Racist Rhodes Scholar jackass boasts about making white waitress cry


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
A controversial Oxford University Rhodes scholar is in hot water after cheerfully recounting how he and his chums made a waitress cry “typical white tears,” the website Heat Street reports.

South African student Ntokozo Qwabe is a leader of the Rhodes Must Fall movement, which calls for the removal of any statues of British imperialist Cecil Rhodes — best known for his Rhodes Scholarship program.

Unpopular with many in his own ranks because of his hypocritical use of a Rhodes Scholarship to attend Oxford, Qwabe has said Rhodes is “as bad as Hitler.”

Writing recently on Facebook, Qwabe recalled how he and some pals were at a cafe in Cape Town when their bill arrived.

But instead of filling in an amount in the line for tips, he wrote there: “WE WILL GIVE TIP WHEN YOU RETURN THE LAND,” Heat Street reported.

“The waitress comes to us with a card machine for the bill to be sorted out. She sees the note & starts shaking. She leaves us & bursts into typical white tears (like why are you crying when all we’ve done is make a kind request? lol!),” Qwabe wrote.



What a disaster, what an absolute disaster those people are.
What exactly are 'typical white tears'?

All this guy proved is that anyone can be an asshole.
I've never seen a more hate-filled, chip-on-shoulder, utterly vile race of crybabies than these carpet-headed, wheelbarrow-nosed glorified bonobos. Who belong in cages with Hannibal Lecter bite masks. This race of subhuman savages spreads nothing but violence and baby-tantrum grievance-mongering everywhere it goes.

Want proof? Name ONE modern, successful, human-rights-observing black society in history. And also please name me ONE neighborhood in the enormity of this country which got BETTER and more peaceful, when a bunch of basketball-Americans moved in. I'm sick to death of this race of failed, self-pitying dickheads and their barbarity.
Typical lac of manners Behavior
You can take them out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of them
Under Typhoid Barry's regime, the dysfunctional train-wreck of the black community sort of "hoisted itself on its own petard"; with their epidemic crime rate and surging black-on-white hate crimes, I think blacks are the most loathsome, despicable race of hate-mongering criminals I've ever seen. Furthermore, on every I.Q. test ever invented, "basketball-Americans" score an 85....not to brag, but my own I.Q. score was 139 (if I were lying I would make it MUCH higher). So it's a quantifiably proven FACT that this "white devil" intellectually eats the black race for breakfast.
A controversial Oxford University Rhodes scholar is in hot water after cheerfully recounting how he and his chums made a waitress cry “typical white tears,” the website Heat Street reports.

South African student Ntokozo Qwabe is a leader of the Rhodes Must Fall movement, which calls for the removal of any statues of British imperialist Cecil Rhodes — best known for his Rhodes Scholarship program.

Unpopular with many in his own ranks because of his hypocritical use of a Rhodes Scholarship to attend Oxford, Qwabe has said Rhodes is “as bad as Hitler.”

Writing recently on Facebook, Qwabe recalled how he and some pals were at a cafe in Cape Town when their bill arrived.

But instead of filling in an amount in the line for tips, he wrote there: “WE WILL GIVE TIP WHEN YOU RETURN THE LAND,” Heat Street reported.

“The waitress comes to us with a card machine for the bill to be sorted out. She sees the note & starts shaking. She leaves us & bursts into typical white tears (like why are you crying when all we’ve done is make a kind request? lol!),” Qwabe wrote.



What a disaster, what an absolute disaster those people are.


Unpopular with many in his own ranks because of his hypocritical use of a Rhodes Scholarship" lol some white kid definitely wrote that

If she's crying over that imagine what apartheid was like

What a fucking joke

I'll give you that white south african young people are some of the only white kids on the planet who know what it's like to live as an actual ethnic minority. But when you're more than 10x richer than the majority there isn't much to complain about

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