Read v. Hear


Sep 23, 2010
Television is a sales tool and an instrument of government propaganda; hence, Americans will always get the government’s lies on television. Reading is the one and only way to combat those lies. There’s the rub.
Tens of millions of Americans get their beliefs and opinions from television. They believe news anchors and talking heads. That dangerous situation is possible because only a small percentage of Americans read about their government. Note that listening comprehension skills are harder to find than reading comprehension skills.

Were that untrue the politicians would not get away with doublespeak, newspeak, and outright lies. If you think I am exaggerating research the things Hussein & Company said about immigration, gun controls, and the economy in just the past 30 days.


The education industry barely teaches reading; so there is no chance public schools are teaching reading comprehension. According to reports many high school grads do not know how to read. You can forget reading comprehension skills altogether in most Americans who can read. The tragedy is: Transcribe the lies Americans HEAR on television and they still lack the comprehension skills needed to make an informed decision.

Reading on the Net

The overwhelming majority of young Americans spend hours on the Internet every week. There is no evidence that says they read about the people governing this country. A few —— maybe —— but not enough to overcome the influence of television and Hollywood —— or the garbage teachers put into the minds of their charges. That brings me to the children.

No matter the issue, whenever Democrats want something they march out the children. Using the murdered children killed in Newtown, Connecticut is a new low for Democrats. Think about that when you hear a Chicago sewer rat say:

“If we can save one child we should take that step.”

Obama: If We Can Save One Child ?We Should Take That Step? |

That from a man who leads the party of butchers; a party that funds infanticide; a man who voted for late term abortions; a man whose political philosophy sanctions this:


The violence done in abortion “clinics” has been covered by WND, and a long list of pro-life websites for years, but now the murder trial for abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell, who is accused of snipping the spines of babies who survived the abortion procedure, is making inroads into the legacy media.

Baby-murder trial reveals 'clinic' violence
'The things that Gosnell was doing are happening in abortion businesses around the country'
Published: 12 hours ago

Baby-murder trial reveals ?clinic? violence

If you want to get a handle on what Democrats plan for children READ the following because you sure as hell won’t HEAR it in a classroom or on television:

Hillary Clinton’s global village
Our Children, Global Citizens, and the Collective
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our Children, Global Citizens, and the Collective
The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase
Anxiety Culture: Tyranny of Words - excerpt


To psikeyhackr: Stuart Chase! Get real. If anything, my premise addresses the damage done by Chase’s linguistic contortions.

True. I believe you have struck a nerve, Flanders. There has been a systematic dumbing down of America for decades now and the television has been a huge part of that agenda.

Even listening to news that gives false reports is not a wise idea. We need to be carefully checking out the facts from independent sources - reliable and credible sources - World Net Daily is quite good - for an example - it is imperative that the american people wake up and begin to research the facts for themselves. Too many are not doing that. In my opinion. - Jeremiah
True. I believe you have struck a nerve, Flanders. There has been a systematic dumbing down of America for decades now and the television has been a huge part of that agenda.

Even listening to news that gives false reports is not a wise idea. We need to be carefully checking out the facts from independent sources - reliable and credible sources - World Net Daily is quite good - for an example - it is imperative that the american people wake up and begin to research the facts for themselves. Too many are not doing that. In my opinion. - Jeremiah

To Jeremiah: You are so right. Unfortunately, so much has gone unchecked in the decades you refer to it is much too late to undo those lies. Roe v. Wade is about choice, and Senator McCarthy was wrong, are two of the biggest lies that are set in cement.

Actually, the media-entertainment-education-complex is tightening its stranglehold on the minds of America’s children; so if adults don’t turn it around it will take one generation of kids to break the grip. That works out to at least twenty years to show results —— and that’s assuming dismantling the media-entertainment-education-complex begins immediately. On the plus side Hussein & Company are so foul they are providing more than enough reasons to begin the demolition.
Quote OP

If you want to get a handle on what Democrats plan for children READ the following because you sure as hell won’t HEAR it in a classroom or on television:

Hillary Clinton’s global village
Our Children, Global Citizens, and the Collective
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our Children, Global Citizens, and the Collective

I’ll wager that not more than 5 percent of American parents ever heard of International Baccalaureate. Deduct those parents who agree with IB and the percentage of informed American parents with school age children drops to well below one percent:

An international baccalaureate world school is another arm of U.N. Agenda 21 indoctrination of our children into “global citizenship, social justice, intercultural understanding and respect,” submission to one-world socialist government, using American taxpayer dollars. Most parents have no idea what IB is. IB programs are devoted to the “radical transformation of America’s classrooms.”


An IB World School is a private or public school that has agreed to offer the IB (International Baccalaureate) program run and coordinated by IBO, a non-profit socialist Swiss Foundation in Geneva, Switzerland, in partnership with UNESCO of the United Nations. As a parent, in order to discover what the secret curriculum is, one has to be an approved IB teacher, with a password that accesses the curriculum. This sounds very similar to the CSCOPE curriculum in Texas which is kept quite unavailable to prying eyes and ears.

First let me remind everyone that any organization with the noun ‘International’ in its title should be enough to wave off NON-SOCIALIST members of Congress, state legislators, and local school boards. Non-Socialist does not always mean a majority in the halls of government even though the vast majority of Americans detest socialism.

Here’s the gimmick. IB schools can be public schools; thereby, eliminating the choice parents retain if they voluntary send their kids to a private IB school. As usual, Socialists work day and night trying to find ways to force their religion on children. IB schools is another example.

Incidentally, the stuff in IB curriculum most be pretty bad considering socialism’s garbage being taught in non-IB public schools.

The worst part is that any partnership with the United Nations means that American taxpayers are paying for the curriculum in IB schools. Adding insult to financial injury IB schools are religious schools being funded in part, or in whole, by taxpayers irrespective of the First Amendment’s prohibition against a state religion.

Anyway, here’s the link to Dr. Paugh’s informative piece. Whether you are conservative or liberal, if you think of yourself as AMERICAN you should learn a little about IB:

The Radical Transformation of America’s Classrooms
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Friday, April 12, 2013

The Radical Transformation of America?s Classrooms
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True. I believe you have struck a nerve, Flanders. There has been a systematic dumbing down of America for decades now and the television has been a huge part of that agenda.

Even listening to news that gives false reports is not a wise idea. We need to be carefully checking out the facts from independent sources - reliable and credible sources - World Net Daily is quite good - for an example - it is imperative that the american people wake up and begin to research the facts for themselves. Too many are not doing that. In my opinion. - Jeremiah

To Jeremiah: You are so right. Unfortunately, so much has gone unchecked in the decades you refer to it is much too late to undo those lies. Roe v. Wade is about choice, and Senator McCarthy was wrong, are two of the biggest lies that are set in cement.

Actually, the media-entertainment-education-complex is tightening its stranglehold on the minds of America’s children; so if adults don’t turn it around it will take one generation of kids to break the grip. That works out to at least twenty years to show results —— and that’s assuming dismantling the media-entertainment-education-complex begins immediately. On the plus side Hussein & Company are so foul they are providing more than enough reasons to begin the demolition.

Actually, I've got a surprise for you, Flanders! Christian families started a homeschooling movement many years ago that led to many evangelicals homeschooling their children and taking them out of the public school system. We also didn't allow our own children to watch television - opting to use videos instead - such as Pilgrims Progress, Veggie tales, christian cartoons that taught christian values.

These homeschoolers are consistently 2 or 3 grades ahead of private schools in the USA. The southeastern home school debates I've participated in make it clear to me that America has a remnant of students whose minds have not been contaminated by marxist indoctrination at all! These students are among the very brightest - their knowledge of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights - formidable!

These are the future leaders of America. After the communist plans against our nation fail. I believe that isn't too far off now. - Jeremiah
Our Democratic Republic would be far better off if Americans KILLED THEIR TVs, that's for damned sure.

Of course that does not mean that one cannot be lead astray reading books, but the beauty of books is the words do not disappear after you read them.

Therefore, the authors are on the hook for all time, and their works can be studied in comparison to other's, and more easily tested against reality.

And if one is truly an honest intellectual, one will spend as much time reading the books of those who disagree with your POV as those who agree with it.

Honest plays do not want to win an argument, they want to win the TRUTH wherever it leads them
Quote OP

If you want to get a handle on what Democrats plan for children READ the following because you sure as hell won’t HEAR it in a classroom or on television:

Hillary Clinton’s global village
Our Children, Global Citizens, and the Collective
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our Children, Global Citizens, and the Collective

I’ll wager that not more than 5 percent of American parents ever heard of International Baccalaureate. Deduct those parents who agree with IB and the percentage of informed American parents with school age children drops to well below one percent:

An international baccalaureate world school is another arm of U.N. Agenda 21 indoctrination of our children into “global citizenship, social justice, intercultural understanding and respect,” submission to one-world socialist government, using American taxpayer dollars. Most parents have no idea what IB is. IB programs are devoted to the “radical transformation of America’s classrooms.”


An IB World School is a private or public school that has agreed to offer the IB (International Baccalaureate) program run and coordinated by IBO, a non-profit socialist Swiss Foundation in Geneva, Switzerland, in partnership with UNESCO of the United Nations. As a parent, in order to discover what the secret curriculum is, one has to be an approved IB teacher, with a password that accesses the curriculum. This sounds very similar to the CSCOPE curriculum in Texas which is kept quite unavailable to prying eyes and ears.

First let me remind everyone that any organization with the noun ‘International’ in its title should be enough to wave off NON-SOCIALIST members of Congress, state legislators, and local school boards. Non-Socialist does not always mean a majority in the halls of government even though the vast majority of Americans detest socialism.

Here’s the gimmick. IB schools can be public schools; thereby, eliminating the choice parents retain if they voluntary send their kids to a private IB school. As usual, Socialists work day and night trying to find ways to force their religion on children. IB schools is another example.

Incidentally, the stuff in IB curriculum most be pretty bad considering socialism’s garbage being taught in non-IB public schools.

The worst part is that any partnership with the United Nations means that American taxpayers are paying for the curriculum in IB schools. Adding insult to financial injury IB schools are religious schools being funded in part, or in whole, by taxpayers irrespective of the First Amendment’s prohibition against a state religion.

Anyway, here’s the link to Dr. Paugh’s informative piece. Whether you are conservative or liberal, if you think of yourself as AMERICAN you should learn a little about IB:

The Radical Transformation of America’s Classrooms
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Friday, April 12, 2013

The Radical Transformation of America?s Classrooms

This is why evangelicals opted for christian schools or homeschooling. I would say the largest number of evangelical students are homeschoolers. It is a huge movement. Which is why there is talk of making it against the law to homeschool. They realise we have already raised an entire generation of children who were not raised on hollywood television - not indoctrinated in public schools - untainted by the lies of adults whose only purpose in becoming teachers was to indoctrinate America's children with lies. You should attend a homeschoolers event, Flanders. Meet these young people and ask them what they think about civil asset forfeiture, whether or not it is constitutional. They are brilliant! You'd be pleasantly surprised! - Jeri
Our Democratic Republic would be far better off if Americans KILLED THEIR TVs, that's for damned sure.

Of course that does not mean that one cannot be lead astray reading books, but the beauty of books is the words do not disappear after you read them.

Therefore, the authors are on the hook for all time, and their works can be studied in comparison to other's, and more easily tested against reality.

And if one is truly an honest intellectual, one will spend as much time reading the books of those who disagree with your POV as those who agree with it.

Honest plays do not want to win an argument, they want to win the TRUTH wherever it leads them

I didn't permit television in my home other than videos that would teach values I agreed with. As a parent I couldn't allow that garbage with a clear conscience.

I'd say 90% of my friends didn't have television in their homes at all and all of my friends homeschooled their children. The Kings of England were tutored and in my opinion tutoring is the best style of education. I did both. Public school, then tutoring. Parents are going to have to become creative in finding a way to take their children out of the public school system. Leaving your child in a public school these days is very unwise.

One solution is the stay at home parent in a group becomes the designated teacher - the rest of the parents chip in financially to make that possible. They could also take turns for summer school as well. All the parents can get involved with the field trips selected - groups of 5 students per teacher work very well. - Jeri

Education is a lifetime pursuit, Jeremiah.

Thanks to this amazing internet, now it is possible for anyone with a connection to becomes scholars in pretty every field of study known.

TV had the potential to be a window on the world, a truly great educational tool, but the need for commercialism blew it.

Now TV is like a nonstop intercranial drip of socially poisonous misinformation.

I think its now designed to make sociopaths (or at least psychopaths) of us all.
Education is a lifetime pursuit, Jeremiah.

Thanks to this amazing internet, now it is possible for anyone with a connection to becomes scholars in pretty every field of study known.

TV had the potential to be a window on the world, a truly great educational tool, but the need for commercialism blew it.

Now TV is like a nonstop intercranial drip of socially poisonous misinformation.

I think its now designed to make sociopaths (or at least psychopaths) of us all.

I agree, Editec. I agree with the use of the internet but not the current plan of C Scope which is another reason for parents to begin homeschooling if they have not already.

The computer is an outstanding teaching tool. I have also heard that teaching by computer for autistic students is producing far better results than they ever imagined.
Actually, I've got a surprise for you, Flanders! Christian families started a homeschooling movement many years ago that led to many evangelicals homeschooling their children and taking them out of the public school system.

To Jeremiah: No surprise. I’ve always been in favor of homeschooling although my primary motive differs from yours. Homeschooling is the best way to keep Socialist garbage out of the heads of malleable children.

Of course that does not mean that one cannot be lead astray reading books, but the beauty of books is the words do not disappear after you read them.

To editec: Love that phrasing.

This is why evangelicals opted for christian schools or homeschooling. I would say the largest number of evangelical students are homeschoolers.

To Jeremiah: That’s the second reason I support homeschooling. It’s all voluntary. NO TAX DOLLARS.

Incidentally, approximately 4 percent of America’s kids are schooled in the home. I don’t combine them with kids attending Christian schools. The total would have to include Catholic schools, Mormon schools, etc. That’s an entirely different subject. Once you get into that discussion the debate inevitably expands to include every religious school. I prefer staying away from it. Bottom line: I can never get past the first 16 words in the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;. . .

I didn't permit television in my home other than videos that would teach values I agreed with. As a parent I couldn't allow that garbage with a clear conscience.

To Jeremiah: I agree. In fact, I’ve always thought that my well-meaning parents never should have allowed me to go to movies. I know that the minute you tell kids not to do something they will do it. Nonetheless, allowing it did as much harm as forbidding it.

Conversely, I hated TV from the day my parents got their first TV set in the late 1940s. For many years I did not watch TV at all. After I was well into my middle age I began watching for the sole purpose of analyzing the government’s lies.

NOTE: Philo Farnsworth would not have a TV in his home:

Later in his life, his attitude was tempered by the reality of commercial television programming. His son Kent was once asked about his father's attitude. Kent reported, "I suppose you could say that he felt he had created kind of a monster, a way for people to waste a lot of their lives. Throughout my childhood his reaction to television was, 'There's nothing on it worthwhile, and we're not going to watch it in this household, and I don't want it in your intellectual diet.' "

Philo T. Farnsworth: The Father of Television

Now TV is like a nonstop intercranial drip of socially poisonous misinformation.

To editec: Keep going. You’re on a phrasing roll.
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B]Quote OP[/B]
No matter the issue, whenever Democrats want something they march out the children. Using the murdered children killed in Newtown, Connecticut is a new low for Democrats. Think about that when you hear a Chicago sewer rat say:

“If we can save one child we should take that step.”

According to Mark Twain:

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we."

So Pelosi must have a tapeworm:

“How can we ever not act upon the killing of 20 little children?” she asked.

Pelosi on Newtown: 'Initiatives for School Safety Might Have Protected Those Children a Lot Better'
April 11, 2013
By Elizabeth Harrington

Pelosi on Newtown: 'Initiatives for School Safety Might Have Protected Those Children a Lot Better' | CNS News

The truth is that Hussein and Pelosi are talking to the people in government. Proof: The public has no say in their push to abolish the Second Amendment.

Basically, their “we” means let’s put the children to good use one more time.
Yes while both of them make sure their children - in her case grandchildren - go to schools that have armed guards to protect them - they refuse to consider ordinary americans are entitled to the same thing for their own children. An armed guard at each school would put an end to such stories as Newtown.
Technically first hand experience or direct observation is the only way you know your getting the truth. In any other instance you are really just taking someone else's word for it.
Yes while both of them make sure their children - in her case grandchildren - go to schools that have armed guards to protect them - they refuse to consider ordinary americans are entitled to the same thing for their own children. An armed guard at each school would put an end to such stories as Newtown.

To Jeremiah: You’ve hit upon a viable course of action with a built-in danger. Will 98,706 armed guards be agents of the government?:

As far as I know, Catholic schools (7,400) and private schools (28, 220) can hire armed guards.


K-12 Facts

The question still remains: Who will command the loyalty of those guards? Speaking for myself, the fewer armed government agents the better off the country will be.

Parenthetically, I want to add Common Core for your comments. Once again, homeschooled kids escape the damage. My view: IB schools and Common Core represent a helluva one-two punch thrown at America’s kids by socialism’s priesthood:

Department of Education
Common Core and CSCOPE Education
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Monday, April 1, 2013

Common Core and CSCOPE Education

And this:

April 12, 2013
Common Core: Nationalized State-Run Education
By Dean Kalahar

Articles: Common Core: Nationalized State-Run Education

Technically first hand experience or direct observation is the only way you know your getting the truth. In any other instance you are really just taking someone else's word for it.

To Leweman: Basically true. However, the truth can be also had by analyzing what is said, or catching a liar in the act.

Remember that liars always operate with a disadvantage —— they always assume their lies are believed. Many politicians are so arrogant they lie thinking nobody will investigate. Top Democrats go one step further. They don’t care if their opponents catch them so long as their base swallow the lies “for the greater good.”
The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase
Anxiety Culture: Tyranny of Words - excerpt


To psikeyhackr: Stuart Chase! Get real. If anything, my premise addresses the damage done by Chase’s linguistic contortions.

Have you read any of it? I read Korzybski's Science and Sanity long before I heard of Chase.

It seems like General Semantics has been corrupted into Neuro Linguistic Programming over the decades and is no longer trying to use what Korzybski and Chase were talking about. NLP is about pushing people's emotional buttons better.

Korzybski and Chase were about accurate comprehension of reality and eliminating ambiguity. But the 1930s was before television and such a mass manipulation of the audience was not possible except by radio.


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