DC Mayor Addresses How High School Grads All Got Diplomas Without Meeting Requirements


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
98% black. That average IQ of 68 is a killer.

DC Mayor Addresses How High School Grads All Got Diplomas Without Meeting Requirements

jan 16 2018 Residents in Washington, D.C. are still baffled over how every single student at Ballou High School got their diploma, despite many of them not even showing up to class.

It wasn't just one school. Students across the city graduated despite having missed more than 30 days of school in a single course, findings from the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent investigation found. The investigation is still ongoing, but parents' demand for answers prompted city officials to share some initial findings.

The city wide audit came after an initial investigation by WAMU and NPR at Ballou, in which they discovered a high rate of unexcused absences.

An investigation by WAMU and NPR has found that Ballou High School's administration graduated dozens of students despite high rates of unexcused absences. We reviewed hundreds of pages of Ballou's attendance records, class rosters and emails after a district employee shared the private documents. Half of the graduates missed more than three months of school last year, unexcused. One in five students was absent more than present — missing more than 90 days of school.

To add insult to injury, the majority of Ballou’s 2017 graduates missed more than six weeks of school. One teacher recalls seeing kids in the 12th grade that couldn't read and write.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser tried to answer those questions at a press conference Tuesday.

“Our biggest responsibility is knowing that showing up half the time doesn’t work anywhere in life,” she said. "The huge investments we have made in our schools only work if students are sitting in the seats."
The high school graduates are getting diplomas because of the long standing policy of...."social promoting." The socialist left educational establishment determined that to "fail" a student in a class and thus hold him/her back a grade, would socially stigmatize the child and lead to him/her thinking "less" of him/herself and that such was more harmful than holding the student back until the student could pass. This has been going on for years and it's not limited to any racial type. What we have had coming out of schools for years now, are individuals who read poorly, write worse, are lousy at mathematics and don't really know national or international history and these same students find it difficult to get jobs and wonder why.
DC has a policy of giving out free pot. The city will be very popular with blacks as long as pot gifting is the policy.
This is the Affirmative Action mentality at work.

A few years ago my granddaughter was injured in an accident and I was called to pick her up from the hospital. While waiting I overheard a conversation between an Admissions clerk and a Black female ER intern. The substance of their inane conversation left me amazed that someone so plainly stupid could actually earn an MD and be turned loose on sick and injured people.
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The high school graduates are getting diplomas because of the long standing policy of...."social promoting." The socialist left educational establishment determined that to "fail" a student in a class and thus hold him/her back a grade, would socially stigmatize the child and lead to him/her thinking "less" of him/herself and that such was more harmful than holding the student back until the student could pass. This has been going on for years and it's not limited to any racial type. What we have had coming out of schools for years now, are individuals who read poorly, write worse, are lousy at mathematics and don't really know national or international history and these same students find it difficult to get jobs and wonder why.

Wrong - this is a racial thing. Whites and asians have to actually pass the tests. Blacks and illegals don't.
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This is the Affirmative Action mentality at work.

A few years ago my granddaughter was injured in an accident and I was called to pick her up from the hospital. While waiting I overheard a conversation between an Admissions clerk and a Black female ER intern. The substance of their inane conversation left me amazed that someone so plainly stupid could actually earn an MD and be turned loose on sick and injured people.

She didn't EARN the MD degree. It's more black privilege. It starts in kiddygarter and never stops except in pro sports. In any thing involving brains, blacks get special treatment all their lives.
I have just heard that students in Los Angeles public schools can graduate with a D average.

The school district is predominantly Hispanic, many of them not born here.

The school district is very proud of its high graduation rate and of the fact that a majority of those graduates then enroll in institutions of tertiary education. (The school district is silent on the sad fact that most of them are never graduated from college.)


This is a serious topic that should be addressed in a civil manner without any unkind references to student intelligence or lack thereof.

School authorities are under tremendous pressure from parents, community activists, and politicians to raise test scores and especially graduation rates.

It is truly sad -- in my opinion -- that many students are being given a diploma that will NOT help them enter the millions of unfilled jobs that demand highly technical skills, thus forcing employers to seek workers from other countries.

In my opinion, we need to discard our "Every child should go to the university" obsession. What we need is more technical schools to teach young people marketable skills.
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In my opinion, we need to discard our "Every child should go to the university" obsession. What we need is more technical schools to teach young people marketable skills.

Never happen. Blacks and hispanic indians can't do technology. White women are nearly as bad. That's why our colleges teach mostly useless liberal arts crap.

In my opinion, we need to discard our "Every child should go to the university" obsession. What we need is more technical schools to teach young people marketable skills.
I agree with all you've said here.

There once was a high-school in Brooklyn called, Manual Trades, where students learned such skills as carpentry, plumbing, (apprentice level) electricity, auto mechanics, etc. That course of education was discontinued in the late sixties, the school's name was changed to, John Jay, where an ordinary high-school curriculum was taught. An editorial in the Brooklyn Eagle attributed that radical transition to the idea that the thinking of the American working class was changing from blue-collar to white-collar objectives.

The next radical change came about as the result of protests by Negro "community leaders" (race pimps) who complained on behalf of the surging presence of Negro high-school students having migrated North from the deep South in response to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The complaints alleged that racism was behind the failure of Negro students to graduate.

The racism complaints resulted in reduced standards for "minority" students -- allowing them to graduate in spite of third-grade reading levels.

And here we are.
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The racism complaints resulted in reduced standards for "minority" students -- allowing them to graduate in spite of third-grade reading levels.
And here we are.

Affirmative action grading is everywhere in our schools. K-12 and into college. Blacks are very very inferior and everybody knows it but the press won't let people say it. The core of liberalism is hatred of white people.
Funny how I am black and graduated from High school with all requirements taken. So did every black person who graduated in this state. And needless to say my IQ was way way higher than 68.
Affirmative action grading is everywhere in our schools. K-12 and into college. Blacks are very very inferior and everybody knows it but the press won't let people say it. The core of liberalism is hatred of white people.
I agree with all you've said except your belief that, ". . . everybody knows it." That's a mistake. A major problem is too few people are aware of this deficiency and other serious problems in the "Black Community." And the reason for this is reluctance of our political leadership to admit it and the refusal of media to report on it.
Affirmative action grading is everywhere in our schools. K-12 and into college. Blacks are very very inferior and everybody knows it but the press won't let people say it. The core of liberalism is hatred of white people.
I agree with all you've said except your belief that, ". . . everybody knows it." That's a mistake. A major problem is too few people are aware of this deficiency and other serious problems in the "Black Community." And the reason for this is reluctance of our political leadership to admit it and the refusal of media to report on it.

There is no such deficiency and when whites talk about serious community problems look in your own. Because that's what the media doesn't talk about which is why forums like this are full of idiots like you making commentary not based on one fact whatsoever.
There is no such deficiency and when whites talk about serious community problems look in your own. Because that's what the media doesn't talk about which is why forums like this are full of idiots like you making commentary not based on one fact whatsoever.
So your position is there is no comparative difference in the general intelligence and academic achievement levels of Black and White students?

And are you suggesting there are no serious differences in the general safety and quality when comparing White and Black communities?

And you don't think you are delusional?
Funny how I am black and graduated from High school with all requirements taken. So did every black person who graduated in this state. And needless to say my IQ was way way higher than 68.

HAHAHA. That shows how stupid you are. When someone says blacks have an IQ of 68, that is an AVERAGE. But to you it means the poster is saying all blacks have that IQ!!!
I agree with all you've said except your belief that, ". . . everybody knows it." That's a mistake. A major problem is too few people are aware of this deficiency and other serious problems in the "Black Community."

You are mistaken. Even hard-core libs know blacks are very inferior. They won't say it because they hate white people so much.
There is no such deficiency and when whites talk about serious community problems look in your own. Because that's what the media doesn't talk about which is why forums like this are full of idiots like you making commentary not based on one fact whatsoever.

So why is it

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black
I agree with all you've said except your belief that, ". . . everybody knows it." That's a mistake. A major problem is too few people are aware of this deficiency and other serious problems in the "Black Community."

You are mistaken. Even hard-core libs know blacks are very inferior. They won't say it because they hate white people so much.
Are you saying that "hard-core Liberals," who presumably are White, hate White people . . .?

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