Rasmussen Poll: Even After Indictment, Trump Leads Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Rasmussen Poll: Even After Indictment, Trump Leads Biden​

19 Jun 2023 ~~ By Brian Freeman

In the first poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports following Donald Trump's indictment on federal charges, the former president holds a comfortable lead over President Joe Biden.
According to the survey, 45% of likely U.S. voters would chose Trump in a presidential election rematch in 2024, while 39% would vote for Biden. Another 12% say they would select some other candidate.
The Rasmussen survey was carried out on June 12-14 among 986 likely U.S. voters. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Seemingly it appears that despite the Marxist political used by the Maoist/DSA Democrats Trump is in the overall lead in the upcoming presidential race.
Trump is a political juggernaut. Clearly the only way the corrupt Democrat Commies can stop Trump is with a bullet.
It's amazing how Rasmussen always seems to have Trump leading in polls, but always seems to lose. Why is that?


Since that poll shows him leading, post-indictment, maybe he should give up while he's in the lead.
I recommend taking your losses and hitting the road.

Rasmussen Poll: Even After Indictment, Trump Leads Biden​

19 Jun 2023 ~~ By Brian Freeman

In the first poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports following Donald Trump's indictment on federal charges, the former president holds a comfortable lead over President Joe Biden.
According to the survey, 45% of likely U.S. voters would chose Trump in a presidential election rematch in 2024, while 39% would vote for Biden. Another 12% say they would select some other candidate.
The Rasmussen survey was carried out on June 12-14 among 986 likely U.S. voters. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Seemingly it appears that despite the Marxist political used by the Maoist/DSA Democrats Trump is in the overall lead in the upcoming presidential race.
Trump is a political juggernaut. Clearly the only way the corrupt Democrat Commies can stop Trump is with a bullet.

Rasmussen - fake poll. Who cares what Rasmussen says. Even Republicans are not buying that.

Brutal New Poll Shows Trump Losing Big to Biden, Even With Third Party Spoiler​

Anew Monmouth University poll suggests that former president Donald Trump would be easily dispatched by President Joe Biden in a 2024 rematch of the 2020 presidential election, even if Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) were to mount a third party bid that most analysts believe would hamper the Biden campaign.

In the national survey of 910 voters, 47% of voters said they would definitely or probably support Biden, while just 40% said they would back Trump.

Remarkably, a potential unity ticket comprised of Manchin and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman (R) would barely eat into Biden’s lead, as he would still boast a 40%-34% advantage over Trump.

63% of voters professed to have an unfavorable view of Trump and half of voters said they would “definitely” not support Trump in 2024.

Rasmussen Poll: Even After Indictment, Trump Leads Biden​

19 Jun 2023 ~~ By Brian Freeman

In the first poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports following Donald Trump's indictment on federal charges, the former president holds a comfortable lead over President Joe Biden.
According to the survey, 45% of likely U.S. voters would chose Trump in a presidential election rematch in 2024, while 39% would vote for Biden. Another 12% say they would select some other candidate.
The Rasmussen survey was carried out on June 12-14 among 986 likely U.S. voters. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Seemingly it appears that despite the Marxist political used by the Maoist/DSA Democrats Trump is in the overall lead in the upcoming presidential race.
Trump is a political juggernaut. Clearly the only way the corrupt Democrat Commies can stop Trump is with a bullet.

They're a polling joke..

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