Re-education Camps in America

Your right.

I think the republican party should make it's platform to eliminate the public school system, don't you?

They tried to do that with vouchers.

Then they tried to privatize social security.

Then they robbed the Treasury on their way out of town.

God bless them!
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it." -- Abraham Lincoln, 4 April 1861

I just noticed this quote. From the same guy that brought us the US Civil War because inhabitants grew weary of existing government?

You're asking a KoolAid drinking lefty THAT question?:lol:

Of course schools program children. I see the usual "it's a conspiracy theory" crowd has appeared. Someone said something they don't want to hear.

Yeah the idea that the left wing has taken control over every single school in the country and is secretly programming all our kids to be liberals under our nose sure as hell doesn't sound like any conspiracy theory I've ever heard in my life.

Let me ask, does your proof involve folding a dollar bill a certain way?
They tried to do that with vouchers.

Then they tried to privatize social security.

Then they robbed the Treasury on their way out of town.

God bless them!

Privatizing social security would be a good thing for responsible people who don't a Nanny to wipe their asses.

YOUR Democratic Congress robbed the Treasury funding these bailouts. Your statement is unsupported horseshit.

Your rhetoric is going to find itself contained in a single thread in the Flame Zone as has happened to other mindless bots who post just to waste the space and get that cyber-feeling of their tongues rattling against their teeth.
No one is saying it's an evil conspiracy against anyone. Actually, it's a no-brainer. Ever listen to a high school teacher? Ever watched CNN or MSNBC? Are they really that different?

I've had conservative teachers and I live near Los Angeles. And why did CNN and MSNBC get dragged into this? They're not schools.
I have taken job applications and conducted job interviews for the last 15 years. I don't know if there is a conspiracy to dumb down the schools, but in my experience young people are far less literate today then they were 15 years ago. Used to be 9 out of 10 applications were legible and properly filled out, now, I'm lucky if 3 out of 10 are correctly filled out. I had a college sophomore come into my place yesterday who not only couldn't fill out the application, during the interview he was at times barely coherent. In addition, I have found that young people today, under 25 years of age, are incapable of following simple instructions. They need to get together in a group to look at the instructions, debate what they mean, and then devise a plan of action. The funny thing is that even after all of that, they are still usually wrong. Maybe there's a conspiracy, maybe there isn't, but the proof is in the pudding, and right now the pudding is rancid.
High school teachers, and CNN and MSNBC news anchors and reporters all sound the same. They've all been brainwashed by their liberal teachers and professors at their government schools and colleges. You were lucky, Father Time, to have had the leadership of conservative teachers. Unfortunately, our children today don't have that honor. Maybe one day, our children will have teachers who want to educate and empower, rather than indoctrinate, to give our great nation it's best chance in surviving.

Our nation has a much better chance of surviving now that the adults are back in charge.
I'm shocked to find another education-hating con in cyberspace.

People who never went to college always post stuff like this.

Red Dawn, I couldn't have come up with a better example of the result of public education than yourself. I made the original post for the exact opposite reason than hating education. I love education, learning, knowledge. Every year the statistics show that the public schools get further and further away from these goals. Instead, they push frauds like global warming, how to put on a condom, gay lifestyles, and form over substance in our political system. Even you can't deny that our graduates know less than nothing about history, much less geography.

BTW, I'm the result of an Ivy League education. And you?
I have taken job applications and conducted job interviews for the last 15 years. I don't know if there is a conspiracy to dumb down the schools, but in my experience young people are far less literate today then they were 15 years ago. Used to be 9 out of 10 applications were legible and properly filled out, now, I'm lucky if 3 out of 10 are correctly filled out. I had a college sophomore come into my place yesterday who not only couldn't fill out the application, during the interview he was at times barely coherent. In addition, I have found that young people today, under 25 years of age, are incapable of following simple instructions. They need to get together in a group to look at the instructions, debate what they mean, and then devise a plan of action. The funny thing is that even after all of that, they are still usually wrong. Maybe there's a conspiracy, maybe there isn't, but the proof is in the pudding, and right now the pudding is rancid.

Not only are you right anedoctally, but they've revised the SAT's twice to make them easier to make sure the drop-off doesn't show. Further, the latest version of the SAT's adds an 800 point essay (marked subjectively, of course) so it's impossible to compare them to earlier scores.
does it now? not likely since homeschoolers have a really bizarre tendency to reject actual science... but if you have legitimate links, go for it.
I have neighbors that homeschooled their girls. It is a misperception to think they do not believe in science. The mom is a vet and dad a farmer. The girls are two very stable intelligent young adults. I doubt many on this board have as much knowledge about life in general as those two girls have.

They do not have computers, a tv or modern plumbing. That may not appeal to everyone here but if I ever wanted someone that could tell me the general life questions such as what is it that is killing off the honey bees? or how do I can meat and make sure I don't kill us off while eating my home canned food, these would be the people I would go too.

These people actually own their vehicles, home, land, animals free and clear. I doubt many on this board can say the same. And they do not collect farm welfare and never have.
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Wow. What you say is amazing. I recently brought my child home from public school and, let me say, they did him no favors. His best chance for success is at home, where I can teach him. I do believe there's a change going on at our public schools, but I'm no conspiracy theorist. All I know is, I've witnessed firsthand our public school system. Shame on his teachers, they truly deserved to be fired. But they couldn't be, they belong to the teacher's union. It's a government thing. I refuse to be apart of it.

Please let's clarify here because our school systems aren't capable enough to originate and institute a dumbing down policy. The fact that they are doing this, I believe, is explained in the following way:

Faced with the difficulty of educating immigrant and highly-diverse student body, the system takes the easy way out by removing any difficult subject matter and inflating grades, social promotion, and bowing to the wishes of every parent and pressure group with which they come in contact. The result is an ever downward spiraling of the education system.

Let's compare those educated today to the following:

On Wednesday, June 6, 1928 the Oxford English Dictionary was completed. In The Meaning of Everything, Simon Winchester discusses the English of the time as follows:
“The English establishment of the day might be rightly derided at this remove as having been class-ridden and imperialist, bombastic and blimpish, racist and insouciant -- but it was marked undeniably also by a sweeping erudition and confidence, and it was peopled by men and women who felt they were able to know all, to understand much, and in consequence to radiate the wisdom of deep learning.”
does it now? not likely since homeschoolers have a really bizarre tendency to reject actual science... but if you have legitimate links, go for it.

ROFLMNAO... Home-schoolers excel in ACTUAL Science... rejecting the psuedo-science of secular left; for instance, a home-schooler recognizes that the earth's atmosphic temperatures are regulated by cycles which are a result of the earths proximity to the sun along with solar radiant cycles and as such aren't likely to be impressed with a rise in global temperatures during a warming cycle... where the hieghtened suns' solar activity naturally result in higher global temperatues.

Where a home-schooler learns that the earth goes from ice-age to ice-age and that they're living in a period where the atmosphere is wamring from a previous ice-age and they aren't subject to cultural panic induced by cries that the earth is warming and never coming back... ya see home-schoolers have LEARNED the scientific meaning of CYCLES...

LOL... it won't be long now friends... in a few months these loons will be using words like "HERETIC" to dismiss those who reject psuedo-scientific claims of AGW... they did the same thing in the early 20th century for people who rejected Eugenics.

The COOL PART is how in 50 years, the AWG thing will be forgotten entirely and what popular history speaks to it, will claim that the hysteria was a result of ideological conservatives.

FOr those that doubt this... ask yourself who you've been told were behind the injecting of syphylis into black men in Tuskegee Alabama... Here's a clue... that was an experiment in Eugenics... and Eugenics was the glue which bound all PROGRESSIVE LIBERALISM... the Advocacy of Social SCIENCE!

ROFLMNAO... oh this is gonna be a GAS!
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Ever read the book "1984" by George Orwell... or watched the movie? The masses don't remember either.

Yes, I read George Orwell's book twice. And I have often called Bush 'George orWell Bush'. You conservative do not like it because what is taught in public schools does not reflect your warped views of history. You would teach that ideology is far more important than science in science classes. Your view of what should be taught, and what should not be taught, is very Moaist, just from the other end of the spectrum. And you are all calling for a great leap backward. This past election has shown the publics opinion of your efforts.
Psst.. have you seen how your democrats have been acting? Oh, they probably don't report those sort of things on CNN or MSNBC. Hillary Clinton (D), nominee for secretary of state, squeezing John Cornyn's (R), senator, Texas, forearms with all her might after his delaying the vote she needed for the confirmation (she was probably upset, huh?), Timothy Geithner, huh, going to be the Treasury Secretary (doesn't that have something to do with the IRS?). Doesn't really matter that he FORGOT to PAY HIS TAXES!! DUH! He forgot his taxes like I forgot my birth control! Who's buying it? THE MASSES OF GOVERNMENT EDUCATED SHEEP! Your own fellow democrat, Dick Morris, says we are headed towards socialism.

Judging from the most recent events of your constituents, I am very proud to call myself a conservative. We ARE the ADULTS. We WILL BE BACK IN CHARGE. See, we're classy.

He didn't forget to pay his taxes. He was notified in writing each quarter, a form he had to sign, as to how much he had to pay in taxes. He declined to pay. When audited in 2003 and 2004, he was forced to pay the taxes for those years and ordered to pay the back taxes of '01 and '02. When he realized that he wouldn't be audited for '01 and '02, he declined to pay those years' taxes.

BTW, this is the first time I've ever heard of fines and penalties on back taxes being waived. I'm sure they would do the same for you and me.
Red Dawn, I couldn't have come up with a better example of the result of public education than yourself. I made the original post for the exact opposite reason than hating education. I love education, learning, knowledge. Every year the statistics show that the public schools get further and further away from these goals. Instead, they push frauds like global warming, how to put on a condom, gay lifestyles, and form over substance in our political system. Even you can't deny that our graduates know less than nothing about history, much less geography.

BTW, I'm the result of an Ivy League education. And you?

Well, judging from what you have just posted, the Ivy League education was wasted on you.

Public schools are designed for the average student. Because of funding, class sizes, and curriculum requirements, they fail both the slow learner, and the very intelligent student.

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