Racism that Doesn't Matter


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
A "black" man named Tony Norman is a columnist in my local birdcage liner (the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), and his column this week was basically about how the new era has spawned a new kind of "racist." They don't yell "******!" when they see a "black" person, or join the KKK, or...you get the idea.

My question is, what difference does it make? Literally.

If a "white" person hates you because of your skin color, what difference does it make?

In my life, people have "hated" me because I was white, a man, Catholic, a Central Catholic high school grad, from East Liberty, was Irish, played for one team or another, was from Pittsburgh (assuming I was a Steelers fan), hung out with one crowd or another, was a member of my own family - my brothers were ne'er do wells - or just because they didn't like my looks.

Who gives a shit?

Unless someone harms you because of that "hate," what difference does it make? If an employer turns you down for some reason over which you have no control, you go someplace else. If EVERY employer does it, then you have a problem, but that is CERTAINLY not the case for "black" people in this country. Employers are CRYING OUT for "black" people to come and apply. BUT, the "black" people have to be presentable, speak English, be able to fill out an application without seeming to be illiterate, and go through some sort of interview process without a major screw-up.

Assume that "the Police" hate "black" people. So what? If they ACT in accordance with that hate, then you have something to complain about, but face it, Police know the facts: "black" males are responsible for violent crimes in numbers greatly out of proportion with their percentage of the U.S. population (less than 7%). It is not "hate" or "racism" to be aware of the risks of your job.

The United States has figuratively "rolled out the red carpet" for women and people of color. Colleges seek you out; employers - especially large employers and public sector employers and non-profits - seek you out; organizations seek you out. Many, many public benefits are made available to people without regard to race, gender, or anything else but need.

When Hillary Clinton ran for President, she often complained that men would vote against her simply because of her gender. And yet, with the next breath she demanded that women vote for her simply because of her gender. Bottom line is that she GOT more votes because she was a woman than she LOST because she was a woman.

The same thing is true for "black" people today. The benefits accruing to People of Color vastly outweigh the harms visited upon People of Color, due to their race and/or ethnicity. If you don't take advantage of them, shame on you.
Society's obsession with racism against blacks is a reflection of society's racism against whites.

That **** Hillary should have been flushed down the toilet for shamelessly playing false race and sex cards. Her character is magnitudes below Trump's character.
There is racism in America but most of it is being practiced by young white liberals, against white people as a whole. It should also be noted that most racially-inspired attacks are being carried out by black people against white people.

Don't hate me, I'm just the messenger.
So many whites miss the point entirely. This is not about hating a person for how they look. You can hate me go how I look if I am treated equally by the law, fiven the exact same opportunities by society, earn the exact same pay for the same work, or can live where I want to, then hate the way I look, my religion, my education because it doesn't matter. But where whites miss the boat, even to creating a phony white on white racism, is their dislike got non whites seeps into laws, policies, opportunities, lack of pay and the refusal to allow them to live where they want in peace.
Society's obsession with racism against blacks is a reflection of society's racism against whites.

That **** Hillary should have been flushed down the toilet for shamelessly playing false race and sex cards. Her character is magnitudes below Trump's character.

I guess jews won't replace you either.

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