Radical old right wing white men……


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Keep me, my daughters and grand-daughters out of your insulting, degrading and stupid conversations. You can overturn Roe vs. Wade, make abortions a crime punishable with death, make birth control pills a controlled substances but you will never have control of my, my daughters and my grand-daughter’s bodies. We will always be in control of our bodies and our future even if we have to leave the country for birth control pills and abortions. And don’t even think you can force us to have a child we cannot afford or do not want. If you radical old right wing white man don’t want women to have abortions, YOU get yourselves nurtured or use spermicidal. That cause the sperm to commit suicide before fertilizing the egg. I don’t think that is a sin or illegal.

Is sterilization a catholic or mormon sin?

Is use of a spermicidal

Castration is not a sin.Matt 10;12.
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I dont want to control your daughters or grand-daughters. I just dont want you to kill them.

And on the other extreme we have radical old Marxist Indian ladies...... :eusa_whistle:

once again you know what dems are up to when they are blaming republicans of something.

Dem: We are tolerant people, republcians are racists.

WHITE MEN SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Republicans: OKay than.

Keep me, my daughters and grand-daughters out of your insulting, degrading and stupid conversations. You can overturn Roe vs. Wade, make abortions a crime punishable with death, make birth control pills a controlled substances but you will never have control of my, my daughters and my grand-daughter’s bodies. We will always be in control of our bodies and our future even if we have to leave the country for birth control pills and abortions. And don’t even think you can force us to have a child we cannot afford or do not want. If you radical old right wing white man don’t want women to have abortions, YOU get yourselves nurtured or use spermicidal. That cause the sperm to commit suicide before fertilizing the egg. I don’t think that is a sin or illegal.

Is sterilization a catholic or mormon sin?

Castration is not a sin.Matt 10;12.

You remind me of my mother, only she was the extreme opposite of your insane ass.

Yeah, she'd bitch slap your skank ho bottom to eternity.

Keep me, my daughters and grand-daughters out of your insulting, degrading and stupid conversations. You can overturn Roe vs. Wade, make abortions a crime punishable with death, make birth control pills a controlled substances but you will never have control of my, my daughters and my grand-daughter’s bodies. We will always be in control of our bodies and our future even if we have to leave the country for birth control pills and abortions. And don’t even think you can force us to have a child we cannot afford or do not want. If you radical old right wing white man don’t want women to have abortions, YOU get yourselves nurtured or use spermicidal. That cause the sperm to commit suicide before fertilizing the egg. I don’t think that is a sin or illegal.

Is sterilization a catholic or mormon sin?

Castration is not a sin.Matt 10;12.

What the hell are they putting in the water in Reno?
Who were the Founding FATHERS? How long was it before not only MEN could vote in this country???? How long before women made up a teeny minority in Congress? How many women presidents have we had? State legislatures -- about the same. Who are the majority of corporate leaders and CEO's? MEN! Who sat on the recent Congressional inquiry about women and contraceptioves? OLD MEN who supposedly don't have sex and other angry and controlling mostly WHITE MEN! And so on!
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Who were the Founding FATHERS? How long was it before not only MEN could vote in this country???? How long before women make up a teeny minority in Congress? How many women presidents have we had? State legislatures -- about the same. Who are the majority of corporate leaders and CEO's? MEN! Who sat on the recent Congressional inquiry about women and contraceptioves? OLD MEN who supposedly don't have sex and other angry and controlling mostly WHITE MEN! And so on!

Actually, women could vote at the time of the Founding. Women were just stripped of the vote when they started voting for the "wrong" party.
I'm sorry we white men thought up democracy, republianism, human rights and having a high value on life. It isn't like you non-whites would of ever had a tenth of this.

You people are the true racist as you will never respect my human rights when the shoe is on the other foot.
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Who were the Founding FATHERS? How long was it before not only MEN could vote in this country???? How long before women make up a teeny minority in Congress? How many women presidents have we had? State legislatures -- about the same. Who are the majority of corporate leaders and CEO's? MEN! Who sat on the recent Congressional inquiry about women and contraceptioves? OLD MEN who supposedly don't have sex and other angry and controlling mostly WHITE MEN! And so on!

Actually, women could vote at the time of the Founding. Women were just stripped of the vote when they started voting for the "wrong" party.

So did any non-white country give their woman the right to vote in the 18th century? These people are bigots.
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And on the other extreme we have radical old Marxist Indian ladies...... :eusa_whistle:

once again you know what dems are up to when they are blaming republicans of something.

Dem: We are tolerant people, republcians are racists.

WHITE MEN SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Republicans: OKay than.

"Speaking to reporters in Ohio today, Mitt Romney emphasized his opposition to abortion after pivoting away from that position in a recent interview.

“I think I’ve said time and again that I’m a pro-life candidate and I’ll be a pro-life president,” Romney said. "The actions I’ll take immediately is to remove funding for Planned Parenthood. It will not be part of my budget. And also I’ve indicated that I will reverse the Mexico City position of the president. I will reinstate the Mexico City policy which keeps us from using foreign aid for abortions overseas."

Speaking to the Des Moines Register editorial board Tuesday, Romney said that “there’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.”

In that interview, Romney mentioned the Mexico City policy — which would prevent NGOs that receive federal funding from promoting or performing abortions. He explained that the change would be “done by executive order and not by legislation


Whatta fuckin' dickhead frat-boy.

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