Radical Islam, Fundie Christianity & Free Speech

Should the free speech rights of religious groups ever be curtailed?

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if the IsLAMES want to march, let 'em.

Then.........call all chapters of Hells Angels and every other HD club over there in England, and line the roads with the bikers as guards for the processions, just like they do here.

If the MusLAMES get within 100 ft of the procession? Let the bikers enforce the property line.

Works pretty well here against Phelps.

I agree in sentiment, but we are a nation of laws.

Shit talking is no substitute for things.

The bikers over here didn't say shit to Phelps and his merry band of idiots.

However.......let those isLAME fucks get violent, and England would have it's isLAME problem solved.

Either that, or you'd have to tell the bikers to hose the blood off the roads.
The bikers over here didn't say shit to Phelps and his merry band of idiots.

However.......let those isLAME fucks get violent, and England would have it's isLAME problem solved.

Either that, or you'd have to tell the bikers to hose the blood off the roads.

I think Phelps should be martyred.
Hey.........since people in Plains Ga (Jimmy Carter's hometown), have hung Obama in effigy, and apparently it's permissible to do that to people because they did it to the President, why not start a trend of military families hanging Fred Phelps in effigy after their funeral is interrupted by him.
Hey.........since people in Plains Ga (Jimmy Carter's hometown), have hung Obama in effigy, and apparently it's permissible to do that to people because they did it to the President, why not start a trend of military families hanging Fred Phelps in effigy after their funeral is interrupted by him.

I'll go for that.
In today's NYT, there is an article about an Islamic group on England.
The group wants to march through a town that is on the route caskets of returning military take from a military air base.
NYT: British Prime Minister 'Appall
A radical Islamic group planning a protest march through the streets of a town that has achieved iconic status in Britain for honoring the passing hearses of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan ran into a stiff rebuff from the British government on Monday.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a statement saying he was "personally appalled" by the group's plan ....
"Wootton Bassett has a special significance for us all at this time, as it has been the scene of the repatriation of many members of our armed forces who have tragically fallen," Mr. Brown said. "Any attempt to use this location to cause further distress and suffering to those who have lost loved ones would be abhorrent and offensive."

Plans for staging the march were laid out in an open letter to the families of the 246 British soldiers killed in Afghanistan since the toppling of the Taliban in 2001 that was posted by Anjem Choudary, leader of a group called Islam4UK, on the group's Web site.

The organization describes itself as a "platform" for promoting the views of an extremist Islamic group, Al Muhajiroun, which praised the perpetrators of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States as heroes, but disbanded in 2005 in response to a British government order banning it.

Is the speech and actions of the Fundie Islamists any different than that of the Fundie Christians, and if so, in what ways?

Would you suppport banning or curtailing the speech and actions of one group and not the other, or would you be against doing so to either, or would you be for taking action against both?

What principles are involved, and what do we as a society value?

Well, for one thing the guys who are dead were killed by Islamofascists, not by Christians.
In today's NYT, there is an article about an Islamic group on England.
The group wants to march through a town that is on the route caskets of returning military take from a military air base.

Is the speech and actions of the Fundie Islamists any different than that of the Fundie Christians, and if so, in what ways?

Would you suppport banning or curtailing the speech and actions of one group and not the other, or would you be against doing so to either, or would you be for taking action against both?

What principles are involved, and what do we as a society value?

Well, for one thing the guys who are dead were killed by Islamofascists, not by Christians.
That is a fact. What does that have to do with principles involved?

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