Reagan Cut And Run After Letting 241 Marines Be Murdered

How willfully ignorant some people are... and in most cases that involve the military... libtards.

What an amusing little thread/circle jerk of libroid ignorance and lies.
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The same kinda sick fuck that says Obama let the Embassy be attacked.



Is that like Bush letting the Twin Towers be attacked?


Some fucked up justifications going on, around here, for being a dishonest hack


I only thought I was "far-right" until I met some posters around these parts.

To link an unsourced Blog with that kind of allegation is uncool.

I will say, however, regardless of intel reports......given the date there should have been some ramping up of security.
Was there? I don't know.
Was there enough? Like USC said, there is rarely "enough".

But your Troll-Thread invoked the ire it was intended to.


Is that like Bush letting the Twin Towers be attacked?


Some fucked up justifications going on, around here, for being a dishonest hack


I only thought I was "far-right" until I met some posters around these parts.

To link an unsourced Blog with that kind of allegation is uncool.

I will say, however, regardless of intel reports......given the date there should have been some ramping up of security.
Was there? I don't know.
Was there enough? Like USC said, there is rarely "enough".

But your Troll-Thread invoked the ire it was intended to.

More rhetoric to prove a point...

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