Zone1 Racist “Woke” School Bans Whites and Asians from College Prep classes


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
How much more racism are we supposed to accept from the liberals ruining our kids’ educations?? The latest is a school that allows blacks and Latinos to attend college prep courses, but whiteys and Asians NEED NOT APPLY.

Lib educators are evil

Parents can protest and might get this reversed

But the white hating lib educators will still be a threat to white children
Where on the announcement does it state that no whites or Asians need apply?
Duh. It lists those who are eligible, and whites and Asians are noticeably absent.

What if a Restaurant had a note on its front door saying, “whites and Asians can eat here”? You would argue that it doesn’t SAY no blacks?

Time to put a halt to the anti-white racism trying to suppress the achievements and limit the potential of whites and Asians.
Lib educators are evil

Parents can protest and might get this reversed

But the white hating lib educators will still be a threat to white children
This would be the same as if a Jewish-run program to help prepare kids for college limited attendance to non-Jews.
Obviously the socially promoted dopers here can't read. It's pretty obvious who is going to get special treatment and who isn't, but dumbassery is a requirement for commies and deviants and their peer group.
Obviously the socially promoted dopers here can't read. It's pretty obvious who is going to get special treatment and who isn't, but dumbassery is a requirement for commies and deviants and their peer group.
Seems the libtards are saying the only way to “equalize” blacks’ achievements with whites is to hold back the whites.

Thank G-d I went to school when merit was what counted.
Libs don't want to see capable White and Asian kids in college, for the sake of "equity".

"Equity" is more important that ability.

Even though oriental chicks are some of the sharpest knives in the drawer.
Man, this is against the Civil Rights Act. Or not..I can't find in it where it would be. They didn't consider people doing stupid stuff like this back then, I guess.

They're violating their own non-discrimination rules and laws with this.

‘No applicant or employee on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, genetic information, status of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions , marital status, veteran status, and disability will be denied the benefits of, or discriminated against under, any educational program or activity, as required by law.’

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Seems the libtards are saying the only way to “equalize” blacks’ achievements with whites is to hold back the whites.

Thank G-d I went to school when merit was what counted.

It's been going on for almost 70 years now; the net result is minorities failing and ending up twice as ignorant and uneducated than they were in the 1950's. Whites are still better off, but not by a whole lot.

Thomas Sowell has written extensively on the issues in education. It's been known since the 1970's quotas and AA have been a disaster for latinos and blacks for going on three generations now.
Libs don't want to see capable White and Asian kids in college, for the sake of "equity".

"Equity" is more important that ability.

Even though oriental chicks are some of the sharpest knives in the drawer.
Same reason they blocked Jews from the top colleges in the 40s and 50s - and by Democrats, as well. FDR was on the BoD of Harvard in the 1930s when he pushed through the anti-Jew policies.
Quotas and discrimination are indeed prohibited, but of course nobody does anything about it.
The SCOTUS just heard two related cases in which Harvard and UNC redesigned entrance policies with the express goal of rejecting Asians and getting in more blacks (with SIGNIFICANTLY lower grades and scores). I expect the decision will be announced in June.
Win or lose in court over this policy, unless white parents get rid of the white-hating lib educators the threat to white children remains
Fairfax County again.....In a way I have a really hard time feeling any sympathy at all because deserves has everything to do with it.

I bet that the same parents that voted for the SB members there are the same ones bitching of the situation.

The tiger moms needs to get their shit together and put in the work to cast out the current dem leftist SB. If they worked toward that rather than bitching no end things might improve. Thing is they are just as "woke" as the SB.

That said it's great for the gop as they can point to Fairfax County as a object lesson on what electing dems does for a area and to their children. ;)

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