Raving Englishman tells why Hillary Lost. Most of its true, too..

Intelligent people look for facts, morons repeat lies and bullshit

Well I think it has been established beyond all reasonable doubt you're a moron. That aside, if you wish to provide detes that Trump is worth $10 billion. Go for it.

Well I think it has been established beyond all reasonable doubt you're a moron

Funny, I've proven you are

That aside, if you wish to provide detes that Trump is worth $10 billion. Go for it.

Where did I say Trump was worth 10 Billion?

That's your claim.
i still think Hillary lost because she always acted so stupid, all she had to do was speak, and 200 Million Americans just laugh at her. "What A Stupid Bitch!" "And she's running for President???"
I'm starting to worry about this guy grump...

the more he posts, the more of an idiot he proves himself

ie: I've just been handed by arse to me on a plate.
Answer: I know.

e: I've just been handed by arse to me on a plate.

Yes, you have

Answer: I know.

I'm surprised you figured it out, considering your other posts

Try not to be too hard on the little fella.......the election was a personal affront to him and he is struggling right now. You see, leftards never really LOSE an election according to his kind....they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power because they live vicariously via the deeds of others. They are very tribal and not really capable of thinking for themselves.

It's very funny. Everyone on the left is looking for some one else to blame for losing the election, but none of them get it: Trump defeated Clinton, the media, the Democratic and Republican establishments because he addressed the concerns of the people with clear proposals and no one else on the left or right did.

Agreed. As the LWers often stated about complaints about the Obama administration; they are now "butt hurt" for losing what was supposed to be a shoo-in for Hillary.
I'm starting to worry about this guy grump...

the more he posts, the more of an idiot he proves himself

ie: I've just been handed by arse to me on a plate.
Answer: I know.

e: I've just been handed by arse to me on a plate.

Yes, you have

Answer: I know.

I'm surprised you figured it out, considering your other posts

Try not to be too hard on the little fella.......the election was a personal affront to him and he is struggling right now. You see, leftards never really LOSE an election according to his kind....they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power because they live vicariously via the deeds of others. They are very tribal and not really capable of thinking for themselves.

Scary watching people like him take a victory lap for getting his ass whipped in debate..

I'll bet he's got a lot of Participation Trophies
I'm starting to worry about this guy grump...

the more he posts, the more of an idiot he proves himself

ie: I've just been handed by arse to me on a plate.
Answer: I know.

e: I've just been handed by arse to me on a plate.

Yes, you have

Answer: I know.

I'm surprised you figured it out, considering your other posts

Try not to be too hard on the little fella.......the election was a personal affront to him and he is struggling right now. You see, leftards never really LOSE an election according to his kind....they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power because they live vicariously via the deeds of others. They are very tribal and not really capable of thinking for themselves.

Scary watching people like him take a victory lap for getting his ass whipped in debate..

I'll be he's got a lot of Participation Trophies

But....but.....but he tried and that is all that matters in leftard land!!!!
i still think Hillary lost because she always acted so stupid, all she had to do was speak, and 200 Million Americans just laugh at her. "What A Stupid Bitch!" "And she's running for President???"
She had a lot of fans. Per another thread, most of them are "snowflakes".






i still think Hillary lost because she always acted so stupid, all she had to do was speak, and 200 Million Americans just laugh at her. "What A Stupid Bitch!" "And she's running for President???"
She had a lot of fans. Per another thread, most of them are "snowflakes".







For the grieving leftard clown posse party....there, there...there, there....just let it allllll out.....

i still think Hillary lost because she always acted so stupid, all she had to do was speak, and 200 Million Americans just laugh at her. "What A Stupid Bitch!" "And she's running for President???"
She had a lot of fans. Per another thread, most of them are "snowflakes".







For the grieving leftard clown posse party....there, there...there, there....just let it allllll out.....

A good place to be was "consoling" some of those sweet tender ladies on November 8th.
I guess they are gonna keep crying and crying right thru the weekend of xmas vacation,,how convenient,,,great way to get 6/8 weeks off of school!! Hey! lets just pretend we are just too sad/traumatized right thru xmas vacation !!
All those poor college students

Promised so much, gained so little.

who says you don't learn about life in college?
I agree. He got the message out and the working people liked it and voted for him.

Hillary lost this election all on her own. Her handling of Benghazi and her emails were all her doing and no one elses.

If you want to blame someone then blame that stupid, careless and incompetent idiot.

She cooker her own goose.

Listen to the video. It was the left's talking down to the right. And that is true. That is the main issue. The left wouldn't talk straight to the right. Trump did.

That aside, if you want to yell Benghazi and claim the left own it (four dead). I'll yell at the top of my voice Iraq (4000+ dead) an the right can own that. I know which side of the ledger I'd rather fall on...

And Hillary voted YES to Iraq. Lol.
are these babies done crying yet? its been 7 days already!
It's going to take awhile for many. Per the 5 Stages of Grief, some people move faster through the stages than others. Some skip stages. Either way, many Hillary supporters on this forum are exhibiting examples of those stages.

The 5 Stages of Grief & Loss | Psych Central
The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.
She absolutely articulated what she would do as president.
How about listing some of them for us?

"attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations"? You mean like "LOCK HER UP"? False allegation like "grab her by the pussy"?
No, false allegations like paying women to accuse him of groping them at a concert that never took place.

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