Re-Evaluating Newt..

You really believe that the impeachment was on solid ground?

Legally. Yes. Clinton broke several federal statues. People have gone to prison and lost their jobs for a lot less.

Politically. Not so much. He was still popular and the country was willing to forgive him and frankly, his being acquitted was a forgone conclusion. If he had Obama's economic numbers, he'd have been run out on a rail.

The millage that could have been gotten out of it was gotten when Ken Starr nailed down that he lied. They should have censured him and left it at that.

Oh gosh.


But I agree with your conclusion.
no, YOU made the accusation that the quotes are racist or bigoted. So YOU put them INTO CONTEXT and justify your opinion that they are racist or bigoted. Sallow did not do that with the highly biased and bigoted links he posted.

They are in context.

Exactly. Sexual harrassment lawsuits from malingerers cost $$$$. That's part of the equation. Glad you are finally getting it, I was beginning to think you were stupid.

Oh, give it up. They go for very cheap labor. Yeah, I'm sure that includes getting sexual favors for free from workers, but that's just a bonus.

You can go there and accuse all the women you like of putting pubic hairs on your coke can, and then carry on about how they should grow up.
But she got millions AFTER she stuck the knife in. Amazing.

Are you gifting her with psychic abilities?

All she got at the time was trouble and humiliation, and the possible permanent loss of employment in her chosen field.

She took the risk because she had no choice. And somehow, you put that on her. Which is crazy.

Then they should stop whining about it. Actually, no one believes them because they usually end up suing for bullshit. Frankly, never saw a SH case brought that wasn't complete BS, but good people got fired for petty BS because HR departments are running scared. True, they later find ways of getting rid of the malingerers, because that's just a bomb waiting to go off.

You poor thing.

Being that you were completely wrong on the last three, and wrong on Hill being a
Again, you ignored the issue. Obama called his grandmother a racist on national TV because he couldn't bring himself to denounce the nasty, anti-American racist bile pouring out of the mouth of his pastor. The woman who raised him when his parents couldn't be bothered.

Seems a lot worse than getting divorces from marriages that aren't working to me.

Absolutely not.

Obama made a point that went way over your head.

The point that we all have racial bias that slips through at times. All of us. Every one of us.

To be a racist is a far more concentrated effort.
Joe, the links about Newt are in an earlier thread.


You'll find out about the child support, and the tendency to dump wives when they get sick, and the serial adultery.

But you're right, the second wife was a lobbyist.

Now go read the rest.

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Joe, the links about Newt are in an earlier thread.


You'll find out about the child support, and the tendency to dump wives when they get sick, and the serial adultery.

But you're right, the second wife was a lobbyist.
Now go read the rest.


Well, I did. Far left kook websites letting an jilted ex-wife break bad don't count. And you did get the facts wrong about so many other things....

And you got one wrong AGAIN (bolded)> Callista is the THIRD wife, not the second... Again, do you bother to do ANY research before wasting my valuable time?

Get your FACTS right before you shoot off your mouth.
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Oh, give it up. They go for very cheap labor. Yeah, I'm sure that includes getting sexual favors for free from workers, but that's just a bonus.

You can go there and accuse all the women you like of putting pubic hairs on your coke can, and then carry on about how they should grow up.

No, the fact that they don't have to pay through the nose for nusience lawsuits, silly regulations, and having the most worthless person on staff walk away with a bag of money because she heard a crude joke is a big part of it, too.

At my last job (where the crazy, anorexic lesbian almost got the manager fired because she didn't like being told to do work) I worked with a Russian guy, and tried to explain to him that he couldn't say certain things because they could get him fired. He looked at me like I was crazy. "In my country, judge throw you out of court for that!"

Oh, speaking of the crazy, anorexic lesbian... kept track of her for about two years after they finally did fire her. She couldn't hold down a job for more than six month. I think I did her resume for her twice.

Are you gifting her with psychic abilities?

All she got at the time was trouble and humiliation, and the possible permanent loss of employment in her chosen field.

She took the risk because she had no choice. And somehow, you put that on her. Which is crazy.

It doesn't take a psychic to realize the feminist circuit would reward her handsomely for protecting the holy right to suck babies into sinks. She made a backstabbing calculation that paid off for her. And all she has to do is live with herself. I'm glad I don't have to.

You poor thing.

Has nothing to do with me, I'm sharp enough to avoid the traps. But the fact the traps are out there for the useless to screw the useful is bad enough.

Absolutely not.

Obama made a point that went way over your head.

The point that we all have racial bias that slips through at times. All of us. Every one of us.

To be a racist is a far more concentrated effort.

Well, that's not what he was doing. There was a big difference between his grandmother wanting her no-account, unemployed husband to drive her to work because there was a belligerent stew-bum (who happened to be black) at her bus stop, and Reverand Wright screaming anti-white and anti-Americans obscentities in a HOUSE OF GOD* where Obama brought his children.

(*- full disclosure, I'm an atheist, but that religious people would tolerate this kind of nonsense is telling.)

He should have denounced and distanced himself from Wright then and there. He instead threw granny (who happened to be sickly at the time) under the bus. Only after Wright wouldn't shut his pie-hole did Obama finally do the right thing.
[Well, I did. Far left kook websites letting an jilted ex-wife break bad don't count. And you did get the facts wrong about so many other things....

And you got one wrong AGAIN (bolded)> Callista is the THIRD wife, not the second... Again, do you bother to do ANY research before wasting my valuable time?

Get your FACTS right before you shoot off your mouth.

I'm sorry, I am usually much more careful. Ask Lone Laugher. I'm aware that Calista is his third wife.

Please stop the pretense that you can dismiss the messy details of Newt's life by attacking the sources.

Newt is a serial adulterer. He left his first wife when she had cancer. She had financial problems because Newt failed to pay her child support. He left his second wife after she was dx with MS. He's on his third marriage. He is not a moral man.
You really believe that the impeachment was on solid ground?

Legally. Yes. Clinton broke several federal statues. People have gone to prison and lost their jobs for a lot less.

Politically. Not so much. He was still popular and the country was willing to forgive him and frankly, his being acquitted was a forgone conclusion. If he had Obama's economic numbers, he'd have been run out on a rail.

The millage that could have been gotten out of it was gotten when Ken Starr nailed down that he lied. They should have censured him and left it at that.

no. he didn't violate federal statues. everyone lies about cheating when their wife is in the room.

:woohoo: kenny starr spent 70 million of our tax money for a blue dress.
No, the fact that they don't have to pay through the nose for nusience lawsuits, silly regulations, and having the most worthless person on staff walk away with a bag of money because she heard a crude joke is a big part of it, too.

At my last job (where the crazy, anorexic lesbian almost got the manager fired because she didn't like being told to do work) I worked with a Russian guy, and tried to explain to him that he couldn't say certain things because they could get him fired. He looked at me like I was crazy. "In my country, judge throw you out of court for that!"

Oh, speaking of the crazy, anorexic lesbian... kept track of her for about two years after they finally did fire her. She couldn't hold down a job for more than six month. I think I did her resume for her twice.

You are really letting your imagination run away with you. No one can sue,and get heard, because of a single crude joke.
It doesn't take a psychic to realize the feminist circuit would reward her handsomely for protecting the holy right to suck babies into sinks. She made a backstabbing calculation that paid off for her. And all she has to do is live with herself. I'm glad I don't have to.

Again, this is your imagination at work. She did not go voluntarily. You continue to accuse her of something along the lines of witchcraft. This ordinary person got powerful Senators to subpoena her with mind control so she could earn speaking fees. :cuckoo:

Has nothing to do with me, I'm sharp enough to avoid the traps. But the fact the traps are out there for the useless to screw the useful is bad enough.

Not the point. Your whining is epic. You can't even tell a woman you work with about a porn movie, or ask her out multiple times, without her getting all bent out of shape. You poor thing.

Well, that's not what he was doing. There was a big difference between his grandmother wanting her no-account, unemployed husband to drive her to work because there was a belligerent stew-bum (who happened to be black) at her bus stop, and Reverand Wright screaming anti-white and anti-Americans obscentities in a HOUSE OF GOD* where Obama brought his children.

(*- full disclosure, I'm an atheist, but that religious people would tolerate this kind of nonsense is telling.)

He should have denounced and distanced himself from Wright then and there. He instead threw granny (who happened to be sickly at the time) under the bus. Only after Wright wouldn't shut his pie-hole did Obama finally do the right thing.

Well it is what Obama was doing. Pointing out that everyone has bias, and that we have an obligation to better our selves. I'm sorry you didn't realize that, but you could go back and read the speech now. :)

What Wright said is comparable to what Falwell and Robertson said, without impugning it to supernatural influences.

All three ministers blamed America for 9/11.
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What "transgressions"? Clinton got a blowjob. That's it.
Was that why he lost his legal license for five years? What Clinton did was more than just violate his oath of office, his oath of marriage and oath as an officer of the court. He perjured himself to dishonor a woman in order to save his own political ass. It was wrong. Comparing him to anyone else is irrelevant. - Clinton admits misleading testimony, avoids charges in Lewinsky probe - January 19, 2001 Jones v. Clinton Special Report

As for Newt, he has too much infidelity/adultery baggage himself to be elected President or Vice-President. I think he's probably shooting for "elder statesman" in the next Republican administration.
I'm sorry, I am usually much more careful. Ask Lone Laugher. I'm aware that Calista is his third wife.

Please stop the pretense that you can dismiss the messy details of Newt's life by attacking the sources.

Newt is a serial adulterer. He left his first wife when she had cancer. She had financial problems because Newt failed to pay her child support. He left his second wife after she was dx with MS. He's on his third marriage. He is not a moral man.

So I should ask one liberal about another liberal getting information wrong? Really?

Again, his daughter tells a different story about the first marriage. and you've gotten so many facts wrong, probably because you get all your info from HuffPo, that it's laughable. I've counted at least six on this thread alone.
So I should ask one liberal about another liberal getting information wrong? Really?

Again, his daughter tells a different story about the first marriage. and you've gotten so many facts wrong, probably because you get all your info from HuffPo, that it's laughable. I've counted at least six on this thread alone.

You should ask him about me because he knows me.

I rarely read Huffington Post. I'm just a little off today. You'll see. :)

And really, you seem to miss the point so often, you might want to tone down the recriminations. KWIM?
You are really letting your imagination run away with you. No one can sue,and get heard, because of a single crude joke.

Of course they don't. They drag you into HR and fire you on the spot. Which I've seen happen to guys TWICE in my career. No one risks a lawsuit.

Again, this is your imagination at work. She did not go voluntarily. You continue to accuse her of something along the lines of witchcraft. This ordinary person got powerful Senators to subpoena her with mind control so she could earn speaking fees.

Well, while burning her at the stake has an appeal, not really. Hardly a big stretch, she had already seen Donna Rice and Jessica Hahn cash in big.

Not the point. Your whining is epic. You can't even tell a woman you work with about a porn movie, or ask her out multiple times, without her getting all bent out of shape. You poor thing.

No, the poor thing is the fragile creature that goes nuts over petty things like that. Not someone I would have wanted next to me in a foxhole... or a cubicle.

Well it is what Obama was doing. Pointing out that everyone has bias, and that we have an obligation to better our selves. I'm sorry you didn't realize that, but you could go back and read the speech now. :)

What Wright said is comparable to what Falwell and Robertson said, without impugning it to supernatural influences.

All three ministers blamed America for 9/11.

I would never publically humiliate a family member for political gain. I guess that's why I never went into politics, man... The point where that ever became a good idea, I don't know why anyone would think that was right.

Nothing Granny did was up there with Wright's actions. He was just covering his ass.

Incidently, I thought what Falwell and Robertson said was equally repugnant. Not sure why you think deflecting with a bad right wing clergyman defuses a bad left wing one.
You should ask him about me because he knows me.

I rarely read Huffington Post. I'm just a little off today. You'll see. :)

And really, you seem to miss the point so often, you might want to tone down the recriminations. KWIM?

You haven't been here that long to have a rep one way or the other, unless you are someone who got previously banned....

You get facts wrong, and then based your arguments on incorrect fact, like Anita Hill was a law clerk who had to bend over and take it. She wasn't a law clerk, she was a credentialled J.D. working for a government bureaucracy.

Instead of re-evaluating your position, you kept pressing on. That's the problem. Your premise was wrong to start with.
Of course they don't. They drag you into HR and fire you on the spot. Which I've seen happen to guys TWICE in my career. No one risks a lawsuit.

For a single crude joke? Right? A single crude joke?
Well, while burning her at the stake has an appeal, not really. Hardly a big stretch, she had already seen Donna Rice and Jessica Hahn cash in big.

Nice dodge.

No, the poor thing is the fragile creature that goes nuts over petty things like that. Not someone I would have wanted next to me in a foxhole... or a cubicle.

No, I believe it's you. You are the poor thing.

I would never publically humiliate a family member for political gain. I guess that's why I never went into politics, man... The point where that ever became a good idea, I don't know why anyone would think that was right.

Nothing Granny did was up there with Wright's actions. He was just covering his ass.

Incidently, I thought what Falwell and Robertson said was equally repugnant. Not sure why you think deflecting with a bad right wing clergyman defuses a bad left wing one.

Because I figured it went over your head. :lol:

Now, consider the fact that Wright was making a point about blowback, while Falwell and Robertson were crediting the Almighty with sharing their own prejudices.

Wright said that America should not put herself before God, and should not believe that she is God.

But that's too reasonable for the right winger, they had to make their own story about it. Shame.
no. he didn't violate federal statues. everyone lies about cheating when their wife is in the room.

:woohoo: kenny starr spent 70 million of our tax money for a blue dress.

Can't blame Ken Starr. He did exactly what the IC statue is designed to do. Keep investigating until you get someone for something. That's why it was an awful law when designed, because it created guys like Starr, Lawrence Walsh, Patrick Fitzgerald, fanatics redoubling their efforts while losing sight of their goals.

And the federal perjury statues do not have a "you can lie if your wife is in the room and will brain you with an ashtray when you get home" exception. :lol:

Which is exactly the beauty of Sexual Harrassment lawsuits. You can be totally innocent of whatever you are accused of, but they can drag in every ex-girlfriend, co-worker, casual acquaintance etc, and who knows what you'll have to answer for? Which is why most companies fire the accused without hearing and settle. Then fire the accuser if she doesn't have the good sense to move on.
Oh, absolutely, we can blame Ken Starr. He went way off the reservation, kept asking for more money, and came up with not all that much.

To compare it to the other two investigations is just ridiculous.

Which is exactly the beauty of Sexual Harrassment lawsuits. You can be totally innocent of whatever you are accused of, but they can drag in every ex-girlfriend, co-worker, casual acquaintance etc, and who knows what you'll have to answer for? Which is why most companies fire the accused without hearing and settle. Then fire the accuser if she doesn't have the good sense to move on.

Really, most do this? This is something that's been researched?
For a single crude joke? Right? A single crude joke?

Yup. Seen it happen. Twice. One of them had been with the company for so long his son got a job there. When he realized he made a mistake, he went to HR and fessed up, but they fired him anyway.

Nice dodge.

Not really. Who the fuck cared who Antia Hill was before she broke bad on Clarance Thomas. No one had heard from her. She wasn't even respected at her university, where she taught contract law to bored law students. Now she's got a chair named after her, and they can't do a story about Justice Thomas without mentioning this mediocrity who really accomplished nothing else in her life.

No, I believe it's you. You are the poor thing.

Well, you never bother to confuse yourself with facts before making up your mind, so there's that.

Because I figured it went over your head. :lol:

Now, consider the fact that Wright was making a point about blowback, while Falwell and Robertson were crediting the Almighty with sharing their own prejudices.

Wright said that America should not put herself before God, and should not believe that she is God.

But that's too reasonable for the right winger, they had to make their own story about it. Shame.

Well, if you are dumb enough to think that people deserved to be burned alive or crushed by falling buildings, that kind of reduces your credibility.

Wright is racist, hateful scum. And Obama sat in his church for 20 years because when his ambitions were no more than being the top rabble rouser in Chicago, no one cared. When he set his sights higher, he tried to do a makeover on Wright, but threw him under the bus right after he threw Granny there.

Seriously, what a lowlife.
[Yup. Seen it happen. Twice. One of them had been with the company for so long his son got a job there. When he realized he made a mistake, he went to HR and fessed up, but they fired him anyway.

That is very difficult to believe.

Not really. Who the fuck cared who Antia Hill was before she broke bad on Clarance Thomas. No one had heard from her. She wasn't even respected at her university, where she taught contract law to bored law students. Now she's got a chair named after her, and they can't do a story about Justice Thomas without mentioning this mediocrity who really accomplished nothing else in her life.

You dodged the point that you're attributing an amazing skill set to her.

Yes, nice dodge.

Which you further by making a series of adjective-laden imaginary attacks on her teaching skills, the student's interest, etc, etc.

You sell this like it is written down somewhere-that her students are bored, that no one respected her. :cuckoo:
Well, you never bother to confuse yourself with facts before making up your mind, so there's that.

The facts here are that you have whined endlessly about this. On and on and on and on. Poor men! Victimized by women! So unfair! Let's go to China where you can talk to employees about pubic hairs nobody cares!

Well, if you are dumb enough to think that people deserved to be burned alive or crushed by falling buildings, that kind of reduces your credibility.

Wright is racist, hateful scum. And Obama sat in his church for 20 years because when his ambitions were no more than being the top rabble rouser in Chicago, no one cared. When he set his sights higher, he tried to do a makeover on Wright, but threw him under the bus right after he threw Granny there.

Seriously, what a lowlife.

I realize that's the soundbite version, but the reality is more complex.
Oh, absolutely, we can blame Ken Starr. He went way off the reservation, kept asking for more money, and came up with not all that much.

To compare it to the other two investigations is just ridiculous. ?

Actually, I consider all three to be the same.

Walsh started out investigating arms for hostages, and ended up prosecuting Cap Weinberger because he said he hadn't kept a diary, but he kept notes of meetings. (and Cap opposed the scheme from day one.)

Fitzfong started out investigating who outed a woman who wasn't a spy, really. He ended up prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering his conversations with Tim Russert the way Timmy did. (There was no dispute about what they actually had discussed, or who had actually outed Plame, which was not Scooter but Armitage, who was also against the war.)

Starr started out investigating a crooked land deal, and ended up investigating perjury in a civil suit because it involved the same players.

Which is exactly the beauty of Sexual Harrassment lawsuits. You can be totally innocent of whatever you are accused of, but they can drag in every ex-girlfriend, co-worker, casual acquaintance etc, and who knows what you'll have to answer for? Which is why most companies fire the accused without hearing and settle. Then fire the accuser if she doesn't have the good sense to move on.

Really, most do this? This is something that's been researched?

Can you name a case where a company went to the mat for an accused harrasser becaus he had been wrongly accused? Nope. they never do.

How about the guy who got fired because he explained the punchline to the joke in a Seinfeld episode.

The Law Street Journal | 5 Craziest Sexual Harassment Cases in HIstory

2. The Seinfeld case. In 1993 a male employee of Miller Brewing Co. was fired when he apparently offended a fellow female employee by discussing a Seinfeld episode. In the episode, a classic in my opinion, Seinfeld doesn't remember the name of a girl he is dating and in order to refresh his memory she tells him her name (Dolores) rhymes with a female body part. Hilarious, right?! Apparently not, because the male employee was fired and subsequently brought suit against Miller Brewing Co. alleging that the sexual harassment claim was false.
You can consider them the same, but you're being silly if you do. Watergate is not Whitewater. You should realize that.

Companies don't have to "go to the mat". They just have to conduct a reasonably fair investigation. Your thought process on this is really extreme.

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