Racism may be the new "patriotism"....

It's very easy to denounce supremacists.

Which ignores my point.

Why are you hitting the reply button and not addressing anything I said?

Are you a moron? Or an asshole?

I am answering you ,dope.

When asked, simply say, "of course I don't support anything the supremacists believe in".

Why does that piss you off so much?


As I have repeatedly said, the very act of asking implies it is a reasonable question.

It is a propaganda tactic, to, though repeatedly just getting a person, or a party associated with another, vile unpopular movement or person,

to create a dishonest and vile association between the two

Thus the question is not really a question, but an insult and an attack.

That is my position on it, which I have given to you already, which you have ignored and instead kept mentioning "white supremacists".

It is a valid question. It's part of the current events. You can thank the supremacists themselves for their shitshow entitled "unite the right". You can thank your president for choosing a mealy mouthed response to it.

It appears there is an association and only by denouncing it clearly does that go away.

Wow. a couple of hundred guys hold a rally and you think that justifies your vile propaganda bullshit?

Trump denounced the violence and hate on both side of that riot and rightfully so.

Your side's spin on the issue is no more justification for your propaganda then any other excuse.

It is not a valid question.

IT is vile bullshit.

There were two Trump responses. One ,from him, from his heart was the mealy mouthed both sides bullshit. The other was the scripted, hostage video reading of prepared remarks that were delivered without feeling. He then immediately returned to his mealy mouthed position within a day. There is no spin. People from all over the spectrum had a problem with his response.

The simple remedy for your perceived woes is to have everyone renounce the support of such people. Do that and it goes away. Don't, and leave people with more questions.

You don't find it odd that people can't or won't clearly take a position on this issue?
Which ignores my point.

Why are you hitting the reply button and not addressing anything I said?

Are you a moron? Or an asshole?

I am answering you ,dope.

When asked, simply say, "of course I don't support anything the supremacists believe in".

Why does that piss you off so much?


As I have repeatedly said, the very act of asking implies it is a reasonable question.

It is a propaganda tactic, to, though repeatedly just getting a person, or a party associated with another, vile unpopular movement or person,

to create a dishonest and vile association between the two

Thus the question is not really a question, but an insult and an attack.

That is my position on it, which I have given to you already, which you have ignored and instead kept mentioning "white supremacists".

It is a valid question. It's part of the current events. You can thank the supremacists themselves for their shitshow entitled "unite the right". You can thank your president for choosing a mealy mouthed response to it.

It appears there is an association and only by denouncing it clearly does that go away.

Wow. a couple of hundred guys hold a rally and you think that justifies your vile propaganda bullshit?

Trump denounced the violence and hate on both side of that riot and rightfully so.

Your side's spin on the issue is no more justification for your propaganda then any other excuse.

It is not a valid question.

IT is vile bullshit.

There were two Trump responses. One ,from him, from his heart was the mealy mouthed both sides bullshit. The other was the scripted, hostage video reading of prepared remarks that were delivered without feeling. He then immediately returned to his mealy mouthed position within a day. There is no spin. People from all over the spectrum had a problem with his response.

The simple remedy for your perceived woes is to have everyone renounce the support of such people. Do that and it goes away. Don't, and leave people with more questions.

You don't find it odd that people can't or won't clearly take a position on this issue?

Nothing will go away. NO one supports those people. Yet, vile lefties keep smearing good people by asking them, evil shitty questions along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

The media is the only one that gives these people any air, and nearly every single time, spun to be an attack on republicans.

Stop that, and these guys whither away.
Under the guidance of our beloved orange clown in the [sometime, when not golfing] oval office, the expression of white supremacy has become the validation of one's"patriotism."

NOT all Trump ass kissers are racists......BUT, virtually every racist votes republican......

An interesting factoid......
The two most racist "people" on the planet are Muslims and progressives… Fact

…And they have zero tolerance for people that disagree with them

lol, you have the best 'tell' on USMB. Whenever you add the word 'fact', we all know your post is horseshit.
Actions speak louder than words... muslims and progressives prove that every day

Disagreeing with other people's opinions is not racism you idiot.
That's my point, just because someone does not believe the same as a progressive... they are a racist.
It depends on the beliefs in question. if your behavior and the words that come out of your mouth indicate that you believe black people are , on the whole, inferior, then you are a racist. If an objective observer points that out the immediate response from the right-wing is usually to attach a label to the Observer and make him a liberal whether he is or not
I am answering you ,dope.

When asked, simply say, "of course I don't support anything the supremacists believe in".

Why does that piss you off so much?


As I have repeatedly said, the very act of asking implies it is a reasonable question.

It is a propaganda tactic, to, though repeatedly just getting a person, or a party associated with another, vile unpopular movement or person,

to create a dishonest and vile association between the two

Thus the question is not really a question, but an insult and an attack.

That is my position on it, which I have given to you already, which you have ignored and instead kept mentioning "white supremacists".

It is a valid question. It's part of the current events. You can thank the supremacists themselves for their shitshow entitled "unite the right". You can thank your president for choosing a mealy mouthed response to it.

It appears there is an association and only by denouncing it clearly does that go away.

Wow. a couple of hundred guys hold a rally and you think that justifies your vile propaganda bullshit?

Trump denounced the violence and hate on both side of that riot and rightfully so.

Your side's spin on the issue is no more justification for your propaganda then any other excuse.

It is not a valid question.

IT is vile bullshit.

There were two Trump responses. One ,from him, from his heart was the mealy mouthed both sides bullshit. The other was the scripted, hostage video reading of prepared remarks that were delivered without feeling. He then immediately returned to his mealy mouthed position within a day. There is no spin. People from all over the spectrum had a problem with his response.

The simple remedy for your perceived woes is to have everyone renounce the support of such people. Do that and it goes away. Don't, and leave people with more questions.

You don't find it odd that people can't or won't clearly take a position on this issue?

Nothing will go away. NO one supports those people. Yet, vile lefties keep smearing good people by asking them, evil shitty questions along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

The media is the only one that gives these people any air, and nearly every single time, spun to be an attack on republicans.

Stop that, and these guys whither away.

Slither away maybe. I don't have confidence that there aren't those who quietly support these people. Including the president.

As I have repeatedly said, the very act of asking implies it is a reasonable question.

It is a propaganda tactic, to, though repeatedly just getting a person, or a party associated with another, vile unpopular movement or person,

to create a dishonest and vile association between the two

Thus the question is not really a question, but an insult and an attack.

That is my position on it, which I have given to you already, which you have ignored and instead kept mentioning "white supremacists".

It is a valid question. It's part of the current events. You can thank the supremacists themselves for their shitshow entitled "unite the right". You can thank your president for choosing a mealy mouthed response to it.

It appears there is an association and only by denouncing it clearly does that go away.

Wow. a couple of hundred guys hold a rally and you think that justifies your vile propaganda bullshit?

Trump denounced the violence and hate on both side of that riot and rightfully so.

Your side's spin on the issue is no more justification for your propaganda then any other excuse.

It is not a valid question.

IT is vile bullshit.

There were two Trump responses. One ,from him, from his heart was the mealy mouthed both sides bullshit. The other was the scripted, hostage video reading of prepared remarks that were delivered without feeling. He then immediately returned to his mealy mouthed position within a day. There is no spin. People from all over the spectrum had a problem with his response.

The simple remedy for your perceived woes is to have everyone renounce the support of such people. Do that and it goes away. Don't, and leave people with more questions.

You don't find it odd that people can't or won't clearly take a position on this issue?

Nothing will go away. NO one supports those people. Yet, vile lefties keep smearing good people by asking them, evil shitty questions along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

The media is the only one that gives these people any air, and nearly every single time, spun to be an attack on republicans.

Stop that, and these guys whither away.

Slither away maybe. I don't have confidence that there aren't those who quietly support these people. Including the president.

Then you need to pay more attention to what people do and say and less to what certain people tell you they do or say or secretly mean.

Cause, at this point in time, those people have no support and no power.
So fucking what. Communist and Socialists support the Democrats! Don't they count?

NO, they don't......They make up the equivalent of the population of Boise, Idaho...
Whereas, KKK, WS, and Nazi LITTER the entire south and a good chunk of the Midwest..........Next question, moron???...........LOL

The number I hear for them is about 8,000.

It is absurd and vile to smear the South and the Midwest with that broad brush.

Your 8,000 is incorrect. You excluded housewives, daughters, sons, grandfathers, grandmothers, granddaughters, grandsons and extended families.
You see if parents smoke most likely the kids smoke.
If parents are racist most likely the kids are racist.
So fucking what. Communist and Socialists support the Democrats! Don't they count?

NO, they don't......They make up the equivalent of the population of Boise, Idaho...
Whereas, KKK, WS, and Nazi LITTER the entire south and a good chunk of the Midwest..........Next question, moron???...........LOL

The number I hear for them is about 8,000.

It is absurd and vile to smear the South and the Midwest with that broad brush.

Your 8,000 is incorrect. You excluded housewives, daughters, sons, grandfathers, grandmothers, granddaughters, grandsons and extended families.
You see if parents smoke most likely the kids smoke.
If parents are racist most likely the kids are racist.

My mom AND dad were life long dems.

Does that mean I should be counted as a dem?

You think the number is significantly higher, you are welcome to try to support that.

WIth more than talk of extended families.
It is a valid question. It's part of the current events. You can thank the supremacists themselves for their shitshow entitled "unite the right". You can thank your president for choosing a mealy mouthed response to it.

It appears there is an association and only by denouncing it clearly does that go away.

Wow. a couple of hundred guys hold a rally and you think that justifies your vile propaganda bullshit?

Trump denounced the violence and hate on both side of that riot and rightfully so.

Your side's spin on the issue is no more justification for your propaganda then any other excuse.

It is not a valid question.

IT is vile bullshit.

There were two Trump responses. One ,from him, from his heart was the mealy mouthed both sides bullshit. The other was the scripted, hostage video reading of prepared remarks that were delivered without feeling. He then immediately returned to his mealy mouthed position within a day. There is no spin. People from all over the spectrum had a problem with his response.

The simple remedy for your perceived woes is to have everyone renounce the support of such people. Do that and it goes away. Don't, and leave people with more questions.

You don't find it odd that people can't or won't clearly take a position on this issue?

Nothing will go away. NO one supports those people. Yet, vile lefties keep smearing good people by asking them, evil shitty questions along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

The media is the only one that gives these people any air, and nearly every single time, spun to be an attack on republicans.

Stop that, and these guys whither away.

Slither away maybe. I don't have confidence that there aren't those who quietly support these people. Including the president.

Then you need to pay more attention to what people do and say and less to what certain people tell you they do or say or secretly mean.

Cause, at this point in time, those people have no support and no power.

I don't need you to tell me who to listen to. I am able to watch the president speak and draw my own conclusion without any feedback from anyone. Why do you suppose the supremacists felt vindicated by the president's statements?


They certainly wouldn't be thanking him if they felt that he clearly disavowed them.
Wow. a couple of hundred guys hold a rally and you think that justifies your vile propaganda bullshit?

Trump denounced the violence and hate on both side of that riot and rightfully so.

Your side's spin on the issue is no more justification for your propaganda then any other excuse.

It is not a valid question.

IT is vile bullshit.

There were two Trump responses. One ,from him, from his heart was the mealy mouthed both sides bullshit. The other was the scripted, hostage video reading of prepared remarks that were delivered without feeling. He then immediately returned to his mealy mouthed position within a day. There is no spin. People from all over the spectrum had a problem with his response.

The simple remedy for your perceived woes is to have everyone renounce the support of such people. Do that and it goes away. Don't, and leave people with more questions.

You don't find it odd that people can't or won't clearly take a position on this issue?

Nothing will go away. NO one supports those people. Yet, vile lefties keep smearing good people by asking them, evil shitty questions along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

The media is the only one that gives these people any air, and nearly every single time, spun to be an attack on republicans.

Stop that, and these guys whither away.

Slither away maybe. I don't have confidence that there aren't those who quietly support these people. Including the president.

Then you need to pay more attention to what people do and say and less to what certain people tell you they do or say or secretly mean.

Cause, at this point in time, those people have no support and no power.

I don't need you to tell me who to listen to. I am able to watch the president speak and draw my own conclusion without any feedback from anyone. Why do you suppose the supremacists felt vindicated by the president's statements?

View attachment 145210

They certainly wouldn't be thanking him if they felt that he clearly disavowed them.

Sure they would.

THey know that it would lead to lefties given them all the free publicity they could ever want.

You really trust David Duke to be open and honest about his intentions?
There were two Trump responses. One ,from him, from his heart was the mealy mouthed both sides bullshit. The other was the scripted, hostage video reading of prepared remarks that were delivered without feeling. He then immediately returned to his mealy mouthed position within a day. There is no spin. People from all over the spectrum had a problem with his response.

The simple remedy for your perceived woes is to have everyone renounce the support of such people. Do that and it goes away. Don't, and leave people with more questions.

You don't find it odd that people can't or won't clearly take a position on this issue?

Nothing will go away. NO one supports those people. Yet, vile lefties keep smearing good people by asking them, evil shitty questions along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

The media is the only one that gives these people any air, and nearly every single time, spun to be an attack on republicans.

Stop that, and these guys whither away.

Slither away maybe. I don't have confidence that there aren't those who quietly support these people. Including the president.

Then you need to pay more attention to what people do and say and less to what certain people tell you they do or say or secretly mean.

Cause, at this point in time, those people have no support and no power.

I don't need you to tell me who to listen to. I am able to watch the president speak and draw my own conclusion without any feedback from anyone. Why do you suppose the supremacists felt vindicated by the president's statements?

View attachment 145210

They certainly wouldn't be thanking him if they felt that he clearly disavowed them.

Sure they would.

THey know that it would lead to lefties given them all the free publicity they could ever want.

You really trust David Duke to be open and honest about his intentions?

Trump gave them cover and validity.
There's no getting around that.
Nothing will go away. NO one supports those people. Yet, vile lefties keep smearing good people by asking them, evil shitty questions along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

The media is the only one that gives these people any air, and nearly every single time, spun to be an attack on republicans.

Stop that, and these guys whither away.

Slither away maybe. I don't have confidence that there aren't those who quietly support these people. Including the president.

Then you need to pay more attention to what people do and say and less to what certain people tell you they do or say or secretly mean.

Cause, at this point in time, those people have no support and no power.

I don't need you to tell me who to listen to. I am able to watch the president speak and draw my own conclusion without any feedback from anyone. Why do you suppose the supremacists felt vindicated by the president's statements?

View attachment 145210

They certainly wouldn't be thanking him if they felt that he clearly disavowed them.

Sure they would.

THey know that it would lead to lefties given them all the free publicity they could ever want.

You really trust David Duke to be open and honest about his intentions?

Trump gave them cover and validity.
There's no getting around that.

You want to back that up?
Slither away maybe. I don't have confidence that there aren't those who quietly support these people. Including the president.

Then you need to pay more attention to what people do and say and less to what certain people tell you they do or say or secretly mean.

Cause, at this point in time, those people have no support and no power.

I don't need you to tell me who to listen to. I am able to watch the president speak and draw my own conclusion without any feedback from anyone. Why do you suppose the supremacists felt vindicated by the president's statements?

View attachment 145210

They certainly wouldn't be thanking him if they felt that he clearly disavowed them.

Sure they would.

THey know that it would lead to lefties given them all the free publicity they could ever want.

You really trust David Duke to be open and honest about his intentions?

Trump gave them cover and validity.
There's no getting around that.

You want to back that up?

I just did. Their response says it all.
Demographics are the ticking time bomb Republicans hear constantly in the background. Their 'white first' platform is going to become untenable in the very near future. Trump was able to fool just enough of a razor thin cohort in a few states to game the electoral college even though he lost by 3-4 million votes. Republicans understand that that 3-4 million vote deficit is real and will only continue to get worse as time ticks on.

I would say 50% of the 'white first' crowd are actually rooting for a civil war. They have no other chance of continuing to be relevant in US government nationally. The end is near for Republicans winning national elections.
Then you need to pay more attention to what people do and say and less to what certain people tell you they do or say or secretly mean.

Cause, at this point in time, those people have no support and no power.

I don't need you to tell me who to listen to. I am able to watch the president speak and draw my own conclusion without any feedback from anyone. Why do you suppose the supremacists felt vindicated by the president's statements?

View attachment 145210

They certainly wouldn't be thanking him if they felt that he clearly disavowed them.

Sure they would.

THey know that it would lead to lefties given them all the free publicity they could ever want.

You really trust David Duke to be open and honest about his intentions?

Trump gave them cover and validity.
There's no getting around that.

You want to back that up?

I just did. Their response says it all.

SO, instead of looking at what TRUMP actually said, you want to looking and trust what the KLAN says about what he said?

That's not reasonable.

He condemned the hate and violence of both sides, and these guys are just as hate filled and violent as the Klan.

Demographics are the ticking time bomb Republicans hear constantly in the background. Their 'white first' platform is going to become untenable in the very near future. Trump was able to fool just enough of a razor thin cohort in a few states to game the electoral college even though he lost by 3-4 million votes. Republicans understand that that 3-4 million vote deficit is real and will only continue to get worse as time ticks on.

I would say 50% of the 'white first' crowd are actually rooting for a civil war. They have no other chance of continuing to be relevant in US government nationally. The end is near for Republicans winning national elections.

I challenge you to back up that "white first platform" bullshit you spewed.

THis is a rhetorical question. I know that you can't and that you are too dishonest and vile to admit that.
I don't need you to tell me who to listen to. I am able to watch the president speak and draw my own conclusion without any feedback from anyone. Why do you suppose the supremacists felt vindicated by the president's statements?

View attachment 145210

They certainly wouldn't be thanking him if they felt that he clearly disavowed them.

Sure they would.

THey know that it would lead to lefties given them all the free publicity they could ever want.

You really trust David Duke to be open and honest about his intentions?

Trump gave them cover and validity.
There's no getting around that.

You want to back that up?

I just did. Their response says it all.

SO, instead of looking at what TRUMP actually said, you want to looking and trust what the KLAN says about what he said?

That's not reasonable.

He condemned the hate and violence of both sides, and these guys are just as hate filled and violent as the Klan.

It is reasonable. I know what Trump said. So do the supremacists. Do you?

I don't know who is pictured in the photo.
Just different sides of the same coin…

It's not. You're becoming the best example of your own point.
Na, thugs are thugs no matter what color they claim to be

Fair enough. Just not racist thugs.
Most times the media does not know what racist events even are… Here's example of an absolute racist event. Although the media would claim different.

I don't think you do at all. It's a very simple definition, yet you seem to mis-apply it to anyone you don't like.

No, I've been applying the racism term to anyone who supported Hillary Clinton, who claimed Robert Byrd, a former leader of the KKK as a Mentor and a Hero.

Seems appropriate as appropriate gets.

Now let's watch as the racists on the left come to Racist Hillary's defense.
So fucking what. Communist and Socialists support the Democrats! Don't they count?

NO, they don't......They make up the equivalent of the population of Boise, Idaho...
Whereas, KKK, WS, and Nazi LITTER the entire south and a good chunk of the Midwest..........Next question, moron???...........LOL

Their total population? Saying they're scattered could mean the size of buttfuck Arkansas. A town you visit often. Or so we hear anyway.
Sure they would.

THey know that it would lead to lefties given them all the free publicity they could ever want.

You really trust David Duke to be open and honest about his intentions?

Trump gave them cover and validity.
There's no getting around that.

You want to back that up?

I just did. Their response says it all.

SO, instead of looking at what TRUMP actually said, you want to looking and trust what the KLAN says about what he said?

That's not reasonable.

He condemned the hate and violence of both sides, and these guys are just as hate filled and violent as the Klan.

It is reasonable. I know what Trump said. So do the supremacists. Do you?

I don't know who is pictured in the photo.

Yep Trump condemned the hate and violence on both sides. Odd that the white supremacists are happy with being condemned and called hateful and violent, isn't it?

YOu know about the White Supremacists. THe photo is of ANTIFA, ie the other side. They are just as bad, and in many ways WORSE than the white supremacists.
Which ignores my point.

Why are you hitting the reply button and not addressing anything I said?

Are you a moron? Or an asshole?

I am answering you ,dope.

When asked, simply say, "of course I don't support anything the supremacists believe in".

Why does that piss you off so much?


As I have repeatedly said, the very act of asking implies it is a reasonable question.

It is a propaganda tactic, to, though repeatedly just getting a person, or a party associated with another, vile unpopular movement or person,

to create a dishonest and vile association between the two

Thus the question is not really a question, but an insult and an attack.

That is my position on it, which I have given to you already, which you have ignored and instead kept mentioning "white supremacists".

It is a valid question. It's part of the current events. You can thank the supremacists themselves for their shitshow entitled "unite the right". You can thank your president for choosing a mealy mouthed response to it.

It appears there is an association and only by denouncing it clearly does that go away.

Wow. a couple of hundred guys hold a rally and you think that justifies your vile propaganda bullshit?

Trump denounced the violence and hate on both side of that riot and rightfully so.

Your side's spin on the issue is no more justification for your propaganda then any other excuse.

It is not a valid question.

IT is vile bullshit.

There were two Trump responses. One ,from him, from his heart was the mealy mouthed both sides bullshit. The other was the scripted, hostage video reading of prepared remarks that were delivered without feeling. He then immediately returned to his mealy mouthed position within a day. There is no spin. People from all over the spectrum had a problem with his response.

The simple remedy for your perceived woes is to have everyone renounce the support of such people. Do that and it goes away. Don't, and leave people with more questions.

You don't find it odd that people can't or won't clearly take a position on this issue?

This heart?


Plus the Ellis Island Medal of Honor with Rosa Parks and Mohammed Ali. Yeah, flaming racist. What an echo chamber!

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