Zone1 Racist “Woke” School Bans Whites and Asians from College Prep classes

This thread is indicative of the sheer ignorance of those on the right. It is taken from the website NYbreaking which probably doesn't have a single journalist on staff, and certainly not much of an editor. It is clickbait, period. The article itself was written and originally posted by the Daily Mail, a well-known right wing bias sight rated as a questionable source, and this particular article demonstrates why.

The claim that whites and asians couldn't take college prep courses should have been a screaming red flag. Of course that is totally false.

College Partnership Program (CPP) assist high school students who are traditionally underrepresented in higher education by providing students with monthly sessions and workshops.​

White, potential first generation college student, you are in.

Asian, living in poverty, you are in.

Black, both parents with a graduate degree, living at the country club--why the hell would you want in? You have far more opportunities, from your parent's alumni organizations to the ability to pay for private tutors and college admission test prep programs.

So, here we have a good program. Then some yahoo clickbait site posts some totally bullshit article from a propaganda news source and within hours it is posted on a messageboard. There the idiots start making stupid claims, screaming reverse discrimination, and refusing even to at least go to the Fairfax County Public School website and learn a little something. And oh hell, should anyone try and turn the herd around they will be met with sheer fury.

What is especially ironic is the claim that the "best qualified" should be the ones getting into universities. Programs like the above go a long way to making that happen because here is a fact that defines this country more than any other fact. A student in the bottom quintile of SAT and ACT test scores, but from a family in the top quintile in income, has a better chance of graduating from college than a student in the top quintile in test scores coming from a family in the bottom quintile in income.

We all lose, and we lose big. It is called "opportunity cost", were the above situation reversed, and the program mentioned goes a long way to attempting to do just that, then, and only then, will America be Great Again.
The same principal is not in play here, not even close. Do you even know how old Bakke was when he entered medical school?

It's 'principle', not 'principal'. These days even Spellcheck programs are coded by some Indian working out of an abandoned shipping container in Mumbai for whom English is a third language, same as with most modern 'college graduates', so the ultimate question is if college even really educates anybody and being rejected can be considered a bad thing when considering all the indoctrination that will be dodged.
I suspect that most of the moms in that school district are abortion loving open border wacko’s themselves

Maybe these lib moms dont love their children and thus dont care that they are discriminated against for being white

Leftists do not love their children. Their young are just shallow little extensions of their egos, but until they love themselves, they will never love anyone else, not even their offspring.


Virginia AG orders Fairfax school to stop racial discrimination against Asian, white students in college prep​

New York Post, March 10, 2023

Administrators at the school in McLean recently notified parents about the program for eighth-graders – but only for certain national or ethnic groups.

The students were invited to sign up for the College Partnership Program if they were “Black or African American students” or “Hispanic students, of one or more race,” the Fairfax County Times reported.

Virginia AG orders Fairfax school to stop racial discrimination against Asian, white students in college prep

Whites and Asians were not forbidden to apply. They just were not encouraged to. I guess it was assumed that whites and Asians were going to apply in large numbers.

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