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Aug 28, 2003
New York
If you look around you'll notice that I closed all the threads related to racism. There's really not a need to pollute the entire board with the same subject over and over.

If you want to discuss race in a civilized manner, do so in this thread alone. Other threads beating on the same subject will just be closed and/or deleted.
Just transferring my post for further discussion...

Originally posted by William Joyce
"I will have no hand in, or even tolerance for such thoughts."

The most intolerant people are those who preach tolerance.

Rubbish. I need not have tolerance for people who do not show tolerance themselves.

I can tolerate if you don't want to live in a black neighbourhood because of crime or drugs.
I can tolerate if you don't wish to participate or attend a Bar Mitsvah on theological grounds.
I can tolerate if you do not agree with the lifestyles of homosexuals.
I can tolerate many things that I don't agree with.

I cannot tolerate a person who will not tolerate another person simply because they were born a certain skin colour or raised a certain creed. To do would be in affront to the ideals of tolerance itself by accepting an person who believes it is his or her perceived right to judge a person by no other grounds than his or her background. The idea of judging and labeling a person without grounds is an inherint logical deficiency, not a grounds for tolerance.

The few hispanics you have met, do not represent hispanic's as a whole.

Why is it that if hispanics are so hard working, the country's that they come from do not reflect this hard work?
Why in these hispanic countrys are so many living in poverty and so many women and children are begging and living in the streets?
Why are the health and living standards in hispanic country's so poor?
Why are these hard working hispanics risking their lives to abandon the very country's they created?
Why are the areas in the U.S where hispanics inhabit are now the most dangerous and have the lowest living standards?
Why are the hispanics that are here illegally use social services(schools, medical, welfare) that they are unwilling to pay for?
Why if hispanics are so hard working do they lead all other groups in reciving welfare?

I can name many Caucasian American groups that constantly travel to hispanics country's to improve their living standards.

If hispanics work so hard for their familys, why do they lead all other groups in domestic violence?
Why do hispanics have almost triple the rate of out of wedlock births then do Caucasions?
Why are so many hispanic males in prison, when they could be home helping their family's?
Why do hispanic lead all groups in gang violence?
Why do hispanics lead all other groups in drunk driving arrests?

These are not the actions of a hard working people.
Originally posted by Big D
The few hispanics you have met, do not represent hispanic's as a whole.
_____________ _______________

I have never met a white person so severely misguded as yourself or WJ, I assume that is your race, I think WJ posted something to the effect that he was French. But his ear-popping anti-semitism, and your xenophobia have really made me begin to wonder.
Originally posted by Big D

Why did you decide to call this thread "racism"?

Clipped from the dictionary defining racism:

"The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability"

Because I believe this to be the central theme of all the locked threads.
Originally posted by nbdysfu
Originally posted by Big D
The few hispanics you have met, do not represent hispanic's as a whole.
_____________ _______________

I have never met a white person so severely misguded as yourself.

In what way do you feel I'm misguided?
You are misguided in that you espouse a belief system in which destiny is entirely determined by biology. You seem determined to ignore individual character and the impact of environment.

Your obsession with facts of the differfences between races comes across as advocating that race is the main and only cause of the "facts".
Originally posted by wonderwench
You are misguided in that you espouse a belief system in which destiny is entirely determined by biology. You seem determined to ignore individual character and the impact of environment.

Your obsession with facts of the differfences between races comes across as advocating that race is the main and only cause of the "facts".

White/Negro I.Q. differences are constantly excused as results of environmental variations. but at least five studies that have attempted to equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two races indicate no significant change in relative results. As environment improves, the Negro does better but so does the White. The gap is not decreased. (26) In fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk, associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove University, reveals that the gap in intelligence between Blacks and Whites INCREASES where socio-economic levels of both races are raised to the middle classes.
Even when Blacks and Whites have the same backgrounds, in terms of family income and childhood advantages, Blacks still have average I.Q. scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable Whites. This includes cases where Black children have been adopted by White parents. Their I.Q.s may be improved by environment, but they are still closer to their biological parents than their adoptive parents.

Iceland, the only all-White nation in the world, has the world's highest literacy rate. 100%. It is an island of cooled volcanic magma, located Just south of the Arctic Circle. It has no coal, no fuel, no timber, no mineral wealth or natural resources, and no navigable rivers. 75% of the interior is uninhabitable and only about 1% of the land is arable. It is the youngest nation in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world. Nonetheless, Iceland is #2 in the world in life expectancy and has one of the world's highest standards of living, in terms of per capita income. It has tremendous medical facilities and a thriving publishing business. Virtually every family has a telephone. Upon graduation from high school, each Icelandic student has learned five languages.

The Republic of Haiti, the only completely Black republic in the Western Hemisphere also happens to be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It also has the lowest life expectancy, highest illiteracy, lowest per capita consumption of newsprint, lowest per capita GNP, and the lowest level of political stability.
Originally posted by jimnyc
If you look around you'll notice that I closed all the threads related to racism. There's really not a need to pollute the entire board with the same subject over and over.

If you want to discuss race in a civilized manner, do so in this thread alone. Other threads beating on the same subject will just be closed and/or deleted.

Thank you.
Let's assume the goal of the left is to get more handouts for their special interests groups. I know that will not be a difficult assumption for many of you. I think the leftist polticians and race baiters would have better luck getting race based preferences for blacks if they were behind Big D's facts, and and espoused them heartily. Being black could conceivably be officially considered a handicap at that point. They could probably get more cash. No one would be so cruel as to expect that those with a proven lesser aptitude should buck up and ACTUALLY compete on a level playing field.

Just a thought.

And the white supremacists would like it too.

I think this could be a new bipartisan issue.
I'm bothered by how many of you are willing to pronounce whole topics off limits for discussion due to political correctness. I have not seen anyone advocate any actions, discrimination, or anything against blacks. When I asked big d what he wanted, he talked about affirmative action and repealing repellant policies such as those. Most of you agree with that sentiment.

You're all just so afraid of being labelled.

How many of you deny listening to Rush to maintain "legitimacy" in the eyes of your liberal friends? Screw em.
Check out this article guys.
What You Can't Say by Paul Graham

An excerpt is below.

Some would ask, why would one want to do this? Why deliberately go poking around among nasty, disreputable ideas? Why look under rocks?
I do it, first of all, for the same reason I did look under rocks as a kid: plain curiosity. And I'm especially curious about anything that's forbidden. Let me see and decide for myself.
Second, I do it because I don't like the idea of being mistaken. If, like other eras, we believe things that will later seem ridiculous, I want to know what they are so that I, at least, can avoid believing them.
Third, I do it because it's good for the brain. To do good work you need a brain that can go anywhere. And you especially need a brain that's in the habit of going where it's not supposed to.
Great work tends to grow out of ideas that others have overlooked, and no idea is so overlooked as one that's unthinkable. Natural selection, for example. It's so simple. Why didn't anyone think of it before? Well, that is all too obvious. Darwin himself was careful to tiptoe around the implications of his theory. He wanted to spend his time thinking about biology, not arguing with people who accused him of being an atheist.
In the sciences, especially, it's a great advantage to be able to question assumptions. The m.o. of scientists, or at least of the good ones, is precisely that: look for places where conventional wisdom is broken, and then try to pry apart the cracks and see what's underneath. That's where new theories come from.
A good scientist, in other words, does not merely ignore conventional wisdom, but makes a special effort to break it. Scientists go looking for trouble. This should be the m.o. of any scholar, but scientists seem much more willing to look under rocks. [10]
Why? It could be that the scientists are simply smarter; most physicists could, if necessary, make it through a PhD program in French literature, but few professors of French literature could make it through a PhD program in physics. Or it could be because it's clearer in the sciences whether theories are true or false, and this makes scientists bolder. (Or it could be that, because it's clearer in the sciences whether theories are true or false, you have to be smart to get jobs as a scientist, rather than just a good politician.)
Whatever the reason, there seems a clear correlation between intelligence and willingness to consider shocking ideas. This isn't just because smart people actively work to find holes in conventional thinking. I think conventions also have less hold over them to start with. You can see that in the way they dress.
It's not only in the sciences that heresy pays off. In any competitive field, you can win big by seeing things that others daren't. And in every field there are probably heresies few dare utter. Within the US car industry there is a lot of hand-wringing now about declining market share. Yet the cause is so obvious that any observant outsider could explain it in a second: they make bad cars. And they have for so long that by now the US car brands are antibrands-- something you'd buy a car despite, not because of. Cadillac stopped being the Cadillac of cars in about 1970. And yet I suspect no one dares say this. [11] Otherwise these companies would have tried to fix the problem.
Training yourself to think unthinkable thoughts has advantages beyond the thoughts themselves. It's like stretching. When you stretch before running, you put your body into positions much more extreme than any it will assume during the run. If you can think things so outside the box that they'd make people's hair stand on end, you'll have no trouble with the small trips outside the box that people call innovative.
there were too many different threads that lead to the same thing. didnt really need to be about anything in general, they jsut seemed to end up on a race issue.
The few hispanics you have met, do not represent hispanic's as a whole.
Big D, im sure the hispancs you deal with dont represent hispanics as a whole either.
Originally posted by Johnney
there were too many different threads that lead to the same thing. didnt really need to be about anything in general, they jsut seemed to end up on a race issue.

Big D, im sure the hispancs you deal with dont represent hispanics as a whole either.

Big d is not trying to generalize anecdotal evidence to the entire population.
I'm reading the rest of the essay now, but wanted to thank you rta (is that a good shortening of rtwngAvngr?) for posting the link. Good read so far.
Originally posted by Aquarian
I'm reading the rest of the essay now, but wanted to thank you rta (is that a good shortening of rtwngAvngr?) for posting the link. Good read so far.

Actually my closest friends call me RWA. How sad is that?
Originally posted by jimnyc
If you look around you'll notice that I closed all the threads related to racism. There's really not a need to pollute the entire board with the same subject over and over.

If you want to discuss race in a civilized manner, do so in this thread alone. Other threads beating on the same subject will just be closed and/or deleted.

Thanx jim.....seemed like whatever the thread started out on crossed over very quickly to what a few wanted .......:clap: :clap:
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