Rand Paul


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Pretty interesting article on Rand Paul and his upcoming campaign:

Rand s grand plan - Mike Allen - POLITICO

Two snips from the piece that caught my eye:

Scott Reed, who ran Bob Dole’s presidential campaign in 1996 and now is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s senior political strategist, said: “In any two-week period of this last six months, Rand Paul did more smart things to grow the party than everyone else combined. Going to Berkeley and barrios and ghettos – he’s not afraid to go where no one else wants to go.” -- Paul does appear to have more balls than most of the other Republicans.

On the trail, Paul has honed a message that emphasizes a rare area of agreement between the red and blue Americas – that Washington needs to work better. “My theory has been that we try to agree on too much and the bills are too big,” he said in the interview. “If they were more narrow — it’s like immigration. We don’t agree on 100 percent of it, but we agree on 50 percent of it. Why do we not pass 50 percent of it?” -- Good for him, find areas of agreement and take advantage of them.

But will his foreign policy -- American doesn't own the world -- keep him from getting the nomination? Plus, he has said that we should leave gay rights to the states and he is not for making abortion illegal.

He makes more sense to me than the other GOP'ers - is he pure enough?

Rand Paul is a whackjob.

He appeals to that Libertarian stupidity that if we could get by without government.
Rand Paul is a whackjob.

He appeals to that Libertarian stupidity that if we could get by without government.

How much proof does it take to convince a liberal that unlimited government is bad?

No amount of proof will sway a hardcore lib...unreasonable people can't understand logic and won't accept reality.
How much proof does it take to convince a liberal that unlimited government is bad?

No amount of proof will sway a hardcore lib...unreasonable people can't understand logic and won't accept reality.

No one has called for unlimited government.

and governmetn does most of what it does pretty well. sorry. I know you don't like feeding poor people or paying for roads, but most of us do.
How much proof does it take to convince a liberal that unlimited government is bad?

No amount of proof will sway a hardcore lib...unreasonable people can't understand logic and won't accept reality.

No one has called for unlimited government.

and governmetn does most of what it does pretty well. sorry. I know you don't like feeding poor people or paying for roads, but most of us do.
The poor people are dying early from morbid obesity and morbid obesity related disorders, and the roads are full of potholes and cracking.

Can you tell us something else government does pretty well?
How much proof does it take to convince a liberal that unlimited government is bad?

No amount of proof will sway a hardcore lib...unreasonable people can't understand logic and won't accept reality.

No one has called for unlimited government.

and governmetn does most of what it does pretty well. sorry. I know you don't like feeding poor people or paying for roads, but most of us do.

Either you are lying or you are ignorant.

Of course you are calling for big unlimited government. You are happy with the size and actions of our government, so naturally you are okay with it.

Government does NOTHING well. Not knowing this fact, is proof you have a mental condition.
Rand Paul is setting himself to be the alternative to the extremist far right candidate. He is also not the establishment candidate so he is aiming to become the compromise candidate that the extremists and establishments can both agree upon for 2016.

But to be the candidate he has to demonstrate that he has appeal to the moderate middle which explains his visits to Berkely and the barrios. What he says about passing what both sides agree upon makes sense too which is why he is setting himself up to be the obvious alternative.

I fully expect to see him on the 2016 GOP ticket.
Either you are lying or you are ignorant.

Of course you are calling for big unlimited government. You are happy with the size and actions of our government, so naturally you are okay with it.

Government does NOTHING well. Not knowing this fact, is proof you have a mental condition.

Are some kind of fucking retard?

fact is, I'm about to take a shower with clean water provided by government, then drive to work on nice safe roads maintained by government. I will go to bed tonight safe in the knowledge my neighborhood is patrolled by a professional police force.

Now go back to the LIbertarian Kiddy Table.
Rand Paul is setting himself to be the alternative to the extremist far right candidate. He is also not the establishment candidate so he is aiming to become the compromise candidate that the extremists and establishments can both agree upon for 2016.

But to be the candidate he has to demonstrate that he has appeal to the moderate middle which explains his visits to Berkely and the barrios. What he says about passing what both sides agree upon makes sense too which is why he is setting himself up to be the obvious alternative.

I fully expect to see him on the 2016 GOP ticket.

I don't.

If the Estabishment is stupid, they will strong arm Bush into the nomination. If they are smart, they will go with someone like Christy or Walker who can appeal to all factions and not do anything crazy.
Government does NOTHING well.


They don't provide police, courts, street lighting, fire depts, sanitary services, roads, etc, etc well?

Please tell us more about how the private sector does a better job of all of the above.
Rand Paul is setting himself to be the alternative to the extremist far right candidate. He is also not the establishment candidate so he is aiming to become the compromise candidate that the extremists and establishments can both agree upon for 2016.

But to be the candidate he has to demonstrate that he has appeal to the moderate middle which explains his visits to Berkely and the barrios. What he says about passing what both sides agree upon makes sense too which is why he is setting himself up to be the obvious alternative.

I fully expect to see him on the 2016 GOP ticket.

I don't.

If the Estabishment is stupid, they will strong arm Bush into the nomination. If they are smart, they will go with someone like Christy or Walker who can appeal to all factions and not do anything crazy.

I didn't say that Paul would be on the top of the ticket. Obviously they will be looking for someone to balance the ticket and they will look at Christie, Walker, Kasich, Portman and a bunch of others.
Either you are lying or you are ignorant.

Of course you are calling for big unlimited government. You are happy with the size and actions of our government, so naturally you are okay with it.

Government does NOTHING well. Not knowing this fact, is proof you have a mental condition.

Are some kind of fucking retard?

fact is, I'm about to take a shower with clean water provided by government, then drive to work on nice safe roads maintained by government. I will go to bed tonight safe in the knowledge my neighborhood is patrolled by a professional police force.

Now go back to the LIbertarian Kiddy Table.

Poor lil' Joe...he can't think logically and is incapable of reason.

Yes government does things...we agree on that. Do they do anything WELL....meaning do they do these things efficiently and effectively???? OF COURSE NOT.

You are the perfect example of a statist dupe.
Rand Paul is setting himself to be the alternative to the extremist far right candidate. He is also not the establishment candidate so he is aiming to become the compromise candidate that the extremists and establishments can both agree upon for 2016.

But to be the candidate he has to demonstrate that he has appeal to the moderate middle which explains his visits to Berkely and the barrios. What he says about passing what both sides agree upon makes sense too which is why he is setting himself up to be the obvious alternative.

I fully expect to see him on the 2016 GOP ticket.

Can you name just one R nominated for POTUS, who was a far right extremist?
Either you are lying or you are ignorant.

Of course you are calling for big unlimited government. You are happy with the size and actions of our government, so naturally you are okay with it.

Government does NOTHING well. Not knowing this fact, is proof you have a mental condition.

Are some kind of fucking retard?

fact is, I'm about to take a shower with clean water provided by government, then drive to work on nice safe roads maintained by government. I will go to bed tonight safe in the knowledge my neighborhood is patrolled by a professional police force.

Now go back to the LIbertarian Kiddy Table.

Poor lil' Joe...he can't think logically and is incapable of reason.

Yes government does things...we agree on that. Do they do anything WELL....meaning do they do these things efficiently and effectively???? OF COURSE NOT.

You are the perfect example of a statist dupe.

Onus is on you to prove that the private sector could provide roads, street lighting, police and fire services, etc at a cheaper price and more effectively.
Rand Paul is setting himself to be the alternative to the extremist far right candidate. He is also not the establishment candidate so he is aiming to become the compromise candidate that the extremists and establishments can both agree upon for 2016.

But to be the candidate he has to demonstrate that he has appeal to the moderate middle which explains his visits to Berkely and the barrios. What he says about passing what both sides agree upon makes sense too which is why he is setting himself up to be the obvious alternative.

I fully expect to see him on the 2016 GOP ticket.

Can you name just one R nominated for POTUS, who was a far right extremist?

The TP has been pushing for that since 2008. They won't settle for anything less than Rand Paul in 2016 in my opinion.

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