Rand Paul calls for Chris Christie beer summit


I'll take a wild stab it reminds you of Barry's beerfest his first summer, I think, in the White House. It was after he publicly stated he didn't know the facts in that particular case, but was nonetheless able to conclude the cops acted stupidly. What a guy, huh?[/QUOTE]

He brews sissy beers too.
Wow, like this sounds so familiar..

Where did I hear this before??

Sen. Rand Paul once again put forward his desire for a truce with Gov. Chris Christie on Wednesday afternoon, inviting the New Jersey politician for a beer so that they could “kiss and makeup” and discuss ideas.

“With Gov. Christie it’s gotten a little too personal, so we’re ready to kiss and makeup,” the Kentucky Republican said to Fox’s Neil Cavuto. “I think it’s time to dial it down. I think we’ve got enough Democrats to attack and maybe Republicans can quit attacking Republicans.”

Read more: Rand Paul calls for Chris Christie beer summit - Breanna Edwards - POLITICO.com


Wait...this is supposed to be a bad or a stupid thing, right?
The more Rand Paul pokes a stick at democrats the more popular he becomes. Christie on the other hand is less palatable the more he kisses up to the demonrats.

Today's republican party has it's lowest % of supporters since before Reagan, and just over half of them want the party to be more conservative. Stick with it, it's working great for you. So great we had a landslide election for a guy named Hussein, with 2% growth and 8% unemployment, and requiring we all buy insurance from for profit corporations.

In spite of the R filibustering and obstruction to hurt the US, Prez Barry Hussein has given us 40 straight months of job growth while the Rs have spent more than $60MILLION on their phony repeal ObamaCare "votes". Pubs fight their wacko wars against women and gays and children and the elderly and the entire working class and they think we're stupid enough to vote for more of the same from them.

Plus, the nation has had several natural disasters to deal with. We all watched as Christie did the one thing that is almost unheard of in the Repub party --- his job.

What do we hear from batshit crazy Rand Paul? Same as we hear from his idiot colleagues: Just more whining and name calling.
Paul thinks it is bad now.......wait until 2016

Republicans will be eating each other alive, knowing they have no chance at winning. It should be a very funny thing to watch. Demographics are changing and the Republican Party refuses to change at all. What they don't get is that they don't have to change their core beliefs; they just need to be reasonable about them. They better learn to pick their fights down the road, because at this point, they are fighting a losing battle and are on the verge of becoming irrelevant on the national level.
Paul thinks it is bad now.......wait until 2016

Republicans will be eating each other alive, knowing they have no chance at winning. It should be a very funny thing to watch. Demographics are changing and the Republican Party refuses to change at all. What they don't get is that they don't have to change their core beliefs; they just need to be reasonable about them. They better learn to pick their fights down the road, because at this point, they are fighting a losing battle and are on the verge of becoming irrelevant on the national level.

It's not very funny to watch. It's really depressing.

This country should have multiple parties to choose from when they are electing people to represent them.

The GOP has become a joke but a joke with power.

And they are trying to solidify that power by suppressing the vote and gerrymandering instead of showing integrity, compromising, jettisoning the crazies and acting like they have the interest of this country at heart.

This Country needs conservative and liberal voices. It needs balance.

And what we are moving toward is pretty scary. One party rule.
First? On your private dwelling. No. Again, we have a economic system where private entities are allowed to profit, privately, from the trade of goods and services. That's entirely different than your home. And if that is not equitable to all members of society, then it's either up to government, who regulates commerce, to address that by compelling private firms to service citizens regardless of what they look like or take over that function.

That's a distinction without a difference. I profit from being "allowed" to live in my home. My home is located on the corner of two publicly funded roads, and the fire hydrant that the publicly funded fire department in my city would use to put out any theoretical fire is located right in my front yard. Why do I have the right to discriminate in who may enter my home but businesses do not, when their situations are exactly the same as mine?

Don't waste your breath on Shallow.

I agree with you. If a business doesn't want to serve someone or conduct business with them thats they're perogative. They can ask them to leave. No law of the land says a business has do business with someone they don't want to do business with.

Notice Shallow doesn't mention the taxes those businesses pay every year. Taxes that are used for roads, bridges, police, fire and anything else a Town or City is responsible for. Those businesses will be paying way more in taxes than any person will ever be paying.

You're unreal.

Of course there are laws in place that prohibit discrimination based on race. They've been in place since the 1960s.

And sure businesses contribute. But it's a really small fraction of what they'd have to pay..if they did it themselves.
That's a distinction without a difference. I profit from being "allowed" to live in my home. My home is located on the corner of two publicly funded roads, and the fire hydrant that the publicly funded fire department in my city would use to put out any theoretical fire is located right in my front yard. Why do I have the right to discriminate in who may enter my home but businesses do not, when their situations are exactly the same as mine?

There is a difference..and it's in the Constitution.

Section 8.

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

It's a relatively clear distinction.

So a clause relating to free trade, and the Fourth Amendment which says people shall be secure in their own property. Kind of makes the opposite argument from what you're claiming they do.

Opposite? How so?
Wow, like this sounds so familiar..

Where did I hear this before??

Sen. Rand Paul once again put forward his desire for a truce with Gov. Chris Christie on Wednesday afternoon, inviting the New Jersey politician for a beer so that they could “kiss and makeup” and discuss ideas.

“With Gov. Christie it’s gotten a little too personal, so we’re ready to kiss and makeup,” the Kentucky Republican said to Fox’s Neil Cavuto. “I think it’s time to dial it down. I think we’ve got enough Democrats to attack and maybe Republicans can quit attacking Republicans.”

Read more: Rand Paul calls for Chris Christie beer summit - Breanna Edwards - POLITICO.com


Wait...this is supposed to be a bad or a stupid thing, right?

It's supposed to be an "unoriginal" thing.

But he didn't even get it right. One breath after announcing he'd like to sit down for a beer with Christie..he started in again.

This guy is no statesmen.

He's a bombthrower.

Exactly what the Senate does not need.
He's prolly trying to leave the door open in case he & Christie are in a position to choose running mates in 2016. I don't think a libertarian, with views he's espoused like serving who you want in an establishment that uses publicly-funded infrastructure, has a chance.
There is a difference..and it's in the Constitution.

It's a relatively clear distinction.

So a clause relating to free trade, and the Fourth Amendment which says people shall be secure in their own property. Kind of makes the opposite argument from what you're claiming they do.

Opposite? How so?

Free trade means free to trade with whomever you'd like, or not, for whatever reason. The Fourth Amendment secures people's property from the government, implying that their property rights are superior to the government's claims on their property. In other words, your claim that they're "allowed" to do business on their property, implying that permission may be taken away, is completely wrong.
you can't pick & choose who to serve just like you can't pick and choose which countries you want your tax dollars to aid. I had a Palestinian friend who was livid that his tax dollars were going to israel.
Why doesn't Rand Paul come up to the Jersey Shore and have a beer?

He can see real time where all that "government pork" he voted against accomplished
Why doesn't Rand Paul come up to the Jersey Shore and have a beer?

He can see real time where all that "government pork" he voted against accomplished

Why would anyone in his right mind spend a vacation in that shit hole? Is Camden on the sightseeing tour?
Why doesn't Rand Paul come up to the Jersey Shore and have a beer?

He can see real time where all that "government pork" he voted against accomplished

Why would anyone in his right mind spend a vacation in that shit hole? Is Camden on the sightseeing tour?

Millions of people vacation on the Jersey Shore

Camden was not affected by Hurricane Sandy.....learn some geography
Why doesn't Rand Paul come up to the Jersey Shore and have a beer?

He can see real time where all that "government pork" he voted against accomplished

Why would anyone in his right mind spend a vacation in that shit hole? Is Camden on the sightseeing tour?

Millions of people vacation on the Jersey Shore

Camden was not affected by Hurricane Sandy.....learn some geography

Why would anyone in their right mind, aside from some New York dumb fucks, want to vacation in that shit hole? Perplexing. What a waste of money.
Why would anyone in his right mind spend a vacation in that shit hole? Is Camden on the sightseeing tour?

Millions of people vacation on the Jersey Shore

Camden was not affected by Hurricane Sandy.....learn some geography

Why would anyone in their right mind, aside from some New York dumb fucks, want to vacation in that shit hole? Perplexing. What a waste of money.


Island Beach after Sandy
Why would anyone in his right mind spend a vacation in that shit hole? Is Camden on the sightseeing tour?

Millions of people vacation on the Jersey Shore

Camden was not affected by Hurricane Sandy.....learn some geography

Why would anyone in their right mind, aside from some New York dumb fucks, want to vacation in that shit hole? Perplexing. What a waste of money.

Especially when they could go to Kentucky instead ...

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