Raising the voting age to 25

Requiring one age for conscription, temperance, prosecution, and all the rest, including voting, is just stupid.

Moonbats insist on "fluidity" in everything, but not age restrictions. Stupid.
This seems like a good idea.

Stupid idea.

Either someone is an adult or they are not. All adult related privileges should be received at the same age.

Drinking, military service, voting, signing contracts.....pick an age and stick with it
If you buy an item in a shop, you paid sales tax, so I assume everyone will be entitled to vote.

Raising the age to 25 is a good idea.
Wrong. What makes you believe 25? Donald Trump is double the age of 35 + to serve in the Oval Office (oops, on the golf course) and is grifter who attempted to steal a second term. Proof that those 18 and above have common sense to send trump packing.
Change that age to 8. What is wrong with that?

8 year old brains are not yet developed enough to make sound decisions plus they lack the experience to base them on.

I really do not see what is wrong with 18 being an adult for all matters.

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