Where Romney didn't help himself- likability.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
An interesting take from a pollster.

Campaign 2012: Covering the 2012 Presidential Race - Burns & Haberman Blog - POLITICO.com

Democratic pollster Geoff Garin conducted a dial group in Aurora, Colo., tonight for the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action, and writes in a memo that the sample group -- "weak Democrats and independents who voted for Obama in 2008 but who remain open to switching" -- didn't seem swayed by Mitt Romney's performance:

Six in 10 respondents gave President Obama favorable ratings for his overall performance in the debate, compared with just one in seven who did so for Romney.

The starkest difference between the two candidates was in their likeability. Eight in 10 respondents gave President Obama high marks for coming across as likeable and down to earth, while very few felt that way about Governor Romney. The President came out with a distinct advantage over Romney on the important trait, “caring about people,” and respondents were much more likely to give Obama credit for being honest and truthful in discussing the issues.
I think where Obama didn't help himself was the look he had on his face most of the time....looked like he was eating lemons!! Lol! He also wasn't the "eloguent" speaker he usually is.

Romney whipped his ass!
I think where Obama didn't help himself was the look he had on his face most of the time....looked like he was eating lemons!! Lol! He also wasn't the "eloguent" speaker he usually is.

Romney whipped his ass!

Again, so?

Kerry won all three debates against Bush, and still lost the election.

Bush had over 50% approval going in.

Prezdint Downgrade is toast.
An interesting take from a pollster.

Campaign 2012: Covering the 2012 Presidential Race - Burns & Haberman Blog - POLITICO.com

Democratic pollster Geoff Garin conducted a dial group in Aurora, Colo., tonight for the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action, and writes in a memo that the sample group -- "weak Democrats and independents who voted for Obama in 2008 but who remain open to switching" -- didn't seem swayed by Mitt Romney's performance:

Six in 10 respondents gave President Obama favorable ratings for his overall performance in the debate, compared with just one in seven who did so for Romney.

The starkest difference between the two candidates was in their likeability. Eight in 10 respondents gave President Obama high marks for coming across as likeable and down to earth, while very few felt that way about Governor Romney. The President came out with a distinct advantage over Romney on the important trait, “caring about people,” and respondents were much more likely to give Obama credit for being honest and truthful in discussing the issues.

Yesterday I predicted that that each person would see their guy as winner....

...but watching Romney look like Sherman marching through Atlanta, I said...nope...nobody will see that as other than a romp.

Along comes Erroneous Joe....the least objective poster on the board, ready to support my 'erroneous' prediction!

I knew you had to have SOME purpose.
An interesting take from a pollster.

Campaign 2012: Covering the 2012 Presidential Race - Burns & Haberman Blog - POLITICO.com

Democratic pollster Geoff Garin conducted a dial group in Aurora, Colo., tonight for the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action, and writes in a memo that the sample group -- "weak Democrats and independents who voted for Obama in 2008 but who remain open to switching" -- didn't seem swayed by Mitt Romney's performance:

Six in 10 respondents gave President Obama favorable ratings for his overall performance in the debate, compared with just one in seven who did so for Romney.

The starkest difference between the two candidates was in their likeability. Eight in 10 respondents gave President Obama high marks for coming across as likeable and down to earth, while very few felt that way about Governor Romney. The President came out with a distinct advantage over Romney on the important trait, “caring about people,” and respondents were much more likely to give Obama credit for being honest and truthful in discussing the issues.

Yesterday I predicted that that each person would see their guy as winner....

...but watching Romney look like Sherman marching through Atlanta, I said...nope...nobody will see that as other than a romp.

Along comes Erroneous Joe....the least objective poster on the board, ready to support my 'erroneous' prediction!

I knew you had to have SOME purpose.

In fairness, Lahkota said Obama won BIG as well.

I think where Obama didn't help himself was the look he had on his face most of the time....looked like he was eating lemons!! Lol! He also wasn't the "eloguent" speaker he usually is.

Romney whipped his ass!

Again, so?

Kerry won all three debates against Bush, and still lost the election.

Bush had over 50% approval going in.

Prezdint Downgrade is toast.


But I know you really need to beleive that....
Again, so?

Kerry won all three debates against Bush, and still lost the election.

Bush had over 50% approval going in.

Prezdint Downgrade is toast.


But I know you really need to beleive that....

Historically, a POTUS needs over a 50% approval rating to win re-election.

That is just historic fact, and is certainly not 'meaningless.'

If you know nothing on the subject, why are you posting?
I liked Romney even better after last night

I find nothing likable about Obama. never takes responsibility for anything, blames things on everybody else (even a American citizens for starting a riot in the Middle East), very ugly hearted cold arrogant person.

go Mitt:eusa_clap:
Romney came off very Presidential with a firm grasp of the facts, statistics. He was funny, artful, brillant. Obama showed just what an Amateur he is when he can't hide behind his teleprompter, behind the Main Stream Liberal Media, refusing to answer questions, only going on entertainment shows.. He is a media created hype who has delegated authority for nearly 4 years while he's golfed, flown all over the world, had parties.. He's inept, unschooled, and out of touch with what America needs and deserves.
An interesting take from a pollster.

Campaign 2012: Covering the 2012 Presidential Race - Burns & Haberman Blog - POLITICO.com

Democratic pollster Geoff Garin conducted a dial group in Aurora, Colo., tonight for the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action, and writes in a memo that the sample group -- "weak Democrats and independents who voted for Obama in 2008 but who remain open to switching" -- didn't seem swayed by Mitt Romney's performance:

Six in 10 respondents gave President Obama favorable ratings for his overall performance in the debate, compared with just one in seven who did so for Romney.

The starkest difference between the two candidates was in their likeability. Eight in 10 respondents gave President Obama high marks for coming across as likeable and down to earth, while very few felt that way about Governor Romney. The President came out with a distinct advantage over Romney on the important trait, “caring about people,” and respondents were much more likely to give Obama credit for being honest and truthful in discussing the issues.

I think he improved his likability with the Average Voter, and that's what he needed to do.
I've said all along Obama was just a PUPPET and that we all should of been worried who was REALLY running things in the shadows..

Well my point was proved LAST NIGHT

Yesterday I predicted that that each person would see their guy as winner....

...but watching Romney look like Sherman marching through Atlanta, I said...nope...nobody will see that as other than a romp.

Along comes Erroneous Joe....the least objective poster on the board, ready to support my 'erroneous' prediction!

I knew you had to have SOME purpose.

In fairness, Lahkota said Obama won BIG as well.


Later this morn, the group will be meeting in a telephone booth.
An interesting take from a pollster.

Campaign 2012: Covering the 2012 Presidential Race - Burns & Haberman Blog - POLITICO.com

Democratic pollster Geoff Garin conducted a dial group in Aurora, Colo., tonight for the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action, and writes in a memo that the sample group -- "weak Democrats and independents who voted for Obama in 2008 but who remain open to switching" -- didn't seem swayed by Mitt Romney's performance:

Six in 10 respondents gave President Obama favorable ratings for his overall performance in the debate, compared with just one in seven who did so for Romney.

The starkest difference between the two candidates was in their likeability. Eight in 10 respondents gave President Obama high marks for coming across as likeable and down to earth, while very few felt that way about Governor Romney. The President came out with a distinct advantage over Romney on the important trait, “caring about people,” and respondents were much more likely to give Obama credit for being honest and truthful in discussing the issues.

I think he improved his likability with the Average Voter, and that's what he needed to do.

The poll indicates otherwise...
Yesterday I predicted that that each person would see their guy as winner....

...but watching Romney look like Sherman marching through Atlanta, I said...nope...nobody will see that as other than a romp.

Along comes Erroneous Joe....the least objective poster on the board, ready to support my 'erroneous' prediction!

I knew you had to have SOME purpose.

BIzzaro Chick.

Didn't watch the debate. Didn't care to, didn't want to.

Because debates are a MEANINGLESS excercise. The political landscape littered with guys who "won" debates and still lost the election.

Romney managed to actually look like he was still alive when even his own side was declaring his candidacy dead. Seriously, the most "lowered" expectations since the Special Olympics, really.

Next debate, Obama will be a lot more aggressive, and people will marvel at his "comeback".

And that will be a sham, too.

It's all a lot of theatre to keep stupid people entertained while we fill 33 more days of election.
I think he improved his likability with the Average Voter, and that's what he needed to do.

The poll indicates otherwise...

wth Joel, you are going with a poll from some blog?

As opposed to what?

Polls from legit news sources you say are "biased" if they don't say what you want to hear.

What I'm finding this morning is that Romney put in a good performance, but really didn't change any minds.

People who were for Obama are still for him, people who were against him still support Romney. But Romney could be a coat rack and people like you would still support him. Romney is kind of meaningless to his own campaign.
"Romney thinks I'm grown up enough to take care of myself...I don't like him, he's a mean poopyhead" -- Julia Lakota, 34

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