Re-Evaluating Newt..

Manufacturers are not moving jobs overseas because they fear sexual harassment lawsuits. Just give it up. Jobs are going overseas because of $$$$ for the manufacturer.

Yeah, they just had to force those huge speaking fees on her.

Again, stop the movie in your head. At the time she testified, she wasn't receiving speaking fees for anything.

She didn't sue because she didn't have a case. Also, once you do sue somebody for that sort of thing, you become employment poison. They assume you are a serial litigator and don't take the chance.

You're making my point. Women take harassment for years because they fear no one will believe them, and they might never get another good job.

Guy, it aint about me.... Frankly, if a crude comment about a coke can has you weeping uncontrollably, you probably aren't tough enough to make it in the real world.

Yeah, it is about you. You keep insisting that you are in charge of what is and is not harassment. Even though nobody's sexually harassed you, and you basically disallow the entire concept, and make excuses right and left, you're somehow in charge.
I could imagine if this woman had ever joined the military and had a screaming drill instructor in her face! :drills:

This is not a logical comparison.

The guy makes millions of dollars. He must be doing something right. Actually, I'm pretty critical of Rush in other areas, but I think he hit this one on the head.

Again, a fat, impotent man who buys a new wife every few years should not be your source for understanding feminism.
I would wonder why she chose a line of work where there were only two places she could possibly work, and she just had no choice but to follow the mean old harrassing guy from one to the other. :eusa_boohoo:

Cute, but silly. She didn't just work these two places.

PS We love Joe Biden at our house. We consider Bush an embarrassment to the nation.[/quote]

And you probably think Obama is doing a great job.... :lol:

He's doing a very good job.

What "male privilage". There are more men unemployed right now than there are women.

That does not bolster your claim that there is no male privilege in society.

My position is the one you couldn't answer. If he was so horrible, why work for him again, unless you a scheming oppurtunist. And the problem with oppurtunists is that they will stab you in the back in a heart beat.

Which is really my problem. I'm about loyalty. I had officers I disliked when I was in the military, and I've had bosses I've disliked in the civilian world. But as long as they are the boss, you support them. Or you go somewhere else. You don't go looking for a place to stick a knife.

I hate HIll not because of political bias (talk to some of the right wingers who think I'm a leftist) but because she committed the one unforgivable sin in my eye- disloyalty.

Yeah, sure. To all of that. :lol:

Newt is smart enough to be President, but he lacks any morality.

I'd love to see him debate Obama, too. I always enjoy seeing someone wipe the floor with Newt.

Ooooookay. I'm sorry, you just spent a bunch of time defending clinton, and you want to talk to me about morality.

Or how about your boy Obama throwing his poor granny under the bus because he was trying to weasel his way out of sitting in Reverand Wright's church for 20 years. Far more contemptable than anything Newt did.

Newt served his first wife with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer surgery.

Newt had to be forced to pay his child support.

Newt attacked Clinton for having an affair with a subordinate while Newt was having an affair with a subordinate.

Newt divorced his second wife when she was diagnosed with MS.

That's the morality I'm talking about:

Divorcing women when they get sick.

Not paying child support.

Being a hypocrite.

I think that should clear things up.
Manufacturers are not moving jobs overseas because they fear sexual harassment lawsuits. Just give it up. Jobs are going overseas because of $$$$ for the manufacturer.

Yeah, they just had to force those huge speaking fees on her.

Again, stop the movie in your head. At the time she testified, she wasn't receiving speaking fees for anything.

She didn't sue because she didn't have a case. Also, once you do sue somebody for that sort of thing, you become employment poison. They assume you are a serial litigator and don't take the chance.

You're making my point. Women take harassment for years because they fear no one will believe them, and they might never get another good job.

Yeah, it is about you. You keep insisting that you are in charge of what is and is not harassment. Even though nobody's sexually harassed you, and you basically disallow the entire concept, and make excuses right and left, you're somehow in charge.

This is not a logical comparison.

Again, a fat, impotent man who buys a new wife every few years should not be your source for understanding feminism.

Cute, but silly. She didn't just work these two places.

PS We love Joe Biden at our house. We consider Bush an embarrassment to the nation.

He's doing a very good job.

That does not bolster your claim that there is no male privilege in society.

My position is the one you couldn't answer. If he was so horrible, why work for him again, unless you a scheming oppurtunist. And the problem with oppurtunists is that they will stab you in the back in a heart beat.

Which is really my problem. I'm about loyalty. I had officers I disliked when I was in the military, and I've had bosses I've disliked in the civilian world. But as long as they are the boss, you support them. Or you go somewhere else. You don't go looking for a place to stick a knife.

I hate HIll not because of political bias (talk to some of the right wingers who think I'm a leftist) but because she committed the one unforgivable sin in my eye- disloyalty.

Yeah, sure. To all of that. :lol:

Newt is smart enough to be President, but he lacks any morality.

I'd love to see him debate Obama, too. I always enjoy seeing someone wipe the floor with Newt.

Ooooookay. I'm sorry, you just spent a bunch of time defending clinton, and you want to talk to me about morality.

Or how about your boy Obama throwing his poor granny under the bus because he was trying to weasel his way out of sitting in Reverand Wright's church for 20 years. Far more contemptable than anything Newt did.

Newt served his first wife with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer surgery.

Complete lie.

Newt had to be forced to pay his child support.


Newt attacked Clinton for having an affair with a subordinate while Newt was having an affair with a subordinate.


Newt divorced his second wife when she was diagnosed with MS.

And . . . bullshit.

It's amazing how right Ronald Reagan was when he said that the left "knows so many things that just aren't so".

That's the morality I'm talking about:

Divorcing women when they get sick.

Not paying child support.

Being a hypocrite.

I think that should clear things up.

As opposed to the morality of being a lazy shit who believes any rumor he hears from the agenda-driven lefties because it's faster and easier than getting off his dead ass, plugging in his brain, and finding the truth for himself?

The more you talk, the more convinced I am that your opposition to him is the number one reason to vote for Newt. I don't want any "morality" that would be approved of by a flatlining sheep like you.
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I can't believe that the truth is so new to you, Cecille. Newt's behaviors have been documented for decades.

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

He cheated on his wife, then compared her to a car:
A few months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Marianne Gingrich confronted Newt, and he admitted he was having an affair (with Callista Bisek, then 32, a former Hill staffer who later became his third wife). The couple tried to talk through it, but Gingrich got stuck comparing his wife and lover to cars, saying Marianne was a Jaguar and all he wanted was a Chevrolet. "I can't handle a Jaguar right now," Gingrich said several times. "All I want is a Chevrolet."

Jackie Battley and Newt Gingrich Marriage Profile -- Marriage of Newt Gingrich and Jackie Battley
The most notorious incident in Gingrich's marriage ... was when he cornered Jackie in her hospital room where she was recovering from uterine cancer surgery and insisted on discussing the terms of the divorce he was seeking. Shortly after that infamous encounter, Gingrich refused to pay his alimony and child-support payments. The First Baptist Church in his hometown had to take up a collection to support the family Gingrich had deserted. Six months after divorcing Jackie, Gingrich married a younger woman, Marianne, with whom he had been having an affair."
Source: Stephen Talbot. "Newt's Glass House." 8/28/1998.

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Of course, they weren’t. In April 1980, only one day after Jackie’s surgery, Newt went to her room to present her with the terms of the divorce. That summer, he introduced Marianne to his parents, according to Esquire. By October, he was already refusing to pay alimony or child support. Marianne admits she knew little of that at first.

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - Marital Affairs

His campaign staff has stated that Newt carried out multiple affairs during this time. After a successful 1978 campaign, Congressman Gingrich moved to D.C
In 1980, Newt began a relationship with a woman he met at a political fundraiser, Marianne. Newt divorced Jackie in February of 1981 and married Marianne in August. Congressman Gingrich was accused of negotiating divorce details while his wife was recovering from surgery, and then refusing to pay child support and alimony to speed up the divorce process.

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

If you really want to base your vote on spiting someone who told you the truth, then go for it.

You right wingers are something else. :lol:
I can't believe that the truth is so new to you, Cecille. Newt's behaviors have been documented for decades.

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

He cheated on his wife, then compared her to a car:
A few months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Marianne Gingrich confronted Newt, and he admitted he was having an affair (with Callista Bisek, then 32, a former Hill staffer who later became his third wife). The couple tried to talk through it, but Gingrich got stuck comparing his wife and lover to cars, saying Marianne was a Jaguar and all he wanted was a Chevrolet. "I can't handle a Jaguar right now," Gingrich said several times. "All I want is a Chevrolet."

Jackie Battley and Newt Gingrich Marriage Profile -- Marriage of Newt Gingrich and Jackie Battley
The most notorious incident in Gingrich's marriage ... was when he cornered Jackie in her hospital room where she was recovering from uterine cancer surgery and insisted on discussing the terms of the divorce he was seeking. Shortly after that infamous encounter, Gingrich refused to pay his alimony and child-support payments. The First Baptist Church in his hometown had to take up a collection to support the family Gingrich had deserted. Six months after divorcing Jackie, Gingrich married a younger woman, Marianne, with whom he had been having an affair."
Source: Stephen Talbot. "Newt's Glass House." 8/28/1998.

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - Marital Affairs

His campaign staff has stated that Newt carried out multiple affairs during this time. After a successful 1978 campaign, Congressman Gingrich moved to D.C
In 1980, Newt began a relationship with a woman he met at a political fundraiser, Marianne. Newt divorced Jackie in February of 1981 and married Marianne in August. Congressman Gingrich was accused of negotiating divorce details while his wife was recovering from surgery, and then refusing to pay child support and alimony to speed up the divorce process.

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

If you really want to base your vote on spiting someone who told you the truth, then go for it.

You right wingers are something else. :lol:

Don't bother.

They live in an alternate reality that cannot be changed by the real world.
She acts like she had no idea who she was praising.

If they want to run Newt, I think that would be great. For them, and for the country.
I can't believe that the truth is so new to you, Cecille. Newt's behaviors have been documented for decades.

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

He cheated on his wife, then compared her to a car:
A few months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Marianne Gingrich confronted Newt, and he admitted he was having an affair (with Callista Bisek, then 32, a former Hill staffer who later became his third wife). The couple tried to talk through it, but Gingrich got stuck comparing his wife and lover to cars, saying Marianne was a Jaguar and all he wanted was a Chevrolet. "I can't handle a Jaguar right now," Gingrich said several times. "All I want is a Chevrolet."

Jackie Battley and Newt Gingrich Marriage Profile -- Marriage of Newt Gingrich and Jackie Battley
The most notorious incident in Gingrich's marriage ... was when he cornered Jackie in her hospital room where she was recovering from uterine cancer surgery and insisted on discussing the terms of the divorce he was seeking. Shortly after that infamous encounter, Gingrich refused to pay his alimony and child-support payments. The First Baptist Church in his hometown had to take up a collection to support the family Gingrich had deserted. Six months after divorcing Jackie, Gingrich married a younger woman, Marianne, with whom he had been having an affair."
Source: Stephen Talbot. "Newt's Glass House." 8/28/1998.

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - Marital Affairs

His campaign staff has stated that Newt carried out multiple affairs during this time. After a successful 1978 campaign, Congressman Gingrich moved to D.C
In 1980, Newt began a relationship with a woman he met at a political fundraiser, Marianne. Newt divorced Jackie in February of 1981 and married Marianne in August. Congressman Gingrich was accused of negotiating divorce details while his wife was recovering from surgery, and then refusing to pay child support and alimony to speed up the divorce process.

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

If you really want to base your vote on spiting someone who told you the truth, then go for it.

You right wingers are something else. :lol:

:lmao: The Week? Muckraker? His ex-wife?! :lmao:

Thanks for proving my point about you being an ignorant shitstain too lazy to think and separate rumor from reality. Because EVERY intelligent person looks to a man's EX-WIFE for "the truth" about him. Sure they do. :eusa_hand:

Sit down and shut the fuck up before you humiliate yourself further, fucktard.
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I can't believe that the truth is so new to you, Cecille. Newt's behaviors have been documented for decades.

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

He cheated on his wife, then compared her to a car:
A few months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Marianne Gingrich confronted Newt, and he admitted he was having an affair (with Callista Bisek, then 32, a former Hill staffer who later became his third wife). The couple tried to talk through it, but Gingrich got stuck comparing his wife and lover to cars, saying Marianne was a Jaguar and all he wanted was a Chevrolet. "I can't handle a Jaguar right now," Gingrich said several times. "All I want is a Chevrolet."

Jackie Battley and Newt Gingrich Marriage Profile -- Marriage of Newt Gingrich and Jackie Battley

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - Marital Affairs

In 1980, Newt began a relationship with a woman he met at a political fundraiser, Marianne. Newt divorced Jackie in February of 1981 and married Marianne in August. Congressman Gingrich was accused of negotiating divorce details while his wife was recovering from surgery, and then refusing to pay child support and alimony to speed up the divorce process.

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

If you really want to base your vote on spiting someone who told you the truth, then go for it.

You right wingers are something else. :lol:

:lmao: The Week? Muckraker? His ex-wife?! :lmao:

Thanks for proving my point about you being an ignorant shitstain too lazy to think and separate rumor from reality. Because EVERY intelligent person looks to a man's EX-WIFE for "the truth" about him. Sure they do. :eusa_hand:

Sit down and shut the fuck up before you humiliate yourself further, fucktard.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. That's not just from the ex-wife. It's from people who worked with him. Newt has admitted to most of what you would deny. And he came up with a wacky excuse for it. He just loved the country too much. :rofl:

Newt is not stable.
She acts like she had no idea who she was praising.

If they want to run Newt, I think that would be great. For them, and for the country.

Well, I'm sure he wouldn't get the ignorant shitstain vote. On the other hand, I don't think he wants it.

Oh, on the contrary. It's what he counts on. And he's got yours for starters.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. That's not just from the ex-wife. It's from people who worked with him. Newt has admitted to most of what you would deny. And he came up with a wacky excuse for it. He just loved the country too much. :rofl:

Newt is not stable.

Yes, that was incredible. He sacrificed all for his country, by screwing around on his wives.
Newt Gingrich, while demanding that Representatives Crane and Studds be expelled for having affairs with House pages:

A free country must have honest leaders if it is to remain free. We are in deep trouble as a society... People are looking for a guidepost as to how they should live, how their institutions should behave, and who they should follow. Summary of Information on Newt Gingrich (from the "Controversies" page at that link)
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His personal life aside--that is only fair since apparently only Republicans are fair game to have their personal lives closely scrutinized and criticized--Newt is by far the best educated, has the highest IQ, and the most impressive knowledge, recall ability, and vision of any of the candidates running this year.

In his professional life he has pulled two major blunders. One was in taking on the dishonest and corrupt James Wright and forcing his resignation over a book deal in the Reagan Administration and then writing his own book which of course triggered the same kinds of accusations. Hypocrisy is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

The second was the same sort of thing when he imprudently forced the impeachment of President Clinton on grounds that most of us didn't think rose the the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. Those grounds had nothing to do with Monica Lewinsky, but the left, having a less sophisticated constituency, was able to make it look like it did and then could trash Newt from engaging in his own infidelity. More hypocrisy that is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

Can Newt live down that kind of baggage in a head to head contest with Barack Obama? Given that the MSM will play up all of Newt's baggage while continuing to ignore Obama's, I don't know.

Newt right now is not my favorite of the candidates, but I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for him a year from November, and he would be heads and shoulders above the current occupant of the White House.
You really believe that the impeachment was on solid ground?

No. As I said Clinton was absolutely guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice to the detriment of a private citizen and that is indefensible and was enough to get him suspended from the bar in the Supreme Court, in Arkansas, and charged with contempt of court in New York.

But it did not, in my opinion, rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors that justified impeachment. The Senate seemed to be of that same opinion as, even though Republican controlled, chose not to convict him and force him out of office.
You really believe that the impeachment was on solid ground?

No. As I said Clinton was absolutely guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice to the detriment of a private citizen and that is indefensible and was enough to get him suspended from the bar in the Supreme Court, in Arkansas, and charged with contempt of court in New York.

But it did not, in my opinion, rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors that justified impeachment. The Senate seemed to be of that same opinion as, even though Republican controlled, chose not to convict him and force him out of office.

I remember my father saying that he had two feelings during the impeachment.

The first was that Clinton was so stupid to have had this dumb affair.

The second was that this was nothing but a witch hunt.

You can be dismissive of "leftists" [I see simple mindedness as being the defining characteristic of right wingers, myself], but you can't claim that people were too politically unsophisticated to see what was going on.

The public, both the well informed like my Dad, and the less informed, saw a witch hunt, saw that distracted from the business of the nation, and the public gave it a big thumbs down.
His personal life aside--that is only fair since apparently only Republicans are fair game to have their personal lives closely scrutinized and criticized--Newt is by far the best educated, has the highest IQ, and the most impressive knowledge, recall ability, and vision of any of the candidates running this year.

In his professional life he has pulled two major blunders. One was in taking on the dishonest and corrupt James Wright and forcing his resignation over a book deal in the Reagan Administration and then writing his own book which of course triggered the same kinds of accusations. Hypocrisy is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

The second was the same sort of thing when he imprudently forced the impeachment of President Clinton on grounds that most of us didn't think rose the the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. Those grounds had nothing to do with Monica Lewinsky, but the left, having a less sophisticated constituency, was able to make it look like it did and then could trash Newt from engaging in his own infidelity. More hypocrisy that is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

Can Newt live down that kind of baggage in a head to head contest with Barack Obama? Given that the MSM will play up all of Newt's baggage while continuing to ignore Obama's, I don't know.

Newt right now is not my favorite of the candidates, but I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for him a year from November, and he would be heads and shoulders above the current occupant of the White House.

He's also just about as big a bigot and racist as Pat Buchanan. Who's also very smart and savvy.
You really believe that the impeachment was on solid ground?

No. As I said Clinton was absolutely guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice to the detriment of a private citizen and that is indefensible and was enough to get him suspended from the bar in the Supreme Court, in Arkansas, and charged with contempt of court in New York.

But it did not, in my opinion, rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors that justified impeachment. The Senate seemed to be of that same opinion as, even though Republican controlled, chose not to convict him and force him out of office.

:lol: you guys really care about that shit. Both Reagan and Bush II "perjured" themselves in much bigger ways..people got killed.
His personal life aside--that is only fair since apparently only Republicans are fair game to have their personal lives closely scrutinized and criticized--Newt is by far the best educated, has the highest IQ, and the most impressive knowledge, recall ability, and vision of any of the candidates running this year.

In his professional life he has pulled two major blunders. One was in taking on the dishonest and corrupt James Wright and forcing his resignation over a book deal in the Reagan Administration and then writing his own book which of course triggered the same kinds of accusations. Hypocrisy is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

The second was the same sort of thing when he imprudently forced the impeachment of President Clinton on grounds that most of us didn't think rose the the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. Those grounds had nothing to do with Monica Lewinsky, but the left, having a less sophisticated constituency, was able to make it look like it did and then could trash Newt from engaging in his own infidelity. More hypocrisy that is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

Can Newt live down that kind of baggage in a head to head contest with Barack Obama? Given that the MSM will play up all of Newt's baggage while continuing to ignore Obama's, I don't know.

Newt right now is not my favorite of the candidates, but I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for him a year from November, and he would be heads and shoulders above the current occupant of the White House.

He's also just about as big a bigot and racist as Pat Buchanan. Who's also very smart and savvy.

I'm sure in your mind he is Sallow. Most leftists buy into all the hate stuff put out there on somebody like Newt. I have not seen any bigotry or racism in Gingrich however, nor in Buchanan for that matter--Buchanan has been right on the edge of anti-semitism a time or two however--but both have focused mostly on the truth of the human condition which, to the left, is not allowed in our politically correct world.
Clintons transgressions appear to be forgiven by the left. Aw whats a little obstruction of justice and perjury. Jeeze the guy was only a sitting POTUS.

As for Newt well lets get out the tar and feathers.

Newt the smartest guy in the room and is way more competant that the joker sitting in the oval office right now.

Of course I would be very surprised if the got the nomination even though he is way more than able.

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