Rand Paul: "Obamacare is a job killing disaster."


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

"...what we “now know” is that American businesses have added more than 10 million jobs since Obamacare was enacted in “early 2010.” This represents a dramatic turnaround from the 3.6 million private-sector jobs lost in the previous decade as a result of the economic policies of the Republican Party (a party that Senator McConnell describes, without a hint of irony, as “the party of the private sector”)."


Who coulda known-----who could've known the Republicans were just punking Americans when they claimed Obamacare would kill jobs-----who coulda known?

Barack Obama could be Ronald Reagan and the right would decide they hate Ronnie too. When your party is a complete failure what else is there for you to do but whine.
Barack Obama could be Ronald Reagan and the right would decide they hate Ronnie too. When your party is a complete failure what else is there for you to do but whine.
Hmm, the election last November might be a clue that you're wrong.

Yes, baby boomers are retiring. AND?

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
Barack Obama could be Ronald Reagan and the right would decide they hate Ronnie too. When your party is a complete failure what else is there for you to do but whine.
Hmm, the election last November might be a clue that you're wrong.

Yes, ignore the general elections of 2008 and 2012, look at the lowest turnout since the start of WW2 to look at , lol

Yes, baby boomers are retiring. AND?

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
Sorry, but it's because of obamacare and the kenyan, and not just a few baby boomers retiring, because people are having to work much later in life just to survive the left's assault on workers and the economy...

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent

The jobless rate may be down from its recession peak of 10 percent, but much of this results from adults, discouraged by the lack of decent job openings, having quit altogether. They are neither employed nor looking for work.

Only about half of the drop in the adult participation rate may be attributed to the Baby Boom generation reaching retirement age. Lacking adequate resources to retire, a larger percentage of adults over 65 are working than before the recession.
Many Americans who would like full time jobs are stuck in part-time positions, because businesses can hire desirable part-time workers to supplement a core of permanent, full-time employees, but at lower wages. And Obamacare’s employer health insurance mandates will not apply to workers on the job less than 30 hours a week.

Many young people are being duped both by unscrupulous for profit, post-secondary institutions—as well as accredited colleges and universities with low admission standards—to enroll in useless programs. They would likely be in the labor force now but for easy access to federally sponsored loans and will end up heavily in debt.

Adding in these students, the real unemployment rate among U.S. citizens and permanent residents is at least 18 percent.

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent TheHill


"...what we “now know” is that American businesses have added more than 10 million jobs since Obamacare was enacted in “early 2010.” This represents a dramatic turnaround from the 3.6 million private-sector jobs lost in the previous decade as a result of the economic policies of the Republican Party (a party that Senator McConnell describes, without a hint of irony, as “the party of the private sector”)."


Who coulda known-----who could've known the Republicans were just punking Americans when they claimed Obamacare would kill jobs-----who coulda known?


What you're failing to mention is that 9.8 million of those jobs are in the insurance industry.

"...what we “now know” is that American businesses have added more than 10 million jobs since Obamacare was enacted in “early 2010.” This represents a dramatic turnaround from the 3.6 million private-sector jobs lost in the previous decade as a result of the economic policies of the Republican Party (a party that Senator McConnell describes, without a hint of irony, as “the party of the private sector”)."


Who coulda known-----who could've known the Republicans were just punking Americans when they claimed Obamacare would kill jobs-----who coulda known?


What you're failing to mention is that 9.8 million of those jobs are in the insurance industry.

And that's a bad thing because? Those are usually white collar jobs. Better pay means more discretionary income to spend and more money being spent means better economic news and so on.

Yes, baby boomers are retiring. AND?

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
Sorry, but it's because of obamacare and the kenyan, and not just a few baby boomers retiring, because people are having to work much later in life just to survive the left's assault on workers and the economy...

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent

The jobless rate may be down from its recession peak of 10 percent, but much of this results from adults, discouraged by the lack of decent job openings, having quit altogether. They are neither employed nor looking for work.

Only about half of the drop in the adult participation rate may be attributed to the Baby Boom generation reaching retirement age. Lacking adequate resources to retire, a larger percentage of adults over 65 are working than before the recession.
Many Americans who would like full time jobs are stuck in part-time positions, because businesses can hire desirable part-time workers to supplement a core of permanent, full-time employees, but at lower wages. And Obamacare’s employer health insurance mandates will not apply to workers on the job less than 30 hours a week.

Many young people are being duped both by unscrupulous for profit, post-secondary institutions—as well as accredited colleges and universities with low admission standards—to enroll in useless programs. They would likely be in the labor force now but for easy access to federally sponsored loans and will end up heavily in debt.

Adding in these students, the real unemployment rate among U.S. citizens and permanent residents is at least 18 percent.

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent TheHill

Got it, you'll stick with right wing memes versus growing a brain

Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies LOST over 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs lost in 8 years (NOT counting the 4+ million lost in 2009 thanks to their policies)

Obama NET of 7,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years is a 'failure' you can't make this shit up

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


"...what we “now know” is that American businesses have added more than 10 million jobs since Obamacare was enacted in “early 2010.” This represents a dramatic turnaround from the 3.6 million private-sector jobs lost in the previous decade as a result of the economic policies of the Republican Party (a party that Senator McConnell describes, without a hint of irony, as “the party of the private sector”)."


Who coulda known-----who could've known the Republicans were just punking Americans when they claimed Obamacare would kill jobs-----who coulda known?


What you're failing to mention is that 9.8 million of those jobs are in the insurance industry.

And that's a bad thing because? Those are usually white collar jobs. Better pay means more discretionary income to spend and more money being spent means better economic news and so on.

Right over your head.
Sorry, but it's because of obamacare and the kenyan, and not just a few baby boomers retiring, because people are having to work much later in life just to survive the left's assault on workers and the economy...

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent

The jobless rate may be down from its recession peak of 10 percent, but much of this results from adults, discouraged by the lack of decent job openings, having quit altogether. They are neither employed nor looking for work.

Only about half of the drop in the adult participation rate may be attributed to the Baby Boom generation reaching retirement age. Lacking adequate resources to retire, a larger percentage of adults over 65 are working than before the recession.
Many Americans who would like full time jobs are stuck in part-time positions, because businesses can hire desirable part-time workers to supplement a core of permanent, full-time employees, but at lower wages. And Obamacare’s employer health insurance mandates will not apply to workers on the job less than 30 hours a week.

Many young people are being duped both by unscrupulous for profit, post-secondary institutions—as well as accredited colleges and universities with low admission standards—to enroll in useless programs. They would likely be in the labor force now but for easy access to federally sponsored loans and will end up heavily in debt.

Adding in these students, the real unemployment rate among U.S. citizens and permanent residents is at least 18 percent.

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent TheHill
Ok, so that 18% comes from removing immigrants, adding in Discouraged workers, and adding in a portion of college students who apparently don't want jobs on the grounds that they should really be looking for work instead of going to school.

Why would anyone think that would be a measure of "real unemployment"?

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