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Raving Englishman tells why Hillary Lost. Most of its true, too..

Yeah, this was posted in another thread. He's exactly right about WHY still, he's a left wing loon.

you would have to be sane and not a full on rightwingnut to know what left is.

Jillian, Here is what "left" is...

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
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If you need to lie about them to make them look like morons....

Well, proves how low your intelligence is.

Yeah, because Quayle, Bush, Palin and Trump are the epitome of intelligence. You stick with that. It will see you go a long way in life. No, it really will!

Trump certainly kicked Hitlery's ass in the debates and he wasn't even fed the questions beforehand like she was. Fuck the Bush crime family....don't EVEN try to align me with those nazi POS.
how dare she offer competence.

orage is the new black, eh?

To be honest, Hillary kinda looked relieved after the election. Like she wasn't that interested. Trump looked the opposite. When you look at the moron loons on the right on this board alone, I kinda sympathise with His Orangeness..

i took the opposite from that. i think trump is shocked and doesn't really want anything to do with running the country. he clearly doesn't have a clue about what a transition is supposed to be.

and he's surrounded by incompetents. more interestingly, his kids are going to both run the business and be "national security advisors". not like there's a conflict of interest there.

no doubt their insight into our security will be based in .....nothing.

and yes, look at the imbecile wingnuts even on this thread. they, and their orange sociopath, are pathetic.

You act like Trump's kids are teenagers, dumb ass...they are well educated. Trump Jr is 38 years old, dumb ass.

Anyone that isn't a commie POS or a disciple of Sal Alinsky seems "incompetent" to an idiot such as yourself. The transition will be fine and it will be smooth but you can bet the lamestream media (that got it's butt spanked on election night) will be pissing and moaning regardless....let 'em...they have no credibility now.

NO one said they were the 'epitome' of intelligence, but your need to lie about them makes them all more intelligent than you.


Turned a few million into a few billion.


Higher grades in college than his opponent Gore


Housewife to city council to mayor to governor.

What's your campaign record.

You keep lying, I'll keep laughing.

!) Did he? What is he worth
2) You might want to rethink that

Bush at Yale Gore at Harvard

SAT Verbal Score 566 (of 800) 625 (of 800)

SAT Math Score 640 (of 800) 730 (of 800)

Whoa! Mayor of Wisalla, nowheresville! She must be really smart!!
how dare she offer competence.

orage is the new black, eh?

To be honest, Hillary kinda looked relieved after the election. Like she wasn't that interested. Trump looked the opposite. When you look at the moron loons on the right on this board alone, I kinda sympathise with His Orangeness..

i took the opposite from that. i think trump is shocked and doesn't really want anything to do with running the country. he clearly doesn't have a clue about what a transition is supposed to be.

and he's surrounded by incompetents. more interestingly, his kids are going to both run the business and be "national security advisors". not like there's a conflict of interest there.

no doubt their insight into our security will be based in .....nothing.

and yes, look at the imbecile wingnuts even on this thread. they, and their orange sociopath, are pathetic.

You act like Trump's kids are teenagers, dumb ass...they are well educated. Trump Jr is 38 years old, dumb ass.

Anyone that isn't a commie POS or a disciple of Sal Alinsky seems "incompetent" to an idiot such as yourself. The transition will be fine and it will be smooth but you can bet the lamestream media (that got it's butt spanked on election night) will be pissing and moaning regardless....let 'em...they have no credibility now.

commie? G-d what a moron you are.
I said all along that the Democrats ewre amazingly stupid this election. They voted out the one man who represents their ideas almost perfectly - Bernie Sanders. And instead chose an elitist/corporatist with globalist views that is self serving, corrupt to the bone, and would have changed nothing..... HELLO????
how dare she offer competence.

orage is the new black, eh?

To be honest, Hillary kinda looked relieved after the election. Like she wasn't that interested. Trump looked the opposite. When you look at the moron loons on the right on this board alone, I kinda sympathise with His Orangeness..

i took the opposite from that. i think trump is shocked and doesn't really want anything to do with running the country. he clearly doesn't have a clue about what a transition is supposed to be.

and he's surrounded by incompetents. more interestingly, his kids are going to both run the business and be "national security advisors". not like there's a conflict of interest there.

no doubt their insight into our security will be based in .....nothing.

and yes, look at the imbecile wingnuts even on this thread. they, and their orange sociopath, are pathetic.

You act like Trump's kids are teenagers, dumb ass...they are well educated. Trump Jr is 38 years old, dumb ass.

Anyone that isn't a commie POS or a disciple of Sal Alinsky seems "incompetent" to an idiot such as yourself. The transition will be fine and it will be smooth but you can bet the lamestream media (that got it's butt spanked on election night) will be pissing and moaning regardless....let 'em...they have no credibility now.

commie? G-d what a moron you are.

I am still waiting on you to have an honest debate......you make no salient points. All you do is lamely insult anyone that doesn't see things the "leftard way".....you must really suck in the law field. I would give ANYTHING to hear you give an opening statement or a closing argument....I bet they last seconds....real impressive, Shillian. (snicker)

NO one said they were the 'epitome' of intelligence, but your need to lie about them makes them all more intelligent than you.


Turned a few million into a few billion.


Higher grades in college than his opponent Gore


Housewife to city council to mayor to governor.

What's your campaign record.

You keep lying, I'll keep laughing.

!) Did he? What is he worth
2) You might want to rethink that

Bush at Yale Gore at Harvard

SAT Verbal Score 566 (of 800) 625 (of 800)

SAT Math Score 640 (of 800) 730 (of 800)

Whoa! Mayor of Wisalla, nowheresville! She must be really smart!!

!) Did he? What is he worth

According to Bloomberg, just under 3 billion, according to Forbes, just over 4

Reading problems?

I said grades, not SAT scores

and you were mayor of...?
"When the Founding Fathers protected our right to free speech, I think that meant we were supposed to use it." Jillian

"Growth filled communities should explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth." ding

Hiding one's comments would seem to be the antithesis of both.

According to Bloomberg, just under 3 billion, according to Forbes, just over 4

Reading problems?

I said grades, not SAT scores

and you were mayor of...?

I thought he said he was worth $10 billion.. Hey. what's a few billion amongst friends?

Oh, so SATs don't matter...riiiggghhttt..

Oh, so now I can be Mayor of Shitvilles, Nowheresland and I'm worth something and am somebody. Okay....
I'm starting to worry about this guy grump...

the more he posts, the more of an idiot he proves himself

According to Bloomberg, just under 3 billion, according to Forbes, just over 4

Reading problems?

I said grades, not SAT scores

and you were mayor of...?

I thought he said he was worth $10 billion.. Hey. what's a few billion amongst friends?

Oh, so SATs don't matter...riiiggghhttt..

Oh, so now I can be Mayor of Shitvilles, Nowheresland and I'm worth something and am somebody. Okay....

I thought he said he was worth $10 billion..
Intelligent people look for facts, morons repeat lies and bullshit

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