Read K T McFarland


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Author's note: President Obama had a 90-minute phone call with President Putin Saturday after troops entered Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula. No official transcript was released. Here's my take on what might have been said, and what I hope Obama told Russia's president.

Obama: We condemn with the strongest possible words your invasion of the sovereign and independent state of Ukraine. If you do not withdraw immediately, there will be consequences. Nations don’t invade other nations in 21st century. The Cold War is over. You must understand your actions are not in Russia’s best interests.

Putin: Words are cheap, Mr. President. You and I both know you won’t do a thing to stop me in Ukraine. Neither will anyone else. I’ve replaced you as the dominant foreign power in the Middle East. I’ve got a close and growing closer relationship with Iran, which will become the dominant local power in the Middle East. You didn’t even notice it, but I left the Olympics for a day to fly back to Moscow during Olympics to sign an arms agreement with Egypt’s General Sisi. I’m recreating Greater Russia, and reclaiming lands we lost when the Soviet Union collapsed. And, as for my place in history? Winners write history, Mr. President, not whiners.

Obama: Okay, Vladimir, you’ve had your chance. I realize now that not standing up to you in years past has only whetted your appetite for more aggression.

So, I am reversing course. No more reset with Russia. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Now, let me tell you what I’m going to do from here on. I’m going to hit you where it hurts – crush your economy and make your borders vulnerable.

It won’t happen right away, it will take a few years, but once the momentum starts you won’t be able to stop it. And I’m going to do it by taking a page from your playbook. You have rebuilt Russia by exporting your energy resources: oil for revenue, natural gas for political influence. I’m going to do the same to tear you down.

First: I will reverse my decision to halt the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. America will go ahead as originally planned and build the missile shield, but an accelerated basis. That means U.S. military personal will be working alongside Polish and Czech military to construct and operate the systems. The missile shield is designed to protect Europe from Iranian missiles, but you get the point. Uniformed U.S. military will soon be stationed near the Russian border.

How Obama could stop Putin's Ukraine power grab without firing a shot | Fox News
"Here's my take on what I think might have been said....."

That's some real journalism right there.

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