Rashee Rice Reckless Driving


Platinum Member
Jul 25, 2018
I haven’t seen a topic posted on this.

Rashee Rice caused a multi-car collision because he was recklessly driving his Lamborghini on the freeway. He fled the scene.

A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Will he be harshly punished or will he get a slap on the wrist because he’s a professional athlete and it’s his first offense?

How many more Henry Ruggs incidents do we need? I say lock his ass up.

I've been noticing a lot more street racing here in western Pennsylvania in 2024. If Texas is getting the same kind of crapola going on in their jurisdiction, they may well want to make an example of Mr. Rice in a high profile case like this. Under ordinary circumstances, they might cut him some slack, but there is a good chance the principals here will be literally crucified.
I haven’t seen a topic posted on this.

Rashee Rice caused a multi-car collision because he was recklessly driving his Lamborghini on the freeway. He fled the scene.

A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Will he be harshly punished or will he get a slap on the wrist because he’s a professional athlete and it’s his first offense?

How many more Henry Ruggs incidents do we need? I say lock his ass up.

I watch YouTube of people with badass sports cars, that cannot drive them with any skill or cannot drive them responsibly. Anybody, that causes a wreck and then flees the scene, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible, regardless of who they are, what they do professionally or how much they make.
I haven’t seen a topic posted on this.

Rashee Rice caused a multi-car collision because he was recklessly driving his Lamborghini on the freeway. He fled the scene.

A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Will he be harshly punished or will he get a slap on the wrist because he’s a professional athlete and it’s his first offense?

How many more Henry Ruggs incidents do we need? I say lock his ass up.

Do non athlete's go to jail for reckless driving and fleeing the scene in Texas?

Me thinks your ass might still be chapped from the SB.
I‘m not an expert in Texas law, but yes, I believe they do.
Wreckless Driving is a misdemeanor, that comes with a fine and possible confinement of up to 30 days in county.

Leaving the scene depends on the severity of damage and injuries. I believe Rice would fall into the fine and up to 6 months in jail.

Im willing to bet first time offenders rarely get much confinement in instances like this regardless of their celebrity status. He's going to have a high end lawyer, so I'd bet he will pay a decent fine, have his license suspended, get community service, and 3-4 months in county which will be suspended pending him completing the community service and him staying out of trouble for X time.

I don't think anyone was seriously injured. You can't punish a person because someone else who has the same occupation did something stupid in the past.
Wreckless Driving is a misdemeanor, that comes with a fine and possible confinement of up to 30 days in county.

Leaving the scene depends on the severity of damage and injuries. I believe Rice would fall into the fine and up to 6 months in jail.

Im willing to bet first time offenders rarely get much confinement in instances like this regardless of their celebrity status. He's going to have a high end lawyer, so I'd bet he will pay a decent fine, have his license suspended, get community service, and 3-4 months in county which will be suspended pending him completing the community service and him staying out of trouble for X time.

I don't think anyone was seriously injured. You can't punish a person because someone else who has the same occupation did something stupid in the past.
High-end lawyers cost a lot more money for a reason.

He’s lucky nobody was badly injured or killed. The reckless behavior and disregard for the well-being of others deserves strict punishment. If he doesn’t get it from the court, then he should get it from the commissioner.
High-end lawyers cost a lot more money for a reason.
Yeah primarily because they are much better than low-end lawyers and get better outcomes for their clients. What's your point?
He’s lucky nobody was badly injured or killed. The reckless behavior and disregard for the well-being of others deserves strict punishment. If he doesn’t get it from the court, then he should get it from the commissioner.

Sure. But the facts are no one was badly injured or killed. If he weren't an NFL player no one would even know this incident had happened.

As far as the punishment from the NFL I'd guess he will be suspended for a number of games but probably not more than 4-5. Watson only got 11 games and what he did brought far more bad press on the league than Rice's incident. Kamara got 3 games for the night club fight. Rice's incident are far closer to Kamara's than Watson's in scope and scale.
Yeah primarily because they are much better than low-end lawyers and get better outcomes for their clients. What's your point?

Sure. But the facts are no one was badly injured or killed. If he weren't an NFL player no one would even know this incident had happened.

As far as the punishment from the NFL I'd guess he will be suspended for a number of games but probably not more than 4-5. Watson only got 11 games and what he did brought far more bad press on the league than Rice's incident. Kamara got 3 games for the night club fight. Rice's incident are far closer to Kamara's than Watson's in scope and scale.
A person with a high-end lawyer is less likely to get prison time because they can afford better legal representation. Celebrity status and wealth directly matter in the outcome.

I believe Rice’s actions are worse than the others you listed. I don’t expect the commissioner to agree. Being that careless and putting multiple people’s lives in danger is not cool. Even if Henry Ruggs hadn’t killed that lady, he still belongs in jail for what he was doing.
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A person with a high-end lawyer is less likely to get prison time because they can afford better legal representation. Celebrity status and wealth directly matter in the outcome.
A poor celebrity gets a shitty lawyer and rich nobody gets a good one. Wealth is the key factor in your level of representation in court. The only real "privilege" in the US is affluence.
I believe Rice’s actions are worse than the others you listed. I don’t expect the commissioner to agree. Being that careless and putting multiple people’s lives in danger is not cool. Even if Henry Ruggs hadn’t killed that lady, he still belongs in jail for what he was doing.

Worse than what Watson did? Not from a PR perspective as far as the league goes, which let's be honest is the only reason the league punishes it's players. The league doesn't really care if you push a bus full of nuns off a cliff to their deaths except that it hurts the brand. Rice's little racing incident pales in comparison to what Watson did in that dept. Especially since the demographic with the most growth potential for the NFL is the same sex as the women Watson assaulted. Do you really think they are going to suspend Rice for a year over a misdemeanor traffic violation where no one got hurt? You could make the argument that from a PR perspective what Kamara did was worse than Rice.
A poor celebrity gets a shitty lawyer and rich nobody gets a good one. Wealth is the key factor in your level of representation in court. The only real "privilege" in the US is affluence.

Worse than what Watson did? Not from a PR perspective as far as the league goes, which let's be honest is the only reason the league punishes it's players. The league doesn't really care if you push a bus full of nuns off a cliff to their deaths except that it hurts the brand. Rice's little racing incident pales in comparison to what Watson did in that dept. Especially since the demographic with the most growth potential for the NFL is the same sex as the women Watson assaulted. Do you really think they are going to suspend Rice for a year over a misdemeanor traffic violation where no one got hurt? You could make the argument that from a PR perspective what Kamara did was worse than Rice.
Rashee Rice isn’t a poor celebrity. Most celebrities are rich.

I’m not talking from a PR perspective. Putting lives in danger by being reckless is a pretty damn shitty thing to do. What Henry Ruggs did is far worse than what Watson did as far as I’m concerned.
I haven’t seen a topic posted on this.

Rashee Rice caused a multi-car collision because he was recklessly driving his Lamborghini on the freeway. He fled the scene.

A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Will he be harshly punished or will he get a slap on the wrist because he’s a professional athlete and it’s his first offense?

How many more Henry Ruggs incidents do we need? I say lock his ass up.

He deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, as well as to be separated or at least face a lengthy suspension from the NFL.

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