Re-education Camps in America


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Re-education camp (trại học tập cải tạo) is the official name given to the prison camps operated by the government of Vietnam following the end of the Vietnam War. In such "reeducation camps", the government imprisoned several hundred thousand former military officers and government workers from the former South Vietnam. Reeducation as it was implemented in Vietnam was both a means of revenge and a sophisticated technique of repression and indoctrination which developed for several years in the North and was extended to the South following the 1975 North Vietnam takeover.

The term 're-education camp' is also used to refer to prison camps operated by the People's Republic of China during the Cultural Revolution, or to the laogai and laojiao camps currently operated by the Chinese government. The theory underlying such camps is the Maoist theory of reforming anti-revolutionaries into socialist citizens by re-education through labor.

Reeducation camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=]YouTube - Racist Black Obama Teacher Humiliates Deployed Soldiers Girl[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Militant BLACK Obama Youth Group: Let's SCARE the SHIT out of WHITE Grandma?[/ame]


[ame=]YouTube - Kid Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt in School[/ame]

Teachers support Obama in classroom - ParentDish
Re-education camp (trại học tập cải tạo) is the official name given to the prison camps operated by the government of Vietnam following the end of the Vietnam War. In such "reeducation camps", the government imprisoned several hundred thousand former military officers and government workers from the former South Vietnam. Reeducation as it was implemented in Vietnam was both a means of revenge and a sophisticated technique of repression and indoctrination which developed for several years in the North and was extended to the South following the 1975 North Vietnam takeover.

The term 're-education camp' is also used to refer to prison camps operated by the People's Republic of China during the Cultural Revolution, or to the laogai and laojiao camps currently operated by the Chinese government. The theory underlying such camps is the Maoist theory of reforming anti-revolutionaries into socialist citizens by re-education through labor.

Reeducation camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YouTube - Racist Black Obama Teacher Humiliates Deployed Soldiers Girl

YouTube - Militant BLACK Obama Youth Group: Let's SCARE the SHIT out of WHITE Grandma?


YouTube - Kid Suspended for Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt in School

Teachers support Obama in classroom - ParentDish

Do you think America will get some of these soon or do we already have them but just call them "schools" ?
Do you think America will get some of these soon or do we already have them but just call them "schools" ?

You hit the nail on the head. I'm not certain whether or not the schools have become socialist cauldrons out of ideology or to fill the vacuum since there is no education going on.
Hello, Ms. Hyperbole. What color is the sky over Brooklyn, today?

Hyperbole, perhaps, but correct all the same. Do you doubt that the left has taken over schools at every level? My hope is that the biological sense of rebellion sinks the best laid plans of the rats: the kids might grow up to oppose these boring, second rate nickel hippies.
Schools ARE re-education camps. Just ask the teachers unions. Of course, they wouldn't admit to it. Schools are the governments way of ensuring that future generations are good little citizens who aren't smart enough to cause any trouble. Bet most middle or high school students don't even know what socialism is.... much less capitalism. Government schools just teach kids to be sheep. Can you say 'bahahhaa'! Follow the leader........

hell--if they were just good enough to give kids some tools to get a job it would be nice. I mean American jobs. Learning the culture of every single other tribe in the world just doesn't quite cut it.
Schools ARE re-education camps. Just ask the teachers unions. Of course, they wouldn't admit to it. Schools are the governments way of ensuring that future generations are good little citizens who aren't smart enough to cause any trouble. Bet most middle or high school students don't even know what socialism is.... much less capitalism. Government schools just teach kids to be sheep. Can you say 'bahahhaa'! Follow the leader........

ahhhhhhhh... another conspiracy theorist....

Tenth Plank of the Communist Manifesto

Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
Tenth Plank of the Communist Manifesto

Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

Does it ever occur to conspiracy thinkers that after years pass and nothing happens that supports their conspiracy that maybe they simply need to take things in a more reasonable and logical manner and get away from backroom shenanigans?

I once made a bet with a very religious person that if nothing happened to the world in the next ten years they would buy me dinner at le bec-fin. I would, of course, be cast directly into hell or something like that. Guess who won?
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Schools ARE re-education camps. '

Just ask the teachers unions. Of course, they wouldn't admit to it. Schools are the governments way of ensuring that future generations are good little citizens who aren't smart enough to cause any trouble. Bet most middle or high school students don't even know what socialism is.... much less capitalism. Government schools just teach kids to be sheep. Can you say 'bahahhaa'! Follow the leader........

I'm shocked to find another education-hating con in cyberspace.

People who never went to college always post stuff like this.
I'm shocked to find another education-hating con in cyberspace.

People who never went to college always post stuff like this.

That's because they put that final chip in your brain in college :lol:

Seriously--you don't think schools program a kid politically ?
Yes, of course schools program children politically. Like Cheney said, "there can be too much of a good thing". When you teach a child to think critically, he or she will not automatically accept the "talking points". They may even do something as radical as seeking scientific advice on a scientific subject. And that would surely be the death of modern conservative ideology.
Yes, of course schools program children politically. Like Cheney said, "there can be too much of a good thing". When you teach a child to think critically, he or she will not automatically accept the "talking points". They may even do something as radical as seeking scientific advice on a scientific subject. And that would surely be the death of modern conservative ideology.

Oh poppycock---you got your conservatives and Christian fundementalists all mixed up---on purpose---again.
That's because they put that final chip in your brain in college :lol:

Seriously--you don't think schools program a kid politically ?

Based on this statement, I'm sure you didn't go to college either.

I was too busy smoking pot and playing football in high school. I don't remember this "liberal indoctrination" you speak of.

In college, I don't remember my calculus professor, my biology professor, or my art history professor ever giving speeches on the wonders of Al Gore. We spent 99% of our time learning the academic material. Calculus tends to be pretty non-partisan.

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