Racism. Face To Face VS. Internet.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Is the way you debate race issues on the Internet, the same way you debate race issues in real life?

Do you debate race issues in real life?
Or does the anonymity of the web, empower you to debate, in a manner you otherwise wouldn't?
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
I'm struggling with discrimination at work right now. It's depressing to be the only guy with white blood speaking up. All I want is for all employees to be treated fair and they titled me as a hot head? The lack of real men speaking up and standing for truth seems to be something of the past, at least in my exsperiences.
I'm struggling with discrimination at work right now. It's depressing to be the only guy with white blood speaking up. All I want is for all employees to be treated fair and they titled me as a hot head? The lack of real men speaking up and standing for truth seems to be something of the past, at least in my exsperiences.

You have white blood? You better get your ass to the doctor right away.
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
I think you are wrong about your assessment. White males cannot discuss race relations and certain religions without being stigmatized immediately as racists and bigots. That's how I see it. These issues became taboo thanks to the PC media.
What did they feed the chickens? There is a whole lot of chicken shit around here.
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
All of whom were idiot Democrats who agreed with you.

If you debated me in person I would first stomp the shit out of you in the debate itself, and then I would just stomp the shit out of you.
Is the way you debate race issues on the Internet, the same way you debate race issues in real life?

Do you debate race issues in real life?
Or does the anonymity of the web, empower you to debate, in a manner you otherwise wouldn't?
I am even more combative in a real life debate.

Face to face confrontation fuels my drive to destroy the asshole on the other side even more.
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
All of whom were idiot Democrats who agreed with you.

If you debated me in person I would first stomp the shit out of you in the debate itself, and then I would just stomp the shit out of you.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Who are you scaring so much, tough guy?

Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
LOL you big pussy
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
I think you are wrong about your assessment. White males cannot discuss race relations and certain religions without being stigmatized immediately as racists and bigots. That's how I see it. These issues became taboo thanks to the PC media.
I doubt I am wrong. I think its the reverse. A Black man speaking his mind about race relations is immediately dubbed an angry Black man and set up to be fired. Thats unless he goes full uncle tom then they invite him to speak out.
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys

I've never seen this guy Unkotare post anything of worth. He just makes snide comments about others.

What a waste.
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
We are not cowards. Do you think it would be wise or nice to tell black people that half their problem is theirs and theirs alone? All the fatherlessness is causing the poverty and crime. They need to learn how to speak and take school more seriously, etc. How do you think that will be received by the black with a chip on their shoulder? Even if I agree whites are racist, blacks give us enough justification to think something is wrong with them. Not individually but as a group.

Point is a black couldn't take that kind of honesty.

And who knows? Metro Detroit is a very segregated place. I don't have any black friends. Not close friends. I know some blacks but it's not like I see them on a regular basis. They wouldn't stand in my wedding. So don't expect me to expose my honest racist feelings to acquaintances.

And no you don't talk to whites in person like you talk here.

I haven't even been able to get you to admit black society is fucked up. Whenever I bring it up you point to our worst white cities and say, "see, whites are just as bad". Well if that's the bar fine. I will agree. The average black community is as bad as our worst communities
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
We are not cowards. Do you think it would be wise or nice to tell black people that half their problem is theirs and theirs alone? All the fatherlessness is causing the poverty and crime. They need to learn how to speak and take school more seriously, etc. How do you think that will be received by the black with a chip on their shoulder? Even if I agree whites are racist, blacks give us enough justification to think something is wrong with them. Not individually but as a group.

Point is a black couldn't take that kind of honesty.

And who knows? Metro Detroit is a very segregated place. I don't have any black friends. Not close friends. I know some blacks but it's not like I see them on a regular basis. They wouldn't stand in my wedding. So don't expect me to expose my honest racist feelings to acquaintances.

And no you don't talk to whites in person like you talk here.

I haven't even been able to get you to admit black society is fucked up. Whenever I bring it up you point to our worst white cities and say, "see, whites are just as bad". Well if that's the bar fine. I will agree. The average black community is as bad as our worst communities

If anyone ever wants to know what a completely ignorant, arrogant, clueless, racist douchebag post looks like, they should reference the above.
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
We are not cowards. Do you think it would be wise or nice to tell black people that half their problem is theirs and theirs alone? All the fatherlessness is causing the poverty and crime. They need to learn how to speak and take school more seriously, etc. How do you think that will be received by the black with a chip on their shoulder? Even if I agree whites are racist, blacks give us enough justification to think something is wrong with them. Not individually but as a group.

Point is a black couldn't take that kind of honesty.

And who knows? Metro Detroit is a very segregated place. I don't have any black friends. Not close friends. I know some blacks but it's not like I see them on a regular basis. They wouldn't stand in my wedding. So don't expect me to expose my honest racist feelings to acquaintances.

And no you don't talk to whites in person like you talk here.

I haven't even been able to get you to admit black society is fucked up. Whenever I bring it up you point to our worst white cities and say, "see, whites are just as bad". Well if that's the bar fine. I will agree. The average black community is as bad as our worst communities
In my experience white guys are cowards unless they are drunk or outnumber you 30 to 1. Yes I talk to whites in public just like I do here. You are going to have to convince yourself on that point. I tell Black people all the time they fully own their conditions. What whites such as yourself dont understand is that regardless of them having to own their conditions the reasons those conditions exist is white racism. Now you will probably do the typical white boy dance and call it an excuse. While that is your right I will always correct you and tell you a reason and an excuse are two separate things. A reason informs a person why their life is in the state it is in. An excuse tells a person they have no responsibility for that life. I know from experience you can beat white racism. It takes a combination of knowing who you are, rejecting white philosophy, and outworking whites.
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
We are not cowards. Do you think it would be wise or nice to tell black people that half their problem is theirs and theirs alone? All the fatherlessness is causing the poverty and crime. They need to learn how to speak and take school more seriously, etc. How do you think that will be received by the black with a chip on their shoulder? Even if I agree whites are racist, blacks give us enough justification to think something is wrong with them. Not individually but as a group.

Point is a black couldn't take that kind of honesty.

And who knows? Metro Detroit is a very segregated place. I don't have any black friends. Not close friends. I know some blacks but it's not like I see them on a regular basis. They wouldn't stand in my wedding. So don't expect me to expose my honest racist feelings to acquaintances.

And no you don't talk to whites in person like you talk here.

I haven't even been able to get you to admit black society is fucked up. Whenever I bring it up you point to our worst white cities and say, "see, whites are just as bad". Well if that's the bar fine. I will agree. The average black community is as bad as our worst communities
In my experience white guys are cowards unless they are drunk or outnumber you 30 to 1. Yes I talk to whites in public just like I do here. You are going to have to convince yourself on that point. I tell Black people all the time they fully own their conditions. What whites such as yourself dont understand is that regardless of them having to own their conditions the reasons those conditions exist is white racism. Now you will probably do the typical white boy dance and call it an excuse. While that is your right I will always correct you and tell you a reason and an excuse are two separate things. A reason informs a person why their life is in the state it is in. An excuse tells a person they have no responsibility for that life. I know from experience you can beat white racism. It takes a combination of knowing who you are, rejecting white philosophy, and outworking whites.
So if you can overcome it then it is an excuse to say crime and pocerty in black neighborhoods is "because of whites". You said you can overcome it. Why can't blacks? 25% don't graduate high school compared to 10% whites. Who's fault is this?

Oh, and I have never had a black guy ever talk shit to me when by himself except for that one guy who subtly smack his lips but I have had black guys be overtly rude when there was a gaggle of them but never had one dare when he was alone. I admit I don't look like someone you want to fuck with unless you have friends to step in when things go horribly wrong

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