Rap Music


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
I don't know if this music is solely responsible for the negative aspects of black culture or whether it'a the culture that has affected the music. That kind of goes into the whole chicken and the egg thing. Anyway even if we can't say rap music is at the root of the problem for sure, it should be agreed that ,in the least, it's helping to perpetuate a broken culture. It's not just blacks, many other groups are also effected negatively by this music. The music glorifies violence, materialism, crime, thuggish behavior, drug use, etc. Promotes misogyny, bigotry, speaking improper English, etc. Rappers are the ones that are immersed in the culture more than anyone. They've been able to profit monetarily greatly from this culture, yet despite their personal financial success many of them still can't stay out of trouble. Too many people, mostly black youth, try to emulate these people and it's a big problem in our society.

Here's a list of rapper currently in prison
Rappers in Jail - Complete List of Rappers in Prison
You may want to consider white record labels are the culprits. Rap music has some very positive and inspiring messages. However the mainstream rap pushed on the public is pretty negative. Your white children are the biggest consumers as well.
You may want to consider white record labels are the culprits. Rap music has some very positive and inspiring messages. However the mainstream rap pushed on the public is pretty negative. Your white children are the biggest consumers as well.

The negative highly outweighs the positive. And yes, the white record labels are partly responsible. Rap music has become pop culture, and it has negatively affected society, but black the most, it's not the white record labels that are making the music, the majority of the artists, as you know, are black.
You may want to consider white record labels are the culprits. Rap music has some very positive and inspiring messages. However the mainstream rap pushed on the public is pretty negative. Your white children are the biggest consumers as well.

The negative highly outweighs the positive. And yes, the white record labels are partly responsible. Rap music has become pop culture, and it has negatively affected society, but black the most, it's not the white record labels that are making the music, the majority of the artists, as you know, are black.

No. The negativity is only what is marketed. Its the white labels. They are the ones that pay these rappers or not. Plenty of rappers have come out and said this. My statement to them would be not to comply but the comeback is they have to eat too. There are plenty of non talented rappers who would gladly take their place and spew the negativity.
You may want to consider white record labels are the culprits. Rap music has some very positive and inspiring messages. However the mainstream rap pushed on the public is pretty negative. Your white children are the biggest consumers as well.

The negative highly outweighs the positive. And yes, the white record labels are partly responsible. Rap music has become pop culture, and it has negatively affected society, but black the most, it's not the white record labels that are making the music, the majority of the artists, as you know, are black.

No. The negativity is only what is marketed. Its the white labels. They are the ones that pay these rappers or not. Plenty of rappers have come out and said this. My statement to them would be not to comply but the comeback is they have to eat too. There are plenty of non talented rappers who would gladly take their place and spew the negativity.

So is it also the white executives that are responsible for all these rappers going to prison?
I don't know if this music is solely responsible for the negative aspects of black culture or whether it'a the culture that has affected the music. That kind of goes into the whole chicken and the egg thing. Anyway even if we can't say rap music is at the root of the problem for sure, it should be agreed that ,in the least, it's helping to perpetuate a broken culture. It's not just blacks, many other groups are also effected negatively by this music. The music glorifies violence, materialism, crime, thuggish behavior, drug use, etc. Promotes misogyny, bigotry, speaking improper English, etc. Rappers are the ones that are immersed in the culture more than anyone. They've been able to profit monetarily greatly from this culture, yet despite their personal financial success many of them still can't stay out of trouble. Too many people, mostly black youth, try to emulate these people and it's a big problem in our society.

That's what people said about rock and roll.
You may want to consider white record labels are the culprits. Rap music has some very positive and inspiring messages. However the mainstream rap pushed on the public is pretty negative. Your white children are the biggest consumers as well.

The negative highly outweighs the positive. And yes, the white record labels are partly responsible. Rap music has become pop culture, and it has negatively affected society, but black the most, it's not the white record labels that are making the music, the majority of the artists, as you know, are black.

No. The negativity is only what is marketed. Its the white labels. They are the ones that pay these rappers or not. Plenty of rappers have come out and said this. My statement to them would be not to comply but the comeback is they have to eat too. There are plenty of non talented rappers who would gladly take their place and spew the negativity.

So is it also the white executives that are responsible for all these rappers going to prison?

I thought the OP was about the influence of rap music? Not all rappers go to jail. I noted you assumed financial gain equaled interpersonal gain. It doesnt work that way. There are plenty of lotto winners that go broke. The reason is because they never learned money management. You give someone that breaks the law a lot of money and that wont stop them from doing illegal things. Education does that.
I don't know if this music is solely responsible for the negative aspects of black culture or whether it'a the culture that has affected the music. That kind of goes into the whole chicken and the egg thing. Anyway even if we can't say rap music is at the root of the problem for sure, it should be agreed that ,in the least, it's helping to perpetuate a broken culture. It's not just blacks, many other groups are also effected negatively by this music. The music glorifies violence, materialism, crime, thuggish behavior, drug use, etc. Promotes misogyny, bigotry, speaking improper English, etc. Rappers are the ones that are immersed in the culture more than anyone. They've been able to profit monetarily greatly from this culture, yet despite their personal financial success many of them still can't stay out of trouble. Too many people, mostly black youth, try to emulate these people and it's a big problem in our society.

That's what people said about rock and roll.

Please. Rap music is vile and a cancer to our society. Instead of focusing on what people said let's look at the face value of what's being said in those rap lyrics. Compare that to any other genre of music if you want. Tell me how rap music stacks up. Oldschool, you're just another guy that wants to make excuses for and ignore problems with black culture.
You may want to consider white record labels are the culprits. Rap music has some very positive and inspiring messages. However the mainstream rap pushed on the public is pretty negative. Your white children are the biggest consumers as well.

The negative highly outweighs the positive. And yes, the white record labels are partly responsible. Rap music has become pop culture, and it has negatively affected society, but black the most, it's not the white record labels that are making the music, the majority of the artists, as you know, are black.

No. The negativity is only what is marketed. Its the white labels. They are the ones that pay these rappers or not. Plenty of rappers have come out and said this. My statement to them would be not to comply but the comeback is they have to eat too. There are plenty of non talented rappers who would gladly take their place and spew the negativity.

So is it also the white executives that are responsible for all these rappers going to prison?

I thought the OP was about the influence of rap music? Not all rappers go to jail. I noted you assumed financial gain equaled interpersonal gain. It doesnt work that way. There are plenty of lotto winners that go broke. The reason is because they never learned money management. You give someone that breaks the law a lot of money and that wont stop them from doing illegal things. Education does that.

You refuse to hold the people that making this music and perpetuating in this antisocial lifestyle accountable. Guess what, young black kids idolize these thug rappers, not the record executives. I agree that the record labels are scum for giving these thugs a voice, but they're not telling these rappers what lyrics they have to write.
You may want to consider white record labels are the culprits. Rap music has some very positive and inspiring messages. However the mainstream rap pushed on the public is pretty negative. Your white children are the biggest consumers as well.

The negative highly outweighs the positive. And yes, the white record labels are partly responsible. Rap music has become pop culture, and it has negatively affected society, but black the most, it's not the white record labels that are making the music, the majority of the artists, as you know, are black.

No. The negativity is only what is marketed. Its the white labels. They are the ones that pay these rappers or not. Plenty of rappers have come out and said this. My statement to them would be not to comply but the comeback is they have to eat too. There are plenty of non talented rappers who would gladly take their place and spew the negativity.

So is it also the white executives that are responsible for all these rappers going to prison?

I thought the OP was about the influence of rap music? Not all rappers go to jail. I noted you assumed financial gain equaled interpersonal gain. It doesnt work that way. There are plenty of lotto winners that go broke. The reason is because they never learned money management. You give someone that breaks the law a lot of money and that wont stop them from doing illegal things. Education does that.

You refuse to hold the people that making this music and perpetuating in this antisocial lifestyle accountable. Guess what, young black kids idolize these thug rappers, not the record executives. I agree that the record labels are scum for giving these thugs a voice, but they're not telling these rappers what lyrics they have to write.

I think you are having trouble reading. I do hold people accountable for the negative music. The rappers themselves but mostly the white record label owners that wont pay for good rap to be marketed.
Rap defies labels, but it isn't music, it is just ham handed talentless dreck. It may drone on in popular conscience now like loud fireworks popping off momentarily, but it means nothing. Boom Boom pow, forgotten. Sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Rap defies labels, but it isn't music, it is just ham handed talentless dreck. It may drone on in popular conscience now like loud fireworks popping off momentarily, but it means nothing. Boom Boom pow, forgotten. Sound and fury, signifying nothing.
You must know pretty much next to nothing about music if you think rap is not music. You sound like the morons that said rap was a fad back in the 80's. Guess what? Its still around and growing in popularity. You even have little white girls hooking up with Black rappers to make their music more popular. Eventually the music labels will have to address the market asking for the clean, positive, empowering rap that exists in the underground.
The negative highly outweighs the positive. And yes, the white record labels are partly responsible. Rap music has become pop culture, and it has negatively affected society, but black the most, it's not the white record labels that are making the music, the majority of the artists, as you know, are black.

No. The negativity is only what is marketed. Its the white labels. They are the ones that pay these rappers or not. Plenty of rappers have come out and said this. My statement to them would be not to comply but the comeback is they have to eat too. There are plenty of non talented rappers who would gladly take their place and spew the negativity.

So is it also the white executives that are responsible for all these rappers going to prison?

I thought the OP was about the influence of rap music? Not all rappers go to jail. I noted you assumed financial gain equaled interpersonal gain. It doesnt work that way. There are plenty of lotto winners that go broke. The reason is because they never learned money management. You give someone that breaks the law a lot of money and that wont stop them from doing illegal things. Education does that.

You refuse to hold the people that making this music and perpetuating in this antisocial lifestyle accountable. Guess what, young black kids idolize these thug rappers, not the record executives. I agree that the record labels are scum for giving these thugs a voice, but they're not telling these rappers what lyrics they have to write.

I think you are having trouble reading. I do hold people accountable for the negative music. The rappers themselves but mostly the white record label owners that wont pay for good rap to be marketed.

So it's a conspiracy where all the white record executives are forcing rappers to write thug lyrics??? Get real dude. These record labels probably have some influence in the music being put out. My guess is they make the artist tone down the thuggish music in order for it to be more radio friendly. For the most part these rappers have autonomy when it comes to themusic
Please. Rap music is vile and a cancer to our society. Instead of focusing on what people said let's look at the face value of what's being said in those rap lyrics. Compare that to any other genre of music if you want. Tell me how rap music stacks up. Oldschool, you're just another guy that wants to make excuses for and ignore problems with black culture.

They used to say that about jazz music.
“...it should be agreed that ,in the least, it's helping to perpetuate a broken culture.”

No, it shouldn't – there is no agreement at all, as this fails as a post hoc fallacy, where there is no 'evidence' that any music “is helping to perpetuate a broken culture.” Indeed, there's no 'evidence' that any culture is 'broken,' this is merely your subjective, errant perception predicated on ignorance.

If you're referring to African-American culture, that culture is not 'broken,' it faces many problems and challenges but the vast majority of African-Americans live productive, responsible lives having nothing to do with misogyny, bigotry, or speaking “improper English.”

And many of the problems and challenges facing African-Americans are exacerbated by the ignorance exhibited by you and those who agree with you, this inane thread being one such example.
Please. Rap music is vile and a cancer to our society. Instead of focusing on what people said let's look at the face value of what's being said in those rap lyrics. Compare that to any other genre of music if you want. Tell me how rap music stacks up. Oldschool, you're just another guy that wants to make excuses for and ignore problems with black culture.

They used to say that about jazz music.
They used to say about rock music.
“Please. Rap music is vile and a cancer to our society.”

Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

As already correctly noted, similar idiocy as been opined about various forms of music throughout the 20th Century: blues, ragtime, jazz, big band, country, R&B, rock and roll, rock music (Who, Stones, Cream), soul, disco, punk, grunge, and now rap/hip hop – which according to my 21 year old is currently passé.
No. The negativity is only what is marketed. Its the white labels. They are the ones that pay these rappers or not. Plenty of rappers have come out and said this. My statement to them would be not to comply but the comeback is they have to eat too. There are plenty of non talented rappers who would gladly take their place and spew the negativity.

So is it also the white executives that are responsible for all these rappers going to prison?

I thought the OP was about the influence of rap music? Not all rappers go to jail. I noted you assumed financial gain equaled interpersonal gain. It doesnt work that way. There are plenty of lotto winners that go broke. The reason is because they never learned money management. You give someone that breaks the law a lot of money and that wont stop them from doing illegal things. Education does that.

You refuse to hold the people that making this music and perpetuating in this antisocial lifestyle accountable. Guess what, young black kids idolize these thug rappers, not the record executives. I agree that the record labels are scum for giving these thugs a voice, but they're not telling these rappers what lyrics they have to write.

I think you are having trouble reading. I do hold people accountable for the negative music. The rappers themselves but mostly the white record label owners that wont pay for good rap to be marketed.

So it's a conspiracy where all the white record executives are forcing rappers to write thug lyrics??? Get real dude. These record labels probably have some influence in the music being put out. My guess is they make the artist tone down the thuggish music in order for it to be more radio friendly. For the most part these rappers have autonomy when it comes to themusic

Sounds like you have less than a clue of what you are talking about. Its not a conspiracy. Its a fact. Do some research before you start speaking on things you know nothing about. The rappers dont have autonomy. They sign that away to the record label. Are you really the dim witted?
So is it also the white executives that are responsible for all these rappers going to prison?

I thought the OP was about the influence of rap music? Not all rappers go to jail. I noted you assumed financial gain equaled interpersonal gain. It doesnt work that way. There are plenty of lotto winners that go broke. The reason is because they never learned money management. You give someone that breaks the law a lot of money and that wont stop them from doing illegal things. Education does that.

You refuse to hold the people that making this music and perpetuating in this antisocial lifestyle accountable. Guess what, young black kids idolize these thug rappers, not the record executives. I agree that the record labels are scum for giving these thugs a voice, but they're not telling these rappers what lyrics they have to write.

I think you are having trouble reading. I do hold people accountable for the negative music. The rappers themselves but mostly the white record label owners that wont pay for good rap to be marketed.

So it's a conspiracy where all the white record executives are forcing rappers to write thug lyrics??? Get real dude. These record labels probably have some influence in the music being put out. My guess is they make the artist tone down the thuggish music in order for it to be more radio friendly. For the most part these rappers have autonomy when it comes to themusic

Sounds like you have less than a clue of what you are talking about. Its not a conspiracy. Its a fact. Do some research before you start speaking on things you know nothing about. The rappers dont have autonomy. They sign that away to the record label. Are you really the dim witted?

I find it hard to believe you have 60 year old Jewish guys tell these thugs that have all been to jail say nigga, bitch, murk you, etc. in their songs. You're exaggerating the influence of the record label because you want to minimize the negative things that are being done by black people. You're a Dodger. Instead of looking at the real problem and trying to fix it, you focus you're attention on some other bullshit.
“...it should be agreed that ,in the least, it's helping to perpetuate a broken culture.”

No, it shouldn't – there is no agreement at all, as this fails as a post hoc fallacy, where there is no 'evidence' that any music “is helping to perpetuate a broken culture.” Indeed, there's no 'evidence' that any culture is 'broken,' this is merely your subjective, errant perception predicated on ignorance.

If you're referring to African-American culture, that culture is not 'broken,' it faces many problems and challenges but the vast majority of African-Americans live productive, responsible lives having nothing to do with misogyny, bigotry, or speaking “improper English.”

And many of the problems and challenges facing African-Americans are exacerbated by the ignorance exhibited by you and those who agree with you, this inane thread being one such example.

You're a joke. You ever hear how these thugs who get arrested talk, see how they dress? Better yet have you ever lived around them? Probably not, huh? To say there's no evidence that this music is perpetuating a culture is asinine. The rappers say it all the time - hip hop isn't just a music it's a life style.
Get a clue.

You want to say black culture is broken because most blacks are law abiding, good people? OK fine the culture isn't broken. You happy? Now can we talk about how the black community is head and shoulders above any other group in criminal activity, school drop out rates, single parents, incarceration, etc. Why do you and other stupid liberals want to downplay what these people are doing to themsevles? Could it be that you truly don't care as much as you say you do? Just a thought.

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