Rahm to turn Reagan home into parking lot for Obama Library.

Ronald Reagan slept here

Sacred ground

If some people feel that way ... good for them. They should buy the place and protect it.

Don't just whine because someone else didn't buy it and protect it for you.

I can't stand people who just sit back and whine about what the government isn't doing for them when they aren't lifting a finger to get the job done themselves.

and notice... the people whining are the same people who think government shouldn't do anything for us.

That was kinda my point. Ironic (or hypocritical) isn't it?
Ronald Reagan slept here

Sacred ground

If some people feel that way ... good for them. They should buy the place and protect it.

Don't just whine because someone else didn't buy it and protect it for you.

I can't stand people who just sit back and whine about what the government isn't doing for them when they aren't lifting a finger to get the job done themselves.

non-whining people ARE lifting a finger...

On Friday, January 11, Eleanor Gorski, Assistant Commissioner for Historic Preservation at the Department of Housing and Economic Development in Chicago, who approves demolition permits, affirmed that she fully expects the review process will take the full 90 days—until March 29—and that granting the Reagan home landmark status, after all, is one of the possibilities they are considering.

If you wish to help the cause, you may send your tax-deductible contributions made payable to “Friends of Pres. Reagan’s Chicago Home” to P.O. Box 3772, Washington, DC 20027-3772.

Friends of President Reagan's Chicago Home

Great - they'll have they chance to preserve it. So why would some idiots whine about about Rahm?

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