Rasmussen poll: just 18% of Americans support Antifa


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A new Rasmussen poll has found that just 18 per cent of Americans support Antifa, with approval for the violent far-left group having dropped over the last year.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 18% of Likely U.S. Voters share a favorable opinion of the antifa protesters, with six percent (6%) who view them Very Favorably. That compares to 24% and eight percent (8%) respectively last September.”

Rasmussen Poll: Just 18% of Americans Support Antifa

When you act like them and you are them you will be seen as them because you are one of them you all think alike act alike. Big babies on the loose lmfao. OMG you leftist are losers...

Only deeply brainwashed aggressive morons can support that.
Speaking of, this is in the Oregonian today:

He brought an American flag to protest fascism in Portland. Then antifa attacked him

Warning: This story contains graphic content

Paul Welch came to the downtown protest Aug. 4 to let his political leanings be known.

With pride he clutched his U.S. flag as he moved among the crowd of like-thinking demonstrators.

Soon a group of black-clad anti-fascist protesters, also known as antifa, demanded he lose the flag, calling it a fascist symbol. Welch refused, and a tug-of-war ensued.

It ended with Welch taking a club to the back of the head, lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Only Welch was not a Proud Boy, a Patriot Prayer supporter or among the other conservative activists who descended into the area that day, many from out of town.

He was one of hundreds of progressive Portlanders who had turned out to oppose the right-wing rally held at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park.

He brought an American flag to protest fascism in Portland. Then antifa attacked him

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