fiat currency has to expand exponentially in order to service the debt. The more there is of something, the less it is worth. Let's say there are 1,000 Pete Rose baseball cards in circulation and I possess 100 of them but then all of the sudden another 10,000 cards become available..are my cards worth more now or are they worth less? The federal reserve note of debt has lost 97 percent of it's purchasing power since our monetary system was given over by Woodrow Wilson and a quorum full of bought and paid for politicians that stayed behind during the Christmas break on December 23rd, 1913 and the cowards passed it with a "nay" or "yay" vote for plausible deniability.

The federal reserve note of debt has lost 97 percent of it's purchasing power since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 AND that was the same year the 16th amendment was put in place in order to steal the wages of their debt slaves in order to pay interest on fiat currency created by an empty checkbook of the Fed. Questions????

I was bored and read this post again.

Before I get to the rest - I will say once again that I agree that the Fed is full of shit.

Now...the rest...

'No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities will cause certain items to rise in cost but people have the option of not using them or cutting back on the purchases of said items. Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank that isn't federal nor has any reserves thus the fiat currency has to expand exponentially in order to service the debt. The more there is of something, the less it is worth.'

I gotta tell you...I have a BS in business and this is one of the lamest, most pathetic definitions of 'inflation' I have ever read. And I had some lame prof's.

'No, there is but one cause, shock testing by creating artificial scarcities...'. What a load of mumbo jumbo bullshit. Try that one on a Wall Street veteran and he/she will laugh you right out of the room, probably.

You must be staggeringly ignorant and/or mentally unbalanced and/or over 80 to actually believe that is THE ONLY cause of inflation.

Then you typed 'Inflation is caused by dumping more scrip notes into the system in order to service the debt created by the extension of "credit" given by a central bank'.
Again...wrong if that is THE only way to get inflation, in your head.

You dingbat...inflation does not need currency printing to exist. It IS one way. It is BY FAR not the only way.

Example - war in the Middle East sends oil prices skyrocketing to over $120 a barrel. Virtually overnight, that will cause all petroleum-based products to rise drastically in price. Result? Inflation (the CPI) rises somewhat as petroleum-based products and services make up a large portion of the economy.
There - an inflation increase without the Fed 'printing' one dollar of currency.

Your theory was just destroyed (and there are hundreds of other examples of this I could give).

Have a nice day.

Why is it that I remain unimpressed with your post?I believe it's because I have spent thousands of hours reading and researching. Allow me to give you some things to ponder.

#1 Energy is the key to all activity on earth and natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy and social science is the study of social energy. They are book-keeping systems using mathematics thus mathematics is the primary energy science. Is it not true that the book-keeper can be king if the dumbed down public can be kept ignorant of the fudging and manipulation of numbers especially as it pertains to our debt based monetary system? I believe that is exactly the case because it is our labor ( i.e energy) that moves their fiat currency.

#2 All science is merely a means to an end and knowledge is power. The end game is total control and whom will benefit the most from the artificially created "credit" by a central bank with an empty vault and then collects interest on "money" created out of thin air? It isn't me or you...that is the answer.

#3 The economy is a lot like Ohm's law for electricity like how the extension of credit is represented as capital but is actually a negative like a resistor that restricts the flow of current or in the economic sense "currency" since credit is indebtedness. The robber barons have figured out how to manipulate the economic system and make money on the way up AND the way down and stage these "up and down", boom and bust business cycles, Every financial crisis has been artificially created INCLUDING the crash of 1929. It is fact that what is referred to as the "dollar" has lost 97 percent of it's purchasing power since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

You need to study up on the Bretton Woods agreement and Nixon taking the dollar off of the gold standard in 1971 and soon thereafter the creation of the petro dollar and how artificial scarcities were created to drive up the cost of oil as a payment to OPEC for agreeing to only sell their oil for federal reserve notes. Study up as to why many refineries were shut down in the U.S and why oil exploration was curtailed in the United States. BTW,did you know that only 20 to 30 percent of the gas that is put into a car is actually used and the rest is emitted and those that came up with the technology to use 100 percent of it either had their patents denied or met untimely deaths? The technology to free the world of a petroleum/ debt based system has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla. They simply extend credit which puts more debt notes into the system making the other debt notes ( already in play) to have less purchasing power and THAT is what inflation is, always has been and it's done intentionally.

Have a great night........

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