Re-Evaluating Romney....

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Who knew?

I'm far more impressed with Romney than ever before..whew.

He was fully prepared, happy, relaxed , in full control and kicked butt in a very respectful manner.

I can honestly see Romney as the President of the United States and an honorable leader of the free world..
You mean now you love him more than you did before?

Frankly, sorry, I don't change my mind about someone because he looked good in a stage-managed TV show.

Romney's record is so loud, I can't hear a word he's saying.
Romney looked very polished and actually showed quite a bit of emotion. It's a shame that he moved this far to the center so late in the game though. If the voters had seen this type of Romney months ago, foot-in-mouth moments notwithstanding, he'd be doing much better coming into this month.
Romney looked very polished and actually showed quite a bit of emotion. It's a shame that he moved this far to the center so late in the game though. If the voters had seen this type of Romney months ago, foot-in-mouth moments notwithstanding, he'd be doing much better coming into this month.

Most people only have seen what the mainstream media has chosen to feed them on Romney.

Anybody who didn't know that Romney was a moderate before tonight was just not paying attention.

Many undecideds are seeing Romney unfiltered for the first time.
Romney looked very polished and actually showed quite a bit of emotion. It's a shame that he moved this far to the center so late in the game though. If the voters had seen this type of Romney months ago, foot-in-mouth moments notwithstanding, he'd be doing much better coming into this month.


But here's the thing.

Mitt Romney has been running for President for six years. Probably been planning it longer than that.

So now we are getting Mitt Romney version 5.0, which looks a lot more like Mitt Romney version 2.0 (The one that ran as a moderate technocrat in 2002). It's like someone went in and erased versions 3.0 (Social Conservative Mitt) and 4.0 (Teabagger Mitt).
It could be that the lies spewed by Obama, Biden and the captured, raptured liberal media kinda bit them on the ass last night.. just sayin..
You mean now you love him more than you did before?

Frankly, sorry, I don't change my mind about someone because he looked good in a stage-managed TV show.

Romney's record is so loud, I can't hear a word he's saying.

Love.. not hardly, that's more of a Democrat sorta thing..:lol:
You mean now you love him more than you did before?

Frankly, sorry, I don't change my mind about someone because he looked good in a stage-managed TV show.

Romney's record is so loud, I can't hear a word he's saying.

Love.. not hardly, that's more of a Democrat sorta thing..:lol:

Well, that's true. Romney's campaign has never been about Romney.
Romney looked very polished and actually showed quite a bit of emotion. It's a shame that he moved this far to the center so late in the game though. If the voters had seen this type of Romney months ago, foot-in-mouth moments notwithstanding, he'd be doing much better coming into this month.

Most people only have seen what the mainstream media has chosen to feed them on Romney.

Anybody who didn't know that Romney was a moderate before tonight was just not paying attention.

Many undecideds are seeing Romney unfiltered for the first time.

That may very well be, but look at him back in the GOP primary debates. He was trying frantically to veer as far to the right as everyone else he was on stage with. I can't blame the media for that as all they did was broadcast the debates. I generally don't even listen to or watch the post-debate banter as it's all opinion and conjecture. My point here is that Romney is in seriously sharp contrast to the one we saw last night and while he's the better for it now, he would've been in an even better position if he had made this move to the center sooner.

Romney looked very polished and actually showed quite a bit of emotion. It's a shame that he moved this far to the center so late in the game though. If the voters had seen this type of Romney months ago, foot-in-mouth moments notwithstanding, he'd be doing much better coming into this month.


But here's the thing.

Mitt Romney has been running for President for six years. Probably been planning it longer than that.

So now we are getting Mitt Romney version 5.0, which looks a lot more like Mitt Romney version 2.0 (The one that ran as a moderate technocrat in 2002). It's like someone went in and erased versions 3.0 (Social Conservative Mitt) and 4.0 (Teabagger Mitt).

Well yeah, but we saw the exact same thing with Obama as well 4 years ago though. I don't see much of a different in that regard. He was pretty far to the left and then he came right back to the center in time for the run-in and the debates. The only difference I see here is that he did it sooner then than Romney did now.
You mean now you love him more than you did before?

Frankly, sorry, I don't change my mind about someone because he looked good in a stage-managed TV show.

Romney's record is so loud, I can't hear a word he's saying.

He changed postions several times. Carville noted that on this post debate analysis. He said the Dems will go after Mitt on that.

But Romney did a great job and left Obama in th dust. Will it win the election. Hard to Say
Well yeah, but we saw the exact same thing with Obama as well 4 years ago though. I don't see much of a different in that regard. He was pretty far to the left and then he came right back to the center in time for the run-in and the debates. The only difference I see here is that he did it sooner then than Romney did now.

I think four years ago, Obama was able to beat Hillary because Hillary misread the base's revulsion for the Iraq War. I also think the Base looked at Hillary and said, "Do we really want another 4-8 years of the Clinton Circus?"

Of course, you always pander to the base during the primaries and move to the center for the general.

The problem Romney has is similar to the one McCain had... the Base doesn't really trust him.

So while Obama could move to the center with a wink and a nod to the base, McCain and Romney had to constantly reassure them he was one of them. Key point, throwing them a bone with the Veep Pick (Palin and Ryan).

Now, for the record, moderate or conservative, I'm against Romney because he's a douchebag with a weird religion. He could agree with me on every issue and I still wouldn't vote for him because I don't like him as a person.

I would have more respect for him if he were conservative and consistantly conservative.

But the Mormonism was always the deal-killer for me.
Sure Romney looked presidential. There is a big difference between a looser and winner.

:lol:.. quite an avatar...

Somehow I don't think Obama, "Got Lucky" with Michele last night..
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Please let me know the last time one debate changed the trajectory of an election...



Well, except it didn't.

Reagan already had a healthy lead on Carter (despite what revisionists say) before his one debate with Carter.

What killed Carter in the end was that he held up a lot of hope that the hostage crisis might be resolved before the election and then the Iranians screwed him.

Well, in fairness to Obama the economy is definitely not his strong suite and obviously never has been or probably ever will be so maybe the next debate he'll stand a chance...

In the 2nd town hall style debate voters will ask questions directly of each candidate on both foreign and domestic issues.

No teleprompters so Obama will have to wing it and try to hog as much time as possible...sounds iffy for him.
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