Rather than take tax loopholes from the wealthy or corporations...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I am certain that the GOP is prepared to see the country fall into default. I hope he doesn't, but I expect Obama to fold on this one. I guess he, unlike the GOP, will have to consider Country over Political Party.

A default could turn the US into a near 3rd world counrty. The entire world's economy will go down the tubes. All so that the rich in the US can keep their tax breaks.
I am certain that the GOP is prepared to see the country fall into default. I hope he doesn't, but I expect Obama to fold on this one. I guess he, unlike the GOP, will have to consider Country over Political Party.

A default could turn the US into a near 3rd world counrty. The entire world's economy will go down the tubes. All so that the rich in the US can keep their tax breaks.

Or they can take people's mortgage "tax loophole" away, that would add to federal revenue.

Tax loopholes, corporate welfare, subsidies, these are all simply "tax deductions that I dont like given to people I dont like"
Taxes are off the table for the GOP. They would rather see default than suffer politically with the baggers.
Taxes are off the table for the GOP. They would rather see default than suffer politically with the baggers.

I guess I missed something. Last I heard, "loopholes" were still on the table for the GOP, since they already axed the Ethanol subsidy, which is a tax increase? Did they change their minds?
I am certain that the GOP is prepared to see the country fall into default. I hope he doesn't, but I expect Obama to fold on this one. I guess he, unlike the GOP, will have to consider Country over Political Party.

A default could turn the US into a near 3rd world counrty. The entire world's economy will go down the tubes. All so that the rich in the US can keep their tax breaks.

And to think all that Obama and the sycophants need do is to produce the necessary massive spending cut's to show the American people that really do care about this nation
Tax loopholes, corporate welfare, subsidies, these are all simply "tax deductions that I dont like given to people I dont like"

Or, rather, "tax deductions given out to curry political favor or implement social engineering". Either way, they're wrong. The tax code should be about equitably financing government - not pushing some people around and rewarding others. The fair thing to do is end all discriminatory taxation and ban the practice in the future.
Taxes should reflect the needs of the country.

They should fund us for the things we need to do to keep our country functioning.

If someone thinks they are unfair then they should vote for the representation that agrees with their aims.

Right now the American people want taxes raised so we can pay our bills.

The republicans dont want them raised because they cant get re elected by their base if they raise taxes.

The republicans care more about getting re elected than doing what the American people want done.

They care more about getting re elected than they care about Americas reputation in the world.

They care more about themselves than that American people.
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Taxes are off the table for the GOP. They would rather see default than suffer politically with the baggers.

Not raising the limit is not default. It just means you cant borrow anymore (issue any more T-bills). That means that you have to prioritize the spending of the money you already have. In this case you would have to prioritize debt servicing, and basically cut elsewhere.

Default would mean missing an interest payment on a T-bill.
Taxes should reflect the needs of the country.

They should fund us for the things we need to do to keep our country functioning.

If someone thinks they are unfair then they should vote for the representation that agrees with their aims.
Right now the American people want taxes raised so we can pay our bills.

The republicans dont want them raised because they cant get re elected by their base if they raise taxes.

The republicans care more about getting re elected than doing what the American people want done.

They care more about getting re elected than they care about Americas reputation in the world.

They care more about themselves than that American people.

But what happens when the majority can force a minority to shoulder most of the burden? Was that how the system was intended to work?
Taxes are off the table for the GOP. They would rather see default than suffer politically with the baggers.

Not raising the limit is not default. It just means you cant borrow anymore (issue any more T-bills). That means that you have to prioritize the spending of the money you already have. In this case you would have to prioritize debt servicing, and basically cut elsewhere.

Default would mean missing an interest payment on a T-bill.

When push really comes to shove, the government will have to start making very difficult choices. When the choice becomes:

1. Send a SS check to an old lady or
2. Send an interest payment to China.

I think we both know which it will chose. It would default before it would cut off the third rail.
Taxes should reflect the needs of the country.

They should fund us for the things we need to do to keep our country functioning.

If someone thinks they are unfair then they should vote for the representation that agrees with their aims.
Right now the American people want taxes raised so we can pay our bills.

The republicans dont want them raised because they cant get re elected by their base if they raise taxes.

The republicans care more about getting re elected than doing what the American people want done.

They care more about getting re elected than they care about Americas reputation in the world.

They care more about themselves than that American people.

But what happens when the majority can force a minority to shoulder most of the burden? Was that how the system was intended to work?

In this statement you prove you do not belive in democracy.

Tell us what you would put in place of democracy in this country?
I am certain that the GOP is prepared to see the country fall into default. I hope he doesn't, but I expect Obama to fold on this one. I guess he, unlike the GOP, will have to consider Country over Political Party.

A default could turn the US into a near 3rd world counrty. The entire world's economy will go down the tubes. All so that the rich in the US can keep their tax breaks.

Obama is the most souled out Pres ever.

He has the CEO of GE [who did not pay taxes] on his own payroll and the head of his Green movement, and who is getting most from this green movement. GE.

Taxes should reflect the needs of the country.

They should fund us for the things we need to do to keep our country functioning.

If someone thinks they are unfair then they should vote for the representation that agrees with their aims.
Right now the American people want taxes raised so we can pay our bills.

The republicans dont want them raised because they cant get re elected by their base if they raise taxes.

The republicans care more about getting re elected than doing what the American people want done.

They care more about getting re elected than they care about Americas reputation in the world.

They care more about themselves than that American people.

But what happens when the majority can force a minority to shoulder most of the burden? Was that how the system was intended to work?

In this statement you prove you do not belive in democracy.

Tell us what you would put in place of democracy in this country?

How about a Constitutional Republic.

oh wait

That's what we are.
Taxes should reflect the needs of the country.

They should fund us for the things we need to do to keep our country functioning.

If someone thinks they are unfair then they should vote for the representation that agrees with their aims.
Right now the American people want taxes raised so we can pay our bills.

The republicans dont want them raised because they cant get re elected by their base if they raise taxes.

The republicans care more about getting re elected than doing what the American people want done.

They care more about getting re elected than they care about Americas reputation in the world.

They care more about themselves than that American people.

But what happens when the majority can force a minority to shoulder most of the burden? Was that how the system was intended to work?

In this statement you prove you do not belive in democracy.

Tell us what you would put in place of democracy in this country?

How about a Representative Republic.....oh wait we already are
Gee, a group of politicians who are at least making a show of paying lip service to the ideals that they have claimed to believe in. I don't believe they will actually hold the line in the long term, but at least they're making a show of walking their talk. We'll see how well they keep it up in the long-run.
This is a negotiation in progress. Both sides like to to do a bit of grandstanding.

Why do you believe that only one side is the source of the problems? Both sides want something.

Republicans are demanding that the Senate pass a budget and that budget contain substantive spending cuts. They aren't getting what they want either, as the Democrats seem to be more interested in grandstanding about how how evil the republicans are than actually bringing a proposal to the table.

From this side, it does seem the Democrats are the one playing Chicken with the economy, as we hear next to nothing about their proposals, only that Republican proposals are bad. Which leads me to understand there are no Democrat proposals other than that the Republicans fold.
But what happens when the majority can force a minority to shoulder most of the burden? Was that how the system was intended to work?

In this statement you prove you do not belive in democracy.

Tell us what you would put in place of democracy in this country?

How about a Representative Republic.....oh wait we already are

That is a democracy.

trying to lie about the definitions of words wont win you elections
I am certain that the GOP is prepared to see the country fall into default. I hope he doesn't, but I expect Obama to fold on this one. I guess he, unlike the GOP, will have to consider Country over Political Party.

A default could turn the US into a near 3rd world counrty. The entire world's economy will go down the tubes. All so that the rich in the US can keep their tax breaks.

I'd be ok with cutting loophols and most tax breaks if we at the same time got rid of the AMT, EIC, the estate tax, etc. and ensured that we all, save the desperately poor, paid SOMETHING.

We should all have "skin in the game" as Obama says.
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Taxes should reflect the needs of the country.

They should fund us for the things we need to do to keep our country functioning.

If someone thinks they are unfair then they should vote for the representation that agrees with their aims.
Right now the American people want taxes raised so we can pay our bills.

The republicans dont want them raised because they cant get re elected by their base if they raise taxes.

The republicans care more about getting re elected than doing what the American people want done.

They care more about getting re elected than they care about Americas reputation in the world.

They care more about themselves than that American people.

But what happens when the majority can force a minority to shoulder most of the burden? Was that how the system was intended to work?

In this statement you prove you do not belive in democracy.

Tell us what you would put in place of democracy in this country?

First of all, the US is not a true democracy, due to the US constitution, which places limits on what the government can do. True democracy is basically mob rule without limits. If you get 50.00001% of the people to vote in a true democracy that the government can force everyone to be a christian, in a true democracy that would be the case. The constitution itself is a limit on the democratic prinicple, requiring a supermajority to change the basic rights of a person with regards to government.

But of course, your cheap talking points and gotcha statements are worth far more than actual discourse.

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