

Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Racism can be defined different ways. But the one that racism groups people's into higher and lower quality is the traditional one. I do not fully agree with that, for me, racism already begins where exclusion happens even if one does not act for the sake of superiority. There are also those who take it for racism when a white person isdressed up like an native American on carneval or for a costume party or a white person has dreadlocks that is often done by minority groups but this is a form of racism for me because it is a political power lever to control the whites and because exclusion happens, exclusion of whites, for example, that in a left-safe space white heterosexual men are not welcome, also diverse means that there are not many whites. So this is also a form of racism. If whites exclude non whites we anyways consider it racist and I agree with that.
So, how inclusive would you rate the Romani?
Depends on the individual and group you can't generalise them as if they are one person I was told I have a crystal ball because I have such gypsies ancestors but I don't so some Romani practice arranged marriage and are not inclusive but I bet they are the minority but always on TV many Romani like me are inclusive and multicultural but get excluded by the others or discriminated your questions also suggest you have a cartoonist view on the Romani from my big fat gypsies wedding
Depends on the individual and group you can't generalise them as if they are one person
Yet you generalise about whites and minority groups. Are Romani not a minority group?
suggest you have a cartoonist view on the Romani from my big fat gypsies wedding
Never seen it. Any good?
Depends on the individual and group you can't generalise them as if they are one person
Yet you generalise about whites and minority groups. Are Romani not a minority group?
suggest you have a cartoonist view on the Romani from my big fat gypsies wedding
Never seen it. Any good?
I dont think I'm generalizing and yes Romani are a minority group so coming from me it is liberal inclusive and multicultural because I'm not white but speak against racism against whites. I'm talking about far left identity politics
Racism can be defined different ways. But the one that racism groups people's into higher and lower quality is the traditional one. I do not fully agree with that, for me, racism already begins where exclusion happens even if one does not act for the sake of superiority. There are also those who take it for racism when a white person isdressed up like an native American on carneval or for a costume party or a white person has dreadlocks that is often done by minority groups but this is a form of racism for me because it is a political power lever to control the whites and because exclusion happens, exclusion of whites, for example, that in a left-safe space white heterosexual men are not welcome, also diverse means that there are not many whites. So this is also a form of racism. If whites exclude non whites we anyways consider it racist and I agree with that.


Hi, Keeping it 100% REAL & Respectful...

Who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent emotionally ill, VIOLENT, SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL teen and adult "gang-bangers and thugs" the late social activist Ms. Sandra Bland correctly asserts are unnecessarily causing COMMUNITY FEAR and VIOLENCE, as well as TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent?

(*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

_sandra bland MY QUESTION.jpg

Who is failing to responsibly raise, nurture and socialize a significant population of perfectly healthy American newborns maturing into angry, frustrated, sometimes violent, sometimes suicidal teen and adult American citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors?

Who are the American moms apparently experiencing some type of emotional or mental illness preventing them from embracing a mom's natural maternal urge to protect hers, as well as any child from experiencing emotional harm...

...as well as failing to recognize an established medical fact that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen caring about their own well being, (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) as well as embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful and less fortunate neighbors!
"I have a question for black females, when is the last time you sat down, admitted you were wrong, and closed your mouth?" ~Concerned RESPONSIBLE Citizen

'Black women are destroying themselves & black men are tired' by Lawrence Jones

Discrimination has been a key factor to the success of humanity. That isn't going to change.
Discrimination has been a key factor to the success of humanity. That isn't going to change.
But that's only acceptable for people who can discriminate if you are discriminated you will have another opinion but it seems some don't want that people get along they want to divide I have written this somewhere else too and some wns said racism is a invented word or nothing is wrong with racism at all I bet they would still call me anti white
Discrimination has been a key factor to the success of humanity. That isn't going to change.
But that's only acceptable for people who can discriminate if you are discriminated you will have another opinion but it seems some don't want that people get along they want to divide I have written this somewhere else too and some wns said racism is a invented word or nothing is wrong with racism at all I bet they would still call me anti white
I expect to be discriminated against. That’s part, and parcel of the competitive nature of humanity. It’s what has made us stronger...
I dont think I'm generalizing and yes Romani are a minority group so coming from me it is liberal inclusive and multicultural
I don't think you know what words mean. Apart, of course, from whatever you want them to mean at the time...

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